Changelog for Idling to Rule the Gods
This is a list of all changelogs since the first released Version of the game.Changes for Version 4.36.1535 (2025-02-24)
- Added 4 new pets. Student, an earth alchemist, unlockable with a token, designed from Nono. HwangeumPig, an earth assassin, unlockable with a token, designed from shinrais. AntQueen, a fire adventurer, unlockable for free if you beat P.Baal V125. Crocodile, an earth rogue, unlockable for free if you beat P.Baal V150.
- Added a token upgrade for Bag. Having this upgrade will half the growth it gives to the lowest growth pet, but that extra growth is given for free instead of taken from the lowest growth pet in the campaign.
- As the cast time and delay displayed is a multiplier and not seconds it confused players sometimes. So I added an extra info of total usage time in seconds min to max, which contains casting time and delay and depends on speed vs enemy speed.
- A skill tooltip in battle shows now also the debuff success chance if it contains a debuff.
- As the PowPow skill gave some complains about being unsustainable for some skills and other settings are much worse, I removed that setting now and replaced it with a setting named Damage. This increases damage of skills instead of skill power. It has no hit bonus and a lower mp cost increase.
- Increased the mp cost of arrow rain from 20 to 25.
- The chance to inflict poison is now atk + speed instead of atk + int.
- I've been asked to give exp to active skills depending on casting time instead of usage count to make it easier to lv up slower skills. I think in general slower skills are more powerful, though. So I won't do that. Instead all equipped active skills will receive now 1 extra experience when an enemy is killed. This makes leveling slower skills a bit easier and you could even level them up without using them.
- Removed the 600% cap for level campaigns.
- Fixed a few issues with the event and offline progress.
- As it seems like the daily draw still counted to the max amount, I fixed that now and changed the max amount for this event to 10500.
- Stealth from assassin gives now damage boost like it says instead of attack boost and the enemy slowdown increases with level. It also increases poison damage now.
- Potions will now reduce their cooldown also when you use prepare.
- Fixed offline steal, skill usage after enemy dies from poison or burn and smaller issues.
- As this time the daily draws seems count towards the cap of 10k and usually they didn't. I changed the behaviour so they don't count for the cap again and gave everyone 300 extra for the first 2 days of daily draws.
- Increased the exp of the normal valentine by 20% and decreased exp of hard valentine by 10%.
- As the milestones increased the exp you gain in adventure by a lot and it is now much easier to reach high class levels than intented, I increased the milestone requirement for T3 classes to class level 90 and the class level cap from 100 to 120.
- It is now possible to claim adventure milestones if you are in a challenge.
- Fixed a few smaller issues and an issue with iron armor not mitigating the expected value vs the event skill and a bug where it showed twice the pet stones you got in the inventory. As this also affected your cap, I also reduced the count you had before this update by half.
- Sorry, there was an issue where the event currency from last event did not reset for some people and they couldn't get more this event or the token. I fixed this here and had to reset the counter for all players for that. As a compensation, everyone got 500 event currency extra.
- Increased the exp of the first 3 valentine enemies a bit.
- Added a valentine event! Sorry it starts a day late this year, but will still last for two weeks. This time the event is in the adventure mode, where you can gain pet stones, growth and event currency. With the event currency, you can buy a pet token and other items like usual. There are 5 different enemies, the easiest one will be doable even for new players and the strongest one will be hard even for very advanced players. It is possible to max out the event currency even with the easiest enemy, but harder enemies give more pet stones and growth.
- Added a new Valentine statue which can boost the crafting speed of your pet crafters by up to 10%. You can get two of them.
- You can now also purchase the growing love pendant again if you missed it last year.
- Fixed a few bugs and typos.
- Finished with implementing the ancient mimic pet.
- For adventure it is intented in adventure that you level up more than one class and switch a bit around. But some people complained that people who stay at one class get much more exp/h at average as they don't need to drop exp gain to level up new classes. So I added now a few milestones for adventure. You get a milestone on leveling a new class to a set level and getting them buffs your exp gain in adventure.
- Fire ball is a bit faster now, fire boost a bit better and Shax gives a bit more exp. I also upped the level of the last 4 zones without changing stats much to make the level more in line with the player. Shax now also counters healing skills.
- Added some statistics for adventure.
- Decreased the crafting time of the new mats in adventure, increased the crafting time of wood weapons and reduced the cost of metal weapons.
- Fixed a few issues.
- Fixed an SSL certificate issue which prevented online save and loading on some platforms. It should work again now. I also started to add the ancient mimic pet, but it is only half implemented with no image atm. It just would take probably another half a day to fully implement it and the SSS issue had to be fixed asap so I couldn't delay that. You can already unlock ancient mimic, but all the special things don't work yet.
- Added a new Bow, Dagger and Wand for the new classes.
- Sorry last update made it so concentration increases the damage your sniper takes instead of increasing the damage you do. That is fixed now. Shax also has a bit more magic attack now. Also fixed quite a few of smaller reported bugs.
- Mark Target has now a base hit multiplier of 1.5 and sharp shooting a delay of 3 instead of 5.
- The tooltip in battle above the currently used skill shows now the hit chance.
- Concentration and Hit Boost multiply now with each other (they were additive to each other before)
- Fixed some issues: quite a few new adventure skills (poison duration, smoke screen stacking multiple times, countering yourself with hide, concentration not increasing damage), demon king gram boss, undine not giving ancient mimic points, some typos and smaller issues.
- Added a token improvement for Vampire. With it she can boost the stats of the whole team and it increases her damage output a lot.
- Added 3 new Classes for adventure. Pyromancer, Assassin and Sniper. They are all Tier 3 and have requirements of level 55-62 Tier 2 classes to unlock.
- Added 3 new enemies, they are balanced that each one can be farmed with one of the T3 classes at level 100/50 or higher, given you use the right skills: Lamia (Pyromancer), Dagon (Assassin) and Shax (Sniper). With high enough level and equip, you might be able to farm them with different classes, but not at the beginning.
- Added new equip sets for adventure. Fire cloth, wind and dark leather and bronze ring and necklace.
- You can now set how often in a row you want to use a skill and have different settings on how the levels gain stats in adventure.
- Some of the adventure skills have now a weapon requirement to be used. For T2 classes that is the weapon the class would have used anyway, but for T3 classes that might be different. It is still possible to use a skill with the wrong weapon, but then it has a 25% damage penalty.
- As speed for adventure was a bit too powerful, I added a cap to the casting time multipliers of 1.5 and 0.75 now (it was 2 and 0.5 before). Before if your adventurer had 1000 speed and the enemy had 200 speed, an enemy skill with a casting time multiplier of 1 took 5 seconds and a player skill with casting time multiplier of 1 took only 1.8 seconds. Now with the cap, the enemy skill would only take 4.5 seconds and the player skill would take 2.25 seconds. The same goes the other way around too, of course. So this nerfs overleveled players with high speed a bit, but makes high speed enemies easier.
- Some bugfixes (a mimic points, typos and small things).
- Sorry no content, only some rather important bugfixes (unkillable UBs, UBV4 issue, some adventure issues with the new code, bugged bless skill, some typos and text issues).
- Sadly the year 2024 ran away from us, impossible to catch again. So instead happy year 2025!
- Added '2024IsGone' as a new code for the settings page to give you a small bonus (a +25 exceptional golden belt for adventure, 100k pet stones and 500 chocolate). The old code Its2024 is removed now.
- For adventure reduced the crafting time of paper, mp cost of bless and changed cleric to have 10% more res and less hp.
- Added quite a few more stats to the stats export.
- Fixed a few bugs, an initialization error, typos and such.
- Added Aurelius as a new pet from Nick1wasd. It is an alchemist which gets crafting speed bonus depending on elemental pets evolved.
- Added the cleric class for adventure and a new zone. The zone is rather hard and mostly good for high level clerics (level 85/50+) or warriors with good equip.
- Changed the effect of poison so it does damage based on the caster attack + int instead of target max hp.
- Fixed a few small issues and a performance issue on the statistics page.
- You can now sort pet equip by event equip.
- Fixed a gamefreezing bug and lots of smaller issues.
- Fixed an issue with the campaign bonus of the Boots not working and refunded the extra pet stones subtracted from upgrading candy canes to 25+ and some small issues.
- Merry Christmas! I added a christmas event, it is a generator minigame you can play to get some event currency and buy some goodies with it. You can also get two unique pet equips, 'Christmas Boots' from it, which is an accessory to increase all campaign bonuses by up to 150% for a pet who equips it.
- Additionally you can now upgrade the Candy Stick to level 30 for higher campaign bonuses and get the Merry Mantle from last year if you didn't get it yet.
- Tripled the base value of Self Replicating AI and added a chp purchase to improve that value.
- Added a chp purchase to improve Crystal Sacrifice.
- Fixed some, mostly new challenge related bugs.
- Added 3 new challenges: Pet Crafting Challenge (let 5 blacksmiths upgrade a challenge related sword for some crafting bonuses), Limited Clone v4 Challenge (defeat UBV4s with a limited amount of Light Clones for better rewards from UBV4s) and UBv1 Challenge (UBs get stronger and powersurge is limited for better UB rewards)
- As growth gain from Multiverse is too weak in the beginning and too powerful very endgame I added a cap now at level 300. In exchange, the growth gain per level is now twice as high. Getting more than 300 levels will now have no effect, but you can still improve the growth gain with ultimate overflow points. The effect of GP/h is now also doubled, but without cap.
- For adventure crafting, the heat you get from wood is now 3 times as high and iron equip is a bit cheaper.
- The thief skill steal has now a 5% chance per level to steal an extra item.
- Challenges in the list and statistics page, except the recommended list, which is sorted by priority, are now sorted by name.
- Changed compression to ASTC to reduce filesize for android. It should work for most android devices unless your device is really old.
- Bugfixes: fighter counter and increased counter rate, some text issues, serow item usage.
- Added upgrading for adventure equip. The upgrade cost depends on the initial crafting cost and adds a set bonus for cloth, leather or metal equip each. I also reworked the convert a bit so it balances the same way with some penalty and converting only gives an enhanced/refined item of the main material and not secondary materials. Also adjusted the crafting cost of some equip.
- Added set bonuses for Cloth (magic damage +), Leather (hit +) and metal/iron (damage mitigation). Each set bonus requires 5 items of the smae set. Set bonuses always check for your worst upgraded and quality item in the set and scale the bonus depending on that.
- As the previously used damage calculation for adventure mode gave some complains about low damage with high def I changed it again, hopefully this time more final. This time the damage reduction scales slower, especially at defense in the thousands. In general damage output should be similar at low def, but higher at high def now. Enemy stats were adjusted to the new damage.
- As the damage is now higher vs higher def, I also increased the hp recovery of hp potions.
- Added Fighter as a new T2 adventure class.
- Paper and Heat are now only one element at the crafting and smithing pages, but you can switch which wood is used.
- You can now lock adventure gear to prevent it from being converted.
- Fixed lots of small bugs, mostly for adventure, but also some others.
- Some rebalance on enemy stats and levels. Levels are higher now to be more in line of player levels. Stats per level except hp are halved. Drop rate increased. That basically means the fights take longer and one shotting them is less likely, but they are not harder. Should increase the exp gain a bit as you need to spend less time searching for enemies. The damage calculation is now changed to ((attacker int/att * 150) / (target res/def + 100)
- target res/def / 3). This change means that low def enemies usually take more damage as before but high def enemies have it harder to completely mitigate damage. This makes low damage skills and the Thief class a bit better at average. Event pumpkins are not affected by the different calculation.
- Added Archer as a new T2 class.
- Added metal and iron armor.
- As that refined or enhanced crafting material kinda clutters the UI with the different qualities, I removed the quality now and made it all in one default. Just converting items of higher qualities gives more of it depending on the quality multiplier.
- Added different colors for different equip qualities to see the quality easier.
- Added a new enemy area to adventure. This one is hard and only beatable with the new equip and high levels.
- Changed the exp scaling for adventure mode a bit. Previously the exp calculation had three different calculations which increased after lv 20 and 60, which gave big jumps in increases. Now it is more even with a single formula: (Level^5 / 340 + Level^2 * 50 + 10) * Class Tier Multiplier for class levels and (Level^4 / 10 + Level^1.9 * 40 + 10) for normal levels. The total exp needed until 100 is similar as before.
- The set skills for classes fire now always in order. Like if you have def break in slot 1 and aura blade in slot 2, it will always use def break first.
- Rewrote animations for adventure a bit, they should be a bit better and more customizable for me so I can add animations more easily in the future. They are not finished yet, only some skills have animations and others default to one, but I might get improvements in the future.
- Prepare for adventurer now regens twice as fast.
- It is now possible to craft iron weapons in adventure, but not possible to upgrade them yet.
- Bash has now a chance to break the enemy defense instead of stun and Magic Missile does more damage.
- Fixed offline stealing, people who weren't able to get the pet token with pumpkins should be able to get one now.
- Balance change: Drop Boost for adventurer/thief now also boosts exp at half of the drop boost rate.
- Fixed mostly event related issues.
- Added a small halloween event. A bit late, but it will start tomorrow. This time I added pumpkin enemies to the adventure mode, a weak version, a normal version and a strong version. The pumpkin can drop normal items, pet stones (capped at 250k, only high level thieves might reach that) and pumpkins as event currency (capped at 10k). With the event currency you can get your usual free token and up to two ghostly museum statues. Each one of them will increase your SpaceDim leveling speed by up to 10%.
- People who have missed the Godly Hammer from last year, can now get it permanently. Up to two in total.
- Added two new patreon pets: Llysnafedda from elliwood, a cute slime which shares his exp from shadow clone kills with other pets and a secret pet from blarke.
- Added the previously missing CL 35 T2 adventurer skills.
- Like usually fixed some typos and bugs.
- fixed some bugs for adventure.
- Added smithing for adventure. Now you can make your metal bars and craft weapons. Upgrading equip is still not added, so equip might still feel a bit useless, but that will change in the future.
- Added Thief, Warrior and Mage as T2 classes. Not all of the T2 skills work yet, but at the very least the first 3 skills of all T2 classes should work right.
- Added info about exp/h when you fight in an area.
- Added 2 new adventure areas, but they are likely too hard to beat atm without upgrading equipment.
- Reduced maximum recovering time after death to 15 minutes.
- Some rebalancing for adventure: Increased base Drop Boost for the adventure passive skill from 20% to 30%, decreased power of weak attack and mana arrow by from 80/82% to 60/62%, added uncommon herbs and uncommon mana herbs as drops to hill top. Increased drop chance of common mana herb for imps by 5%. Magic Boost and Magic Defense Boost are now renamed to Int and Res boost and also boost your max MP and with that MP regen.
- Some tooltip and general improvements for adventure.
- Fixed some bugs, mostly for adventure.
- Added the anni cake as new pet. You can get it with a token and it increases basic pet stats if it is in food campaigns.
- Added info to the god page for how many gods until the next important thing (monuments, upgrades, div gen, auto buy) unlocks is away.
- Fixed a constant game crash when equipping first aid as only skill and a few other, mostly adventure mode issues.
- For the event minigame, the pet stones was a bit weaker than intented, now the progressbar for pet stones is twice as fast.
- As the negative potions has been often reported as a bug, but was kinda intented, I changed it now to display as borrowed potions. In general it is helpful to borrow potions for offline as you get more progress, but I also added an option to disable it on the select potion view.
- The first aid skill does now only heal if the healed hp is less than your missing hp.
- Students can now use Mana Arrow (weakest magic skill) for 1 MP instead of weak attack if they have not enough mana to cast Magic Arrow.
- Tenko saves now how much fortunes a player has received in total. As the game did not know how many you got before it is a new counter and fortunes before now are not added. As people often complained about their bad luck for amazing fortunes, Tenko will now guarantee an amazing fortune next time if you got less than 1 per 150 total fortunes.
- Fixed quite a few adventure issues.
- Sorry for the issue, the last update did not give you the promised Legendary Hammers after the purchase of the Anniversy pack. This update adds all the missing hammers for people who previously purchased the hammer and for new purchases.
- Also fixed the scaling issues of the event page.
- Idling to Rule the Gods is 10 years old now! Thank you for all your support and all the people who play my game. I hope you had fun so far and will continue to do so in the future. Let's "cerebeak".
- Added an anniversary event, which lasts for 2 weeks. You can get a free token, some bonus growth, free exp and pet stones and a nice statue for the museum which boosts your monument stats and the passive gp gain from black holes.
- Adventure mode is added now! Please be aware that it is still quite early in progress and many things are not added yet. It also does not boost the main god yet, but boosts and more adventure content will be added over time in future updates.
- Added illustrations for gods up to Baal.
- As endgame speedruns kinda became more op and op and also kinda game breaking, I added a few limits here now. The limits here will mostly affect endgamers or scripters. Now there is a light limit of 500 rebirths a day (excluding DNDC). If someone goes over that limit, gp gain from Gods, UBV2s and BHUs is disabled for 48 hours. BHUs in general now also only give god power in rebirths slower than 90 seconds and UBV2s only give GP if your current or previous rebirths were 3 minutes or slower. I might add more limits, or change the timings in the future, but will wait for player-feedback first. -Fixed some bugs as usual.
- As for quests the combination of the queue and overtime caused some unexpected issues and the queue was mostly used to exploit the rng for quests anyway, I removed the quest queue. People who had it already got it refunded and their pet stones back.
- Added favourite slots as replacement. With a favourite slot you can set a quest as favourite which causes it to always appear on a daily reset, if the rank fits and it is not unique, so no rng needed anymore.
- Fixed a few issues, some small things, some offline issues, hopefully some online save issue. Some changes with save online behaviour.
- I will make the ITRTG in 64 bit for windows from now on, as there were some issues with the 32 bit version. As 64 bit is kinda standard since 20 years I hope that there aren't many 32 bit users anymore.
- Added Super Pet Leveling as a new challenge. Basically the Pet Leveling Challenge, just for endgamers. You need a total growth of at least 30 million to be able to start it. It does increase your pet leveling speed by 5% per completion.
- With the removal of the Unity Ads I was able to remove most of the Unity tracking now. Now the game only takes a minimum of data from the players: User Id (Google Play Games Id if you play on Android, Steam id if you play on Steam and Kongregate id if you play on Kongregate) together with the game save to backup the player saves and prevent the loss of your saves, Crash data along with user id and what OS you use to be able to fix the most common crashes more easily, IAP data to be able to see how good the IAPs sell and to calculate the bonus % on the god power page and specific values for Steam Highscores, visible for all players (only if you play on Steam and can be disabled in the settings).
- fixed a memory leak on save/load and a few smaller bugs.
- As people said the new "ads" are not really ads and that decreased the value of the ad pack a lot, I added now a bonus to people who purchase the ad pack. Additional to the 20 ad points per day, they will now also give daily free dungeon exp depending on your total dungeon levels and 5 bonus growth for every pet you have.
- Fixed some typos, crashes and a webgl issue.
- It seems that updating to the new Unity version caused the old ads implementation for android to stop working and their new replacement for it is much worse, so I removed the ads for now. Not sure if I ever add them again or not. If so, then a different ad provider. As people still want the ad points, I added some internal ads and jokes instead, you can get up to 10 per day. Sorry for decreasing the free limit from 20 to 10, but as there is no ad income anymore I had to decrease it. The advantage for you is still there are no issues with ads anymore and no spying from ad providers anymore. You can still get up to 20 per day like usual from the ad packs.
- Fixed a few bugs.
- Updated the Unity Engine to the 2022 version. I had to do this sooner or later because the one I used was not supported from Unity anymore and started to cause issues. As with Engine changes often happens, there might be some bugs. I fixed the most obvious ones, but there might be still some there. I hope it is kinda stable for the players, though.
- As it was requested a few time and the adventure mode will be a bit bigger, I gave it now its own tab, independent on Multiverse. It is now in between of the planet and Multiverse tab. The special fight tab is now moved left to the TBS tab. That means that all tab slots are kinda full now, so if I add another one in the future I might need to remove one.
- Added a warning if you use v2 pills or liquids and your current rebirth is less than 1 hour.
- Fixed a few smaller issues and typos.
- It seems like there were many people who got angry with the reduction in their game progress ranking in the statistics page. I'm not sure why as that is just some value which does not affect the game at all and is only meant for players so they can compare it to each other and everyone is rated the same way. The % was balanced with in mind that no legit player has 100% atm, but that endgamers can reach it within 2 years, and I plan to adjust it roughly every 2 years. The game gets more content once in a while after all and more than 100% of something kinda does not exist, so I need to value it down once in a while. That said, as there were so many complains that people dropped from end game to late game and from late game to mid game, I changed it so that the game progress name is now based on the points and not % anymore, so that won't go down again in the future. As this can go over 100, I added 'Super End Game' as a new name for people with over 100 points.
- Some fixes: The ! button is now red again if you have overflow and the overflow time is up. Some issues with crystal max all, scrollkey not being given with the code, shroud reforge.
- Added the new overall game progress stats to the statistics export.
- The tooltip on Owl shows now how much bonus growth and exp he gave to other pets if you have the shroud.
- Owl gains now twice as much exp as an adventurer if the shroud is equipped.
- People who evolved Basilisk and threw away the scrollkey can now get it again if they input "scrollkey" in the settings page.
- Fixed a few bugs, crystal MA and sacrifice, golden dragon tooltip, font color, some owl issues and some with the ! button.
- The alert-button is now only yellow for quests and dungeons if you have that overtime gotten.
- Changed the logic for the Overall Game Progress a bit. As the game gets older and new content gets added the progress % will go down once in a while. To compare it to older saves, an ever increasing number is good to have, though. So there are two values now, a percent value, which is usually your current progress compared to what the most endgame value, which will be adjusted once in a while and a second value, which will always grow and only gets adjusted in case it is too unbalanced.
- It is now possible to scrap event equips if it is not maxed. For example if someone got a +10 one from the event one and wants to buy a +20 one instead of upgrading that other one with pet stones. Please be careful with that.
- Gems are now auto removed if you scrap an equip with a gem.
- Added a special version of the Basilisk Boss fight for D4-10 which upgrades the damage from Basilisk if you manage to win. You can fight it, if you take Basilisk + Scroll Key to D4-10 Forest. I don't think anyone can beat that boss yet (it is harder than D4-10 a mimics), but sooner or later people will be able to win.
- As some people exploited the owl blacksmith enforcement for the shroud quest and never finishing it, it will now only receive 20% of exp while crafting until that quest is finished.
- Changed the save location of saves on mobile. It should be for most devices now in Android\data\de.shugasu.itrtg\files\Saves and it creates a new one every day. You might need a different file manager or a pc to access it, but it should remove the need for clipboard saves as that did not work well on all devices. I still kept the clipboard option for now in case something does not work as expected, but that might be removed in the future.
- Added custom font colors for the UI. Makes it a bit more custom to your liking. Exception are special set colors like the green and red for the rebirth page, they will always be that color.
- Added a 'Start All' button for challenge buttons to use up all tries at once with a multiplier to gems received depending on the available tries.
- Dungeon log exports have now info about the pet levels and growth so you can see how old your pets were in older logs.
- The export for pet stats now uses ; as separators instead of \t because the \t was interpreted as 8 spaces with some devices, which caused some issues with a commonly used spreadsheet.
- The MA button from the crystal factory will now level up to only one of the highest level crystal and keep the rest as lv 1.
- Reduced the hp based damage against ancient minics from fire taco to 10% of current hp.
- Fixed an offline issue with quest overtime and some other small fixes.
- You can now also export multiverse and div gen next ats.
- Fixed an issue with the cost of getting statues with event currency for people who bought the event pack and some UI issue.
- Added bonus levels to event elements for people who didn't start the event yet.
- You can now set the beach background from the event or background from easter as an avatar background.
- The calculation for power level uses now current health instead of max health.
- You can now sort pets depending on their fav food.
- Fixed a few more description errors and event issues.
- Fixed some description errors and event issues.
- Added a summer event starting tomorrow. In this event you can get a Sun Statue which boosts your RTI by up to 10% and additionally gives a small bonus to building speed. As you voted for more events like this, I made it similar to the last event with some slight changes and improvements. You can get pet stones, growth and free pet exp from that on top of the event currency.
- You can now buy the creators vest from last year summer again if you didn't get your two already.
- As per request, you can now buy chocolate in a 5000 pack.
- Added a token improvement to Bee. With the improvement, the bee can craft honey (base crafting time of 15 hours) and honey will boost its crafting speed.
- The tooltip of gold dragon shows now how much total growth it gave, but only from now on, previously gained growth can't be added there.
- Fixed lots of smaller issues like typos, loading, Earmuff, overtime and LCC issues.
- Fixed an issue for IAPs on android. If you had issues with that previously, please write me to or in discord and then I can solve it.
- Fixed some hamster issues, some tooltips and dungeon issues.
- Added Demon King as a new Gram boss from Putzi and Carpe.
- The overtime bonus for dungeons now also works for Towers.
- Added a new Pet from Elliwood: Pack Mule. It improves your tavern rewards if you use it there. Token unlock.
- Added a new Pet from Nonomo: Hamster. It is a newbie blacksmith. Secret unlock condition.
- Added Ear Muffs as a new accessory. It boost crafting speed a bit and only Hamster can craft it.
- Added a new chp upgrade for quest overtime. Similar as the dungeon overtime, but for quest and it is single purchase for up to 95% bonus for quest points, god power and experience. Other rewards give no extra.
- The dungeon materials you get from lucky draws are now multiplied with 1 + top 50 total dungeon levels / 1000.
- Fixed some mostly small issues (typos, some levi issue, some % bonus issue for gp, this affected only people with over 300%, for some it is higher and for some lower now, dark light equip not giving dark and light element (that is still hidden now, but they actually give dark and light element now), next ats for creations >e+15, offline bsc issue).
- I forgot with the last update that I made a poll about the event with some feedback. It was out in discord for a while already, but I said I will also put it ingame to let people vote which are not in discord. You can see a link to the poll in the adventure page where the event was before.
- Fixed some issues with the new challenges, typos and wrote descriptions a bit clearer.
Please make sure you update all platforms to the new version before you switch platforms and start SpaceDim Reset Challenges or you might lose all your Light Clones!
- Added 4 new challenges 1. SpaceDim Reset Challenge (multi reset, 30 completions): It resets your Light Clones and you need to level up SpaceDim elements to specific levels. Buy cost of LCs in this challenge is cheaper, but you only earn Baal Power after 3 hours in a rebirth. Reward are cheaper light clone purchases. 2. Base Speed Challenge (normal, 25 completions): In this challenge your Creating and Building Speed is reset to 100%. You can only create it via RTI bonuses. Goal is to build Black Holes with upgrades. Reward is more Building Speed and Creating Speed from god power. 3. Total Growth Challenge (normal, unlimited): In this challenge you need to earn a set amount of growth for your pets. Reward is higher non dungeon stats for pets and a bonus growth of 10% the challenge requirement. 4. Day Extreme Building Challenge (normal, day challenge): Only Building Speed from God Power increases your Building Speed. Goal is to build as many monuments as possible within 24 hours. Different monuments give different points. Reward is higher rebirth caps for monuments.
- Added a CHP upgrade to give more rewards if you finish dungeons later than their finish time. Up to 90% extra rewards at twice the time.
- Made requirements and rewards of SSS quests a bit more reasonable.
- Elixirs in dungeons get used now if a pet has less than 30% and more than 1000 hp.
- Added a new CHP purchase to increase rewards for dungeons if you finish them later than they are finished. This also works for dungeons shorter than 12h. Example. You set a dungeon for 8 hours, but finish it after 10 hours and have a 60% overtime bonus from the CHP purchase, then you would get 100% for the first 8 hours and 60% for the other 2 hours for a total of 115% drops and exp from the dungeon. This is capped at 85% with twice the base time. So for a 12h dungeon it would be capped at 24h with a total of 185% reward.
- Because of some player concerns about the endgame with how fast and how much powercreep the Ultimate Challenge Challenges are, they are now limited to the highest P.Baal you have defeated. Most people didn't do even close to that many yet, so that change only affects a few endgamers atm. It might be bad because they run out of challenge content, but I will add more challenges soon and they can do OCs or UOCs in the meantime, or RTI to improve their highest P.Baal.
- Ancient Mimic gives now a bonus reward of 6 growth for each alive pet in the team.
- Some bugfixes and small changes I forgot about.
- You can now upgrade statues with colored eggs again until the timer on the event page is up.
- Fixed some issues with honey badger, eyeball targeting, some evo bonuses and issues with saving/loading online.
- Added two new Pets: Monk (from Kurik), which gives extra exp as dojo master after evo and Honey Badger (from Kaly), Earth Assassin which is immune to stun and doesn't need a blacksmith in the team. Both are rather late game pets.
- Added a token improvement for cat. An improved cat will one shot summoned enemies which it attacks and have less hp than its attack and also priorizes attacking it. If the cat kills any summoned enemy, it will receive a stacking 40% speed damage bonus until the end of the room. If the cat is in the team, ancient mimics will also don't use their frozen aura.
- Fixed a few tooltips, typos and small bugs.
- Added some Eggprovements to the event.
- Fixed a crash, some descriptions and a dungeon issue.
- Fixed another small exploit and removed the exploited things from people who used that.
- Fixed a small exploit and removed the exploited things from people who used that.
- Some people complained that the red button isn't red. So I added a red button now.
- Okay, the real update with real changelog now.
- Added an easter event, starting tomorrow ~18:00 UTC+2. Unlike in the past, it is a bit different this time. No event campaign, but an event tab where you can play with some eggs and make event currency. It might start out slow, but gain is higher than linear so you gain more every day, if you upgrade your eggs often enough. It should be possible to max it out for everyone if you upgrade the eggs right and often enough (if I calculated it right, but don't bet on it). The max cap is 150k pet stones, 10k event currency and 1000 x number of pets you own growth.
- Instead of an event equip, this time you can get up to two cute bunny statues, which boosts your might level speed by up to 10% each. You can see them in the pet village museum.
- You can already see some tabs for the adventure mode in the multiverse screen, but that is not really working yet, I will work on that more while the event lasts.
- Fixed mostly smaller buggs, some dungeon issues, typos and info texts.
- Added absolutely nothing.
- Added new alternative art for Slime, Doughnut, Clam, Ghost, Nightmare, Salamander, Sylph and Raiju from WikilorE87.
- Added a way to automatically add clones if your clones are not maxed to different places. At base you can set one place and upgrade that up to 7 with chp.
- The token upgrade for Azure Dragon now adds a 30% heal trigger witout decreasing the base heal as previously the decrease made it worse with the token upgrade for early game.
- As some people reported that a pet can make a couple with itself. That was not intented, but people also wanted me to keep it, so it stays ingame. I just added info to the description that you get 1% bonus per pet with a partner and not 2% per couple to clear that up.
- The strategy room now gives a multiplier to the stat bonus on how many strategy books you have on hand (1 + (count^0.4) / 800).
- Fixed many small bugs, some exploits, typos and other issues.
- You can now set a random partner with cupid. Also because many people asked, you can make the couples in the daily draw claim page.
- Tooltip on the pet partner page shows now how many days they are a couple and if they break up it shows how many days they were a couple.
- Fixed an issue with the event equip, with the cupid improvement and some typos.
- I hope you have a nice valentines day! Added a valentine event where you can get a free pet token and a new, event equip: Growing Love Pendant. You can get up to two of them and maxed out they passively increase the growth of the pet who equips it by 1x number of evolved pets you have. You can't grow a pet with that higher than your 10th highest growth pet. The event will start tomorrow and will last for 2 weeks.
- Added a token upgrade for Cupid. An improved Cupid will be able to make a couple of two pets every day and will receive an extra bonus to all campaigns of 30% + 2% per couple. It also gets an extra 50% bonus to divinity campaigns. A couple has a 1% chance to break up every day.
- It is now possible to purchase the Learning Coat from last year valentine via pet stones or money.
- Leviathan is now immune to poison and doubled the damage it does on a counter attack.
- Fixed a few bugs, offline issues multiverse, typos and small things.
- Added Accumulative SpaceDim Challenge. It is a normal type challenge where you level up SpaceDim elements for a combined level of 1000 * (1 + completions). Finishing it will add ghost levels to each element and also increase the soft cap by the ghost levels. I also added the HM version along with it.
- The souls from mermaid now give some exp and if not in boss rooms and are also a bit weaker.
- Added alternative art to Undine and Panda, thanks to Archer Panda.
- Buffed the statistic multi of AACs and MCCs a bit.
- Added a setting where you can change the default number of clones which is used in the time to level up tooltips.
- Fixed some issues with Mermaid, Leviathan counter, some secret issues, typos and small things.
- Added Mermaid as a new pet from Myrielle. She has a supporter bonus and is rather lategame. You can find the scales she needs for the evo if you put her in your fishing team.
- For the U. Overflow purchases, I doubled the value for growth increase levels but capped it at level 50. This keeps the end result the same, but you can get there more easily. I also doubled the gp increase purchase from 1% per level to 2% per level.
- Added Spread with ratios and remove to the multiverse tab.
- like usually some small bugfixes (some info texts, vampire oilburn, offline issue, missing stickman pet).
- Sorry a bit late, but happy new year everyone! Its2024 already, time runs fast I guess. Well because the year 2023 vanished, I removed that reward code. I also added one for 2024, named it a bit differently but its written here.
- Added a time multiplier for UOCs. You now get less points if you rebirth in that challenge and more points if you finish it in longer than one day.
- Added the effects to the new multiverse elements. You can now get more rebirth multipliers, and a passive gain for god power and pet growth for rebirths shorter than 2 days.
- Added the improvements for UOC. You can now improve the basic boosts from the new elements and unlock a new dungeon pet team slot.
- Increased the statistics Multiplier for PUC from 3m to 5m.
- Fixed some issues (mercat bonus, until boss button, one crash, display bugs).
- Fixed an issue with the event equip and UOC.
- Sorry for another update, the UOC was not finishable and you got unlimited points. Fixed that now and you can finish it and previously gained points are resetted.
- Added highscore for statistics and Steam leaderboards for the Ultimate Overflow Challenge. Only highscores which are done in less than 2 days will count.
- Fixed some bugs for the new challenge, some smaller bugs, some typos.
- Added a christmas event, starting on december 23rd. On this event you can let your pets get snowballs in the north pole. You can trade them for up to two nice mantles with up to 150% bonus to all campaigns.
- Added two new gram bosses, Titan Rivalry from Nick1wasd and Sluggernaught from Xzait.
- Added two new challenges, Powerful Unleash Challenge to make the duration of your might unleash permanent (requires a DMC score of over 40,000 to unlock) and Ultimate Overflow Challenge. The Ultimate Overflow Challenge behaves similar to the normal Overflow Challenge, but the minimum time to complete it is 23:30 hours and it gives different points which are needed to complete it. It also unlocks new Multiverse Elements and you can boost them similar like you can boost other things with Overflow Points.
- Added a new pet, Strategist, a neutral Rogue which can boost the hp of a dungeon team from Nono.
- Added alternative pet images for Robot, Ghost and Tanuki, thanks to darc_kross.
- Fixed a few bugs (token upgrade for donut, typos, small issues).
- Added a dummy fight in the dungeons challenges tab where you can test your teams for damage.
- Added pupil slots for the Dojo. You can unlock that if you have maxed the first 6 elements of the Dojo. A pupil will receive the current Dojo experience ^0.2 growth per hour.
- Fixed a few bugs (challenge dungeons gems, UBV2 evil creations, LC Spread issue)
- Added a toggle to the SpaceDim tab to auto remove and spread after rebirthing.
- Added bigger gp purchases for people with over 25k free gp.
- Added more damage statistics to dungeon logs.
- Carno can now get growth from food camp until 300k base growth and needs 300k base growth for evo (previously it was 300k total growth, which caused people to delay PGCs for it).
- Creating evil creations should now work offline.
- Many smaller and not so small bugfixes.
- Fixed an exploit and reduced crystal module levels for people who got higher levels than now possible in NRCPC.
- Added some new buttons to the android inputs.
- Added some more info to dungeon logs, some tooltips and text improvements.
- Removed energy gain within NRCPC if you are longer than 3 days into that challenge.
- Fixed a few bugs (typos, quest, NRCPC, event, vampire issues).
- Fixed an exploit with the minigame. Sorry I had to reset the highscore because of that. Slime can now heal globally, that allows more strategies.
- Added a pause button to the minigame, a tooltip for enemies where you can see their stats, damage is easier to see now, the dragons on wave 21 a bit easier so they are beatable. You can also go back to the game now while the minigame is paused and continue afterwards.
- Players wanted me to make vampire better for newbies, so I gave her a few campaign bonuses now.
- The Tenko tooltip shows now the last fortune received.
- Fixed a few smaller issues.
- Added a halloween event. Sorry a bit late this year, but it still starts before halloween on oct 30th and will last for two weeks. While this event lasts you can find souls in the graveyard campaign. With souls you can buy a pet token and a new event equip.
- Added a new pet: Vampire! She is for rather late game and can be a good alchemist, which can also be used in dungeons.
- Added Godly Hammer as an even equip. Equipping it will increase your building speed by up to 25% (additive) + 10% (multiplicative). You can get up to who of them, either from event currency or buying an event pack. The event pack will also give sacred stones and strategy books.
- If you missed out the Master Gloves last year, it is now possible to buy them either with pet stones or money. They are still capped to a maximum of 2.
- Added a new minigame: Defend! It is a simple tower defense game where you can also earn up to 2000 event currency.
- Multiverse levelup speed is now shown in the statistic page.
- Bugfixes: targeting issue in dungeons, sacrificed crystals shown for NRCPC, offline multiverse boost calc, some rounding issues and smaller things.
- Not everyone was happy that the new challenge was multi reset and the multis were not really used in this challenge, so I made a vote and people decided to make it harder in turn for more chps. Now you also need to defeat P.Baal V 1 + completions to finish it. Because it is harder now, all completions above 3 done before this update are removed.
- Added a new chp upgrade to improve the stone pet and give it an extra 100% bonus for all campaigns.
- Improved the calculation for pet progress in the statistics page to include equip and pet village, which was ignored before. Tooltip also shows more info now.
- Added a new challenge: No rebirth Crystal Power Challenge. It is like a NRC with the difference that you need to gain a specific amount of crystal power through crystal sacrifice (30 + 30 * completions). Capped at 25 and it can increase the modul upgrade chance by up to 10% if maxed. You need to have crystal sacrifice and at least 100k total cp to unlock it.
- Added some new stats to the other statistics page to make it easier to compare game progress to other players.
- Some bugfixes (Owl) other, smaller things, mostly ui and text issues.
- Reworked the ancient mimics a bit. The reflect with perma death in SY was a bit unintented, so mimics don't have reflect anymore. Instead it uses a freezing aura which damages all pets per turn instead. With the stat rebalancing and that aura it is likely stronger than before, but less rng involved. I also added ancient mimic points you get from them (currently hidden, but will have use in the future for a new pet). They will also drop a shinier stone instead of a shiny stone now!
- Because the tenko fortunes were exploitable before I changed the way the seed works and she only gets fortunes if evolved to an adventurer now and if someone had more than one of the 1% fortunes before this version all but one are removed.
- Some small bugfixes like usual.
- Only bugfixes, most importantly the tenko and azure dragon evo bug, some typos and small issues. As Tenko didn't keep track of hours in div camp previously, everyone who had unlocked it before this update and not evolved yet gets 50 hours of div time added.
- Added 5 new pets: Azure Dragon (from PapA3, earth supporter), Black Tortoise (from Kurik, water defender), White Tiger (from Rebels, wind assassin), Vermilion Pheasant (from Rebels, fire rogue) and Tenko (from Qiarel, neutral adventurer). The first 4 are unlockable for free but have a token improvement for a special ability while the fifth can only be unlocked with a token and has a special ability as base.
- Halved the crafting time of sacred stones.
- Added some semi-secret enemies to D4. Not totally final yet.
- Fixed a few issues.
- Added spread ratios to spacedim.
- Fixed a few issues related to the strategy room, spread ratios, descriptions related to growth and small issues.
- Added the strategy room for the pet village. In that room you can change how the stats of your pets are distributed. You can also add up to 8 pets to the strategy room, which give dungeon stat boosts to all pets as 10% of the set stat as a base. Each class can only be set once. Your pet with the 4th lowest growth of all unlocked pets adds a multiplier to the bonus stats gained of sqrt(growth)/5%. This means if you set a pet to the attack slot with 10,000 attack and your pet with the 4th lowest growth has 100,000 growth, all pets would receive 1632 base attack. That attack is still modified with their class bonus (150% for mages, 40% for defenders...)
- Sauces for feeding pets and the different growths are removed. Instead there is only total growth now, the total growth gained and total growth pets have should be the same as before.
- Made the hard mode UGC harder. Sorry the balancing was totally off for higher completions. That is why it is harder now and I had to reduce completions for people who did a lot already to adjust for the higher difficulty.
- Fixed a few bugs, D4 boss room chp upgrade, WonderAxe def ignore, some Owl issue, Nanobots copies giving exp, typos, lots of small bugs.
- Improved the Shadow Clone pet a bit so it creates more clones per tick and reduced evo growth requirement. It also receives class exp as adventurer in dungeons now.
- Improved the Koi to give a multiplicative bonus instead of additive to Fishing Points.
- Removed back row penalty for Sniper.
- Added a new Chp upgrade: Earlier D4 boss. Each upgrade costs 100 Chp and moves the boss room of D4 one room earlier.
- Added two new pets: Sniper (wind assassin which has only one action and attacks last, but does triple damage) from nono and Shadow Clone (can create some shadow clones) from Kaly.
- Added token improvements for Octopus (you can give it maxed T3 hammers for more crafting speed) and Hedgehog (better growth and divinity campaign bonuses)
- Fixed a few bugs (creating bonus event equip, GGC steals, tootlips, typos and small stuff)
- Added a summer event. It lasts for two weeks and as long as it lasts, there will be an event campaign where you can get pet stones and uhm some random stones. You also get a few from the daily free draw. It is possible to get a pet token from the stones and a new event equip: Creators Vest. If it is equipped to any pet, it will increase your creating speed by up to 25% (additive) + 10% (multiplicative).
- As there are always some people who are surprised that the event equip is removed after the event ends, even if it is written at multiple places, this time you have 7 days bonus time after the event ends to spend event currency for anything. After the 7 days of bonus time are over, all left over event items you still have will be auto converted to pet stones.
- It is now possible to get previously missed Candy Canes or Spectrometers again on the special purchase page for either money or pet stones. In the future, it will be the same for all missed event items one year after the initial release.
- Fixed an issue with finishing the HM UGC.
- Fixed a scaling issue for HM BHC. It is supposed to be 1.5^(completions +1), not the other way around. People who did more than 20 already have the ones over it deleted.
- Added a new story chapter for Jupiter. I guess it is about time...
- Miraheze has some problems it seems and for some reason they removed the itrtg wiki without notice. But don't worry, we have a new wiki now which has a backup of all the data from Miraheze. It is at
- Added new hard mode challenges for BHC and UGC.
- Fixed the bug that book/anything improved didn't need to meet class level conditions for quests. Not everyone will like this, but that was never intented to be and also didn't give any hint it would do that ingame. That said, to make the token upgrade more worthwhile, I added now a 0.15% * class level experience boost to all pets in the same quest team as an improved anything/book.
- Fixed lots of small (mostly typos, wrong descriptions, UI issues and such) and some bigger bugs (initialization issues, Jelly skill, some challenge issues, exploits).
- Added a new challenge: Greedy God Challenge. In this challenge, the other gods steal creations from you and you need to outcreate that.
- Added a new pet: Mist Sphere from Elliwood. It is a water supporter which can generate a shield.
- Added a target level setting for free exp on the pet page.
- Added a warning if you didn't do crystal sacrifice before rebirthing.
- Added a target level for giving free exp to pets.
- The max button for crystals will now ignore already maxed crystals.
- Some bugfixes (spread might and RTI, tooltips).
- Added spread ratios for might and rti.
- Added a cap button for multiverse boost.
- Added a button to the Universe Buy page where you can save up universes inside OCs. This prevents you from spending too many from Blackhole Upgrades.
- You can now hide specific equip.
- Some tooltip improvements.
- Another bug with the crafting queue bites the dust, a multiverse bug, some smaller issues.
- Fixed another bug with the crafting queue.
- Added the missing rewards for the unique SSS quests: Elemental as pet (has evo bonus as Blacksmith, if used in dungeons, boosts the elemental stats of all pets by 0.5% per class level and its own damage is increased by 15% per class level if the class is Blacksmith), Wonder Axe (counts as T5 weapon and increases all element stats and a non mage user has 10% chance to ignore the enemy defense), Enlightment Vest (counts as T5 and increases the crafting speed of alchemists by 0.5% per cl)
- Changed the durations of SS quests a bit in favour of 6h and 12h quests because that seems to be more popular than 8h.
- Because of the many issues with the crafting queue and some people got worse equip as a side effect, I added a new code you can input into the settings page: 'FreeKnives'. This will give you a one time bonus of SSS+20 Exploding Knives.
- Fixed another bug with the crafting queue.
- Fixed another thing with the crafting queue which crashed the game for some people and other smaller fixes.
- The crafting queue caused a few serious issues so I completely reworked it now. Because it works differently now, previously queued equip was removed so you need to queue it again.
- Some other bugfixes, offline multiverse and smaller issues.
- Added a new challenge: Day Multiverse Challenge. It is unlocked if you have done at least one Multiverse Challenge. You have one day and can rebirth as often as you like. Your 5 highest multiverse levels from your rebirths will be added together where the highest level counts twice. Finishing the challenge will add a Multiverse Booster to the Multiverse page. You can level it up with Shadow Clones and a divinity cost to boost the effect of your Multiverses.
- Added a crafting queue for blacksmiths. You can buy them with pet stones. For now it is limited to 1 per blacksmith, might be increased in the future.
- Added some alternative art for Cat, Pumpkin, Otter and Golden Dragon from darc_kross.
- Added two new gram bosses (Ukreon from Myrielle and Sleeping Sloth from Carpe), you can fight them if you take 9 or 10 runestones with you to the newbie ground and you have defeated the Chromatic Dragon before that. You can get more rune stones from P.Baal V30. I also reworked the Chromatic Dragon a bit to make the fight less rng dependent, but you need a more optimized team now.
- Added a damage potential and survivability for the pets dungeon page to make it easier to compare them. You can also sort pets with the new stats now.
- Added the growth multi to the pet dungeon page.
- The tooltip on the pet elements will now show effective hp vs an attack of that element.
- T4 equips now also count towards the T3 milestones.
- Some Bugfixes, issues with high numbers, gray issue, typos.
- A few weeks ago I changed the candy cane enchant cost if it is above level 20 to 40k pet stones and forgot to also decrease the cost on the confirm dialog after that. I fixed that now and everyone who did actually enchant it, got the pet stones which it did cost back.
- Fixed some other bugs (Levi unlock, total growth, enchanting the egg works now with event currency, some typos display issues).
- Added a easter event. It will start on sunday, at around 18:00 in gmt + 2 and lasts for the usual 2 weeks. You will be able to get the usual token and it adds an egg-hunt campaign. You will also get 100 eggs from the daily free draw.
- Added an event equip: Magic Egg. Pets who have this egg equipped increase their growth by 30% and get 30% more growth from dungeon events. The extra growth if equipped also counts for the evo condition.
- Added one more pet: Bunny Girl. She is a neutral alchemist and has a 20% speed bonus in crafting talismans and T3 Bars.
- Fixed a few issues (some freezes and slowdowns on android, sacred stone/magic herb counts now for Caterpillar, some OC issue, auto battle issue, tooltip issues, some small issue)
- Added two more pets from Brad: Dwarf (blacksmith like Elf), Caterpillar (alchemist).
- Fixed a crash from Multiverse offline progress.
- Added new pets: Koi (fishing pet from Kaly), DecoratorCrab (Adventurer from ElChorizo) and Goblin (Adventurer from Kurik).
- Added an alternative art for Fairy from Qiarel.
- Fixes (some crashes, especially on the pet page, upgrading planet if not unlocked, P.Baal V148-150, div gen cap, some initialization issues).
- Added the Ultimate Multiverse Challenge (UMVC). You can do it if your Day Universe Challenge score is above 1 million. Starting this challenge will unlock the Multiverse tab, finishing it will unlock it for outside this challenge. In that tab you can create, and improve your Multiverse. You need Shadow Clones and Creation Speed for that. Each one finished after the first one will increase the levelup speed of your Multiverse by 5%. This challenge is maxed at 21 completions.
- Added the Multiverse Tab. Currently you can only level up your Multiverse here and it is reset to 0 after rebirthing and has a similar benefit like Powersurge on the Planet tab. Later on there will be other additions to make your Multiverse much more powerful.
- Rewrote some code for things which need higher numbers. Now your power stats can go above E+308. Because of that the stat decrease after V147 is not needed anymore and removed now.
- Added a new pet "Tödlicher Löffel" from Xzait. It is a mage which can reduce the defense of enemies and works in dungeon events for all elements but neutral.
- Removed the cap of gods you can improve within an RTI. So now you can get more than 10 gods each RTI, but the god cap outside of RTI is still 10 more gods than your last RTI and V147 without doing any RTI.
- Added a token improvement for Lucky Coin. With it, it does more damage as Assassin or it can change into a Rogue with class bonus for Rogue.
- Improved gnomes ability a bit. Now a gnome increases the def of all pets in the team by its (earth element / 300)%, capped at 20%.
- Added equip sorting for gem level.
- Added alternative Art for mouse, cupid, frog, dragon, squirrel, chicken, rabbit, dog, mole, hedgehog and bee made from Hadriex with Midjourney.
- Fixed some typos, some dungeon fixes and small bugfixes like usual. I know people sometimes want to know more specific what bugs I fix, but for small fixes I would often need more time to explain the fixes than it took me to fix that bug. Most of the fixes are reported bugs from discord and I usually write there when I fix it, so people who are interested in it could look it up.
- You can now set the tavern to a lower level in case you got a high level too soon.
- Added some more equip icons for pets in pet village.
- Added 3 new titles, God of Knowledge, Wisdom and Enlightenment for 3k, 15k and 30k chps so people can have the same titles ingame than in discord.
- Removed the < > buttons on pet village buildings and instead added single buttons for each currently available building.
- Removed div doublers from the pool if your rebirth is longer than 10 days to prevent very long rebirths for future content which might need lots of divinity.
- Removed secret bosses from the sim. While the sim should help with normal dungeons, it should not reveal secret bosses.
- Increased the free exp cap of the growing purchase for people with the Dojo unlocked.
- Some bugfixes (basilisk, dungeon issues, EMC cost, monument times for very high bs, typos and small things)
- Fixed a few event related, learning coat issues and tooltips.
- Added a valentine event. It will start at around 16:45 in gmt+1 and lasts for the usual 2 weeks. While the event is active, there will be an event campaign available where you can get pieces of cake, chocolate, pet stones and pets get some growth. All pets in the event campaign and in RTI will receive double class exp. Claiming the daily free draw will also give out pieces of cake. In the event page you can trade your pieces of cake for a pet token and a new unique equip: Learning Coat. Maxed out it will increase the class experience a pet who equips it receives by 50% (only works outside dungeons).
- Added an event purchase where you can buy a maxed out Learning Coat, together with 5 million free pet experience, 10k Ale and 1000 chocolate. You can get up to two of the Learning Coats total, independent on if you get them from event currency or buy them.
- Added a new pet: Cherub. Cherub can be unlocked with a pet token and can be evolved into a defender which reduces the speed damage your party receives. It is rather hard to evolve, but even if not evolved it will give you Chocolate if put into food campaigns. After evo it will lose this ability.
- Fixed a few bugs (element reduction in dungeons, basilisk issues) and typos.
- Added 2 new pets. Basilisk, from Nono, which is a mage with a secret unlock and evo condition. The other pet is Leviathan, which you can get from the 50 million growth achievement. Most people are still far from reaching it, but a few people reached it already and that pet did not exist yet.
- Fixed a few issues with the highscores I added last time. The one for UCCs last time only counted offline time and also when you had started the challenge before the last update. Now you need to start a new one to get a highscore which counts.
- For D4 the growth you get from events scales now with difficulty (10% more each difficulty).
- If you manage to beat any Boss in any D4-2, you will now get a recipe for new crafting items you can take into dungeons. One of them will make your team auto succeed any D1-3 event and the other event will make your team auto avoid any trap from D1-4, except the unblockable traps.
- Some bugfixes (CBC levels count for MAC, EMC issue, tooltips, typos, ui issues)
- Added a Day God Power Challenge. Get as much god power as you can within 24 hours, but only the god power you gain in the final rebirth counts. God power gained from dungeons does not count. As reward it will increase the passive god power from ultimate beings depending on your score.
- Added Might Accumulation Challenge. That is kinda a continuation of the Total Might Challenge, just a bit different. It increases the boost of total Might and maxing it out will increase the might leveling speed by 10%.
- Added a slot for a Tavern Keeper. If a Tavern Keeper is set, the keeper will provide Ale to pets after a quest is finished. The more Ale you give, the higher the bonus exp and this is multiplied with the class level of the keeper. Gray can also be set as a keeper.
- Added Steam highscores for hard mode chp, dgpc and fastest ucc 51+.
- Added a way to set hours for start all dungeons.
- Fixed a few typos and small bugs.
- Happy new year! Removed the code from last year and added a new one: "Happy2023". You can input it in the settings page for a small reward.
- Added hard mode challenges. You can see them with a new toggle in the challenges page if you have at least 10k challenge points. For now there are only UUC and DRC, but there will be more in the future. They are a harder version of the normal type of the challenge and you will only receive a hard mode challenge point as reward. Each hard mode challenge point will give at the moment each 0.25% BS, 0.25% CS, 0.25% Attack, Mystic, Battle and Creating and 10% HP regen. There might be more uses added in the future.
- Fixed a few small bugs.
- The last fix for the candy upgrades didn't work as it should, now it does and equip mystic bonus in UBCs.
- The token upgrade for Book/Anything will now also mean they get more class exp from the class based tavern quests.
- Fixed some bugs (mage eyeball targeting, event camp restart, SDGC issues, lots of typos and display issues, d4 events on boss room, towers DNRC reward, Candy SSS upgrade after +25)
Happy Christmas everyone!
- Added a small christmas event. It requires being online to start it and it will start at around 16:45 in gmt+1. Sorry this time it is only small with no new pet, the last months were rather bad for me so I couldn't work much on the game. The event has the usual event campaign and you can get the candy canes again if you missed them out from last year. This time you can also upgrade them further, up to +25. You can upgrade them with event currency, pet stones, or after you have both at least +20, you can pay a small sum to instantly max them out to +25.
- If you have trouble with saving online, this might also affect the event or patreon bonuses, there might be problem with your virus scanner. Sadly someone else was brute force attacked who uses the same IP as the server where the ITRTG online saves are located. There is no issue with the ITRTG saves or database, but some virus scanners like Malwarebytes blocked access to that IP. If you use such virus scanner, you can add an exception to so the online saves would work again. Sorry for the issue here, but there is nothing I can do but wait. I already reported it to my hoster and hope they can resolve this.
- Bugfix SDGC.
- Added a new challenge: Super Div Gen Challenge. Endgame challenge, you can unlock it after having a 100k/100k/100k div gen. In this challenge you will need to build the Super Div Gen to level 10/10/10 * completions. Ater completing one you can build it outside the challenge after 15 minutes into a rebirth. At first the output efficiency is only 20% of a normal div gen compared to building time, which can be increased by 4% per completion, up to 100% at 20 completions. The advantage of this super div gen is no limitation on BB cap with very high build speed and clones and the offline progress.
- When doing GPCs, the god power from Black Hole upgrades now counts without rebirthing.
- Reduced the baal power cost for puny and strong food.
- The DNRC-Reward now also counts for infinity towers.
- Added a challenge points purchase that pandora does not decrease its bonus from hunger anymore if it reaches 0. It still resets on rebirth. Also added one for building speed, creating speed and increased the limit for dungeon drop boost and exp from 10% to 20%.
- D4s have now a 100% chance for one of the two events in the boss room. The key events get an extra 15% bonus to exp gained.
- You can now only buy d4 keys with pet stones if your total dungeon levels are > 5000 to not confuse newbies with it.
- Bugfixes: Oilburn, a crash, typos and small issues.
- Added depth 4 for dungeons. Depth 4 starts after the boss in D3 is beaten, at soonest in room 31 if you go for it. D4 has better drops and gives more exp than D3 with mimics, but you need relatively strong pets to have a chance. For D4-0 you should have at least dungeon level 220/60 with some T4 equip and decent growth. Higher levels make them easier of course. The boss for D4 is in room 60 and needs even stronger pets and maxed NRDCs.
- Added a simulator for dungeons so you can test your teams more easily.
- Added scaling for towers so there are no big steps on every 50th floor anymore. Towers will now also drop materials for D4 dungeon events and the exp gain cap is increased to floor 200.
- Added 3 more Gram bosses. You can get more runestones from P.Baal 30 and if you take more to the newbie dungeon you can fight them (up to 8 are possible now which can upgrade Gram to +34).
- Replaced the Dojo defense boost with a hp boost.
- Some bugfixes
- When you select pets for tavern quests, required pets have now a green and bonus pets a yellow border.
- The santa choco dialog shows now how much nothing you have.
- Changed sorting for dungeon items.
- Added some more SS rank quests.
- Bugfix dungeon events, flying eyeball marked kills, some small issues, typos.
- Fixed the hitbox of bats in the bat shooter minigame and a few other small bugs.
- Added a halloween event. It will start on thursday, october 27th at around 17:30 gmt+2 and will last for 2 weeks. While the event lasts, there will be an event campaign where you can gain event currency. People with less than 15 pets get some bonus currency. With that currency you can buy various things, like a token and up to two of a new unique equip: Master Gloves. Master Gloves can be equipped to blacksmiths and it will increase their crafting speed by up to 30%. You can upgrade the Gloves with event currency on the event page, but the upgrade options will disappear as soon as the event timer is up. After that you can still upgrade them with a blacksmith and pet stones instead.
- Added a new minigame: Bat Shooter. Shoot down bats and get up to 2000 event currency if you play while the event lasts. You can find it either on the afk page or, while the event lasts, on the campaigns page.
- Added an event purchase for Master Gloves with a bonus of a Legendary Hammer SSS +10. Purchasing this will mean you can only get one additional Gloves from the event, but they are already maxed. The event purchase will disappear as soon as the event timer is up.
- Added 2 new pets. Flying Eyeball (from Nonomo), an adventuer specialist which gains class experience in dungeons and can mark enemies. A marked enemy will always be targeted until it dies. The second pet is a Bat. It is a blacksmith specialist and gains 40% more class experience than other pets. -Fixed some bugs (crash from start all dungeons, initialization errors, display errors, dojo master exp, usc dojo exp)
- Added the Dojo functionality. Now you can set a dojo master and upgrade the Dojo for various pet boosts to make dungeons easier and to gain more experience. While not needed for the current dungeons, you will likely want the Dojo buffs for future dungeons. Enabling any Dojo buff will disable the experience bonus and outside dungeon experience from experience leech weapons. You can still use them to leech experience inside dungeons, but they won't provide extra experience anymore. In the long run, the Dojo will give more experience bonus and other buffs, so it will be worth it, though.
- Added a new pet from Notfromearth: Alien. It has a bonus as assassin.
- Added a token upgrade for Eartheater which allows it to permanently reduce its penalty to campaigns depending on earthlikes eaten total.
- Buffed elemental stats of non neutral pets from 2x level to 3x level.
- Changed the exp calculation of RTI. The formula is easier now and you should get more than before. It still needs the mimic with a higher class level to be decent exp/h.
- Owl now won't change its preference mid-campaigns.
- Fixed a few bugs (quest rng, typos, DNDC reward, small things).
- Added a start all dungeons button. It will start all your dungeon teams at once. You need to have at least 2 dungeon teams to see that button. You can set some settings for each team, which are saved and then you can start all teams at once.
- The tavern upgrade button shows now the cost on the tooltip.
- Not everyone liked that it opened the mail client with the clipboard save so now it will only do so if you did input an email-address in the settings.
- Fixed some display issues, Spacedim issue, offline issues.
- Added an input to the settings to multiply the font size for people where it does not fit to their taste. Everything above 1 can mean some text is cut off, though.
- (Android) Added an input to input your email address. The save to clipboard button will now automatically open your email client with that email filled in. So you can make easier save-backups to your email. Your email address won't be used for anything else other than the pre-filled email after you click save to clipboard.
- fixed an issue with the Sphinx evo, missing stickman pets and RTI exp.
- Added 2 new pets, Meteor and Sphinx, sponsored by Kurik. Meteor can be unlocked by creating 50 million stones and it grows stronger the more hours it is in campaigns. Sphinx can be unlocked with 10 million free exp and it increases the experience your pets gain.
- fixed rti pets not giving exp to the dojo, NTC bonus offline, overcap next at issues, fontsize issues, milestone issues, salamander heal when dead, typos.
- Added milestones. You can find them on the statistics page. You can get some rewards for various goals ingame. Just go to the milestones page and click the 'claim'-button after you have achieved a milestone. You can only claim milestone rewards if you are not in a challenge.
- Moved the export button from the main statistics page to the other page because there was no space for it anymore.
- Removed the newbie boost. The milestone rewards are a replacement for that. While they are different and not as big early on, they are permanent and you don't lose them after beating Baal.
- You can now set free food as favourite.
- Fixed a few bugs (some exploits, emc monument upgrade cost, some offline issues).
- Added a new pet village building: Dojo. For now you can only get overflow exp in the dojo, mostly so people who have pets with class level 100 don't lose their future overflow exp anymore. Pets with a class level of 100 will automatically contribute their overflow exp to the dojo. Pets above class level 50 have a toggle now where they can contribute their class exp to the Dojo instead of to their own class level. Later on you will be able to spend the dojo exp to boost your pets.
- Added a token upgrade for book and anything. If they have it, they will always count for the right class for a leftover pet class in pet village quests.
- You can now delete grays children on grays page without the need to go to the children pages if she has the token upgrade.
- The eggs quest can now run for up to 1000 hours instead of only a day for people who don't care about optimnizing quests and just want it idle at least for one quest slot. You just need to finish and restart it once in a while to get the rewards. Reward is reduced to 80% if it is running for longer than a day, though.
- some fixes, double attacks in dungeons (be careful as this bugs made your dungeons easier so you might need to adjust to normal difficulty again), daily quests.
- (android) prevented an issue where the game saved and loaded online even if no id was available from bad internet or server issues which could have given you a wrong save. If that happened to you, try to restart the game with good internet.
- (android) upgraded the google play games sdk to a newer version.
- (android) reduced the higher android target because it caused quite a few crashes. Sooner or later I need to update it, but there are still a few months time.
- fixed descriptions, sorting issue with weapon, armor, acc, restart all no food, some exploit.
- Added a restart all button for campaigns.
- Fixed offline crafting with specs or bottle (the cost reduction didn't work offline), offline crafting chocolate with cocoa, monument spread and other offline issues, some issues with resetting chp and overflow points, some wrong tooltips.
- Just some information. One of the next updates will add milestones. With milestones you will have goals to reach and if reached you can claim some goodies (not claimbable in GP-Reset Challenges or Day Challenges). 3 of the milestone rewards will be the current token pets: Wizard, Hermit Crab and Penguin. This means if you plan to token them soon, it might be better to wait for milestones. People who reach the pet milestones and have them already will receive 50.000 pet stones instead.
- Updated Unity to a new version to stay compatible to the google playstore. I hope that causes no issues. If so, please write me a bug report.
- Added a token ability for Carno. If you get that, it will do an additional True damage of ((Attack + Speed) / 3 ) * ( ½ * ( 1 + ( CL / 50))), which ignores defense in dungeons.
- The Light Clone purchase from Overflow points was always a bit weird and hard to balance with the UCC bonus, so I replaced it now. It now boosts the level speed of spacedim elements, but additively to the RTI bonus.
- There was an issue which could give you infinite overflow points. People who had infinite points, will have it now reset to an average number which is depending on OCs and UCCs.
- Capped the point increase to OCs from UCCs at 150 UCCs.
- Fixed an issue with offline time, with offline quests, monument spread if at least one next at is reached, some small things.
- Added Ale as a pet stone purchase for 65 each.
- Added an input field to set the duration for start all.
- Fixed T3 crafting with the Specs and some issues with the Start All button.
- Added a small summer event! It will last for 2 weeks and starts friday at the 8th july. While this event lasts, there will be an additional campaign available where you can find event currency. You will also get 100 per day from your daily draw. With the event currency, you can buy one pet token and a unique equip (Spectrometers), for 2000 and another one for 5000 event currency, for your alchemists. Equipping this will have a 20% chance (additive to bottle) to reduce the crafting cost to zero at SSS+20. At unlock it will be at S+10 and you need to use event currency to upgrade it as long as the event is running. After the event is over you can upgrade it with pet stones only. It also has the same effect as Mana capes and allows them to craft T3 and T4 materials. Be sure to get the Specs before the event timer is up, or it will disappear!
- Added an event purchase. As long as this event lasts, you can purchase second Spectrometers instead of getting it with 5000 event currency. If you purchase them, it will come as a maxed SSS+20 version and you will receive 500k wood and 250k iron ore as a bonus.
- Added a start all button for campaigns. That will start all campaigns at once depending on the favourite camps set. It ignores pets with no favourite set, the hate camp set and pets 11 or more with the same favourite.
- Added a quest queue. You can get up to 3 slots from pet stones for 100k each. With the queue you can set up idle pets for a quest which they will auto start after a started quest is finished.
- Added Lizard as a new pet from our patreon KillAllRebels. You can unlock it with a token and gives extra growth in food camps after evo.
- Added 2% dungeon exp bonus from Kurik.
- Changed the 8 default quests for class exp from 8 hours to 12 hours to fit better into player shedules.
- Fixed a few issues (creation cost for overcapping, overflow in upgrade times at high values, eggs quest, some small issues)
- If you are in an UCC, the hide maxed challenges will now hide challenges you did 5+ times within this UCC, it also updates now the statistics multi to what you actually get.
- Fixed a few issues (next at spacedim, quest rewards, BH+ might next at rebirth, some tooltips, some small issues)
- Added a new dungeon boss to improve gram, thanks to Kaly. You can fight it if you take 5 rune stones with you and have defeated Lernean Hydra. You can find a rune stone from P.Baals V30.
- Added overcapping for people who have done 25 EMCs. You get 10% of the overcap levels if you have enough prerequisites. Example in the offline calc: You go offline for 1 hour, would get normally 1 million levels, but the cap limits it to 120k levels. With the overcap feature you would get now 120k + 10% from 880k = 208k levels.
- Added spread / remove for monuments. It works similar to the div gen where you can set the distribution.
- Added chp purchases for one more quest slot and 5 more daily quests. You need to have bought the ones with pet stones to have the option appear.
- The quests are now sorted by rank. Reduced some quest rewards, added some quest rewards and a new unique quest.
- Added a highscore for quest points.
- Fixed an issue with EMCs, TGSC reward, some typos, some issues with version 3.92.1326, which was only online for a few hours. If you had that version, please check if my fix caused issues and if so it might be better to load a backup or write me to with that issue.
- Fixed an issue with some quest rewards and EMCs.
- Fixed an issue which let quests fail even if requirements were met.
- Added 4 new challenges:
- Pet Level Challenge (early game, normal type) > get an x amount of total pet levels. After completion, pets will start out with 20 * challenges completed levels after rebirthing.
- No Training Challenge (mid game, DRC type) > beat P.Baal V20 with training and skills disabled (this also disables might). After completion, it increases the mystic and physical you get from Skills and Physical trainings by 5% per challenge finished.
- True God Skip Challenge (mid game, DRC type) > Similar to a normal God Skip Challenge, but all gods which were skipped from previous completions will be skipped instead of only one. It increases the time multi by 2% per challenge, doubling it with all 26 completed. It takes 100 minutes after rebirthing to reach the full value.
- Expensive Monument Challenge (late game, normal type) > monuments will be much more expensive in this challenge. Goal is to build all types of monuments with upgrades (100/50) * (8
- tier) * (1 + challenges completed), black holes only 1/1 * (1 + challenges completed). Completing them will add boosts from monuments to boost other monuments. Completing the set will add overcapping for monuments (overcappings has a penalty).
- some rebalancing on quests (some more quests have an extra reward, scaling is a bit different, lower on low rank quests, higher on high rank quests and less extra rewards with only 1 pet, more extra reward with more than 1 pet.
- Fixed a few bugs (quest related things, typos and gui issues).
- Added a new tab to the purchase page where you can find all possible daily claims at once, free draw, pignata, santa, daily packs.
- Added a next and previous button to quests and pet village buildings.
- Moved the Level Pets button from the fishing page to the settings page because it affects multiple pages.
- You can now set to show rebirth time instead of title in the settings.
- Reworked the settings page a bit. It is now divided into game play related settings and ui settings to make it easier to find what you look for.
- Fixed some issues (game freeze on daily claim, DNDC CC > 2 billion, quest issues, typos and small issues)
- Fixed a few offline progress, quest related and some other, small issues.
- Added the UI for the pet village! You can customize your village buildings with some deco there. Clicking on a building will give options depending on the building (currently only the pond and tavern works, other buildings will have a function in future updates).
- Added quests to the tavern. If you level up your tavern, you will be able to do quests with your pets for various rewards. You can level up your tavern and quest rank for better quests.
- Added a new pet from Xzait, carno. It is an assassin and has a secret unlock condition.
- You can now upgrade a weaker bait to a stronger bait.
- You can see now the equip icons of crafters on the crafters page.
- Renamed distribute/claim to spread/remove and ordered it the same as other pages to make it more consistent across pages.
- The check for patreon bonuses is now sooner so it works better for the offline progress.
- Tooltips on monuments show now the autobuy div-cost if creations are missing.
- Fixed a few bugs (witch, firefox bonus, pet leveling after lv camps, some typos, campaign cancelling, leveling of high div gen, fools confusion, pets in RTI/Village for UPC, an exploit and small things)
- Lucky draws have now a low chance to drop T4 mats.
- The alert-button shows now more than one thing on the tooltip.
- Removed the half stats button on the pet page if you have auto half stats. Instead there is now an input field where you can set a minimum pet growth which pets need to have in order to get clones with distribute.
- Removed pet sorting by party and changed sorting by activity so it also sorts by party.
- Fixed an issue with div gain from ubs when loading a save, some gp camp issue and an exploity bug.
- Changed how the gram exp bonus works. Until now the exp bonus was useless if other pets in the same team used an ego sword. From now on Gram leeches exp like ego swords, too, and the holder gets the extra exp bonus on top.
- Fixed an issue with the new pet, UBHC reward, Undine issue, some typos.
- Fixed a few issues with the new pet.
- Added a small easter event. It adds an event campaign for 2 weeks where you can find pet stones and easter eggs. Like usual, you will be able to get a free token and some mats from the easter eggs. You will also gain a free 100 event currency from daily draws.
- Added a token improvement for the god power pet for after it is evolved. The improvement will increase its power to god power campaigns to 100%, its god power gain can be higher than 1 independend on nightmare, and you will get more god power from it per feeding depending on the total time it has spent in god power campaigns.
- Added a new patreon Pet from Kimihiro64. Its name is Pignata and you can bash it open every day for rebirth bacon.
- Capped the pet bonus for RTI for alchemists and blacksmiths to 0.9% per class level (136,59% maxed) and for other classes to 1.5% per class level (155.06% maxed). That is the current upper limit for all but the Seed pet and means no real change for now, but makes it easier to add pets with higher class bonuses in the future.
- Added 4% more dungeon exp from the patreons Elliwood and Victor.
- Fixed a few bugs (some values didn't update right, game crash with fawn boss, typos and text issues)
- People didn't like the max of 75% boost from UBHC, so I made it into an ucapped challenge which makes this possible. From completion 16+ it only increases by 50% in power per completion instead of 100%. I also increased the chp per challenge from 25 to 30.
- Fixed a few bugs (message from ub gp on passive kills, downgrading planet ubs, display errors)
- Added a new challenge: Ultimate Black Hole Challenge. Unlike the normal BHCs, the amoung of Black Holes + Upgrades you need to build here doubles after every completion. Maxed at 15 completions. It will increase the god power you gain from Black Hole Upgrades after rebirthing.
- Manually defeating an UB shows now a short message with how much gp you got.
- You you can now downgrade a planet if it is level 5 or lower (to prevent mistakes from newer players if they can't defeat the UBs).
- You can now get the suwesh is here sign after reaching P.Baal V147 instead of needing to reach infinity.
- Fixed a few bugs (front and back row in dungeons), UCC rounding issue, exploding knives issue, auto buy issue div gen, offline issues, typos
- The distribute-button now distributes the number of the input field to each pet instead divides it through all pets. The tooltip on the button shows total clones needed for that now. If you don't have enough clones to distribute that number to all pets, it will behave as before and share the set number to all available pets.
- You can now sort items by name and element. The numbers are now also abit shortened if you have too many to make the UI cleaner. You can still see the exact amount on the tooltip.
- You can now destroy items which are used for some pet evos and have no further use.
- Added a tooltip with the stat for exp/h to RTI, pet village and campaign pets and also the average exp/h they get from an ego sword if equipped.
- The planet icon has now a shield if the divinity shield is on.
- Some internal changes.
- Fixed a few bugs (UBV2 creating, Soul Sword)
- Fixed an issue where the clones wouldn't auto adjust half stats after rebirthing and the pet card for void.
- Added a new pet from our patreon Dymski! It is a neutral pet with a bonus for alchemist and can create nothings faster than other alchemists.
- The buy div on the div gen page won't show a confirm dialog anymore if you have the toggle for not confirming gp buys on.
- Fixed a few issues (more offline issues with fishing, auto for enchanting, some wrong tooltip infos)
- WebGl version: Added a button to the afk page: "Go offline". This needs internet connection and stops all game progress while saving online. When in this mode, there is only an "Go online" button. Clicking that will load your last online save and adds the offline progress depending on the time you were offline. I mostly added this because google basically removed everything you can do to disable the background throtting and the game won't really progress much anymore if it is not in its own window and on top of your display. The offline-progress is much better in that case and this removes the effort in needing to close/open the game every time.
- The tooltips above Baits/h shows now the time until baits are out and increased the bait warning from 6 to 12 hours.
- You can now sort equip in the inventory list by element and enchantments.
- Changed the icon for the might tab to only one wing if might is not unlocked yet if you have preselect might.
- Added an input field to the UBV4 tab where the fighting will stop in auto mode.
- Added an input field to the crafting page where you can set when a pet should stop the continous crafting.
- The offline calculation screen shows now only one line for physical, skills, and monsters defeated to make it easier to see more important things.
- GP generation offline from black holes is now capped at 24h instead of 12h.
- Fixed a few bugs (Some sylph issues, some offline issues with fishing and challenge overtime, an issue with the rebirth warning).
- Added Sylph as the last elemental pet. This pet was designed by our T5 patreon, Malfat. The progress is similar to the other elemental pets and you can unlock it with 15 whispers of the wind. You can find them in mountain until Sylph is unlocked.
- Added 2% more dungeon exp bonus from Xzait.
- The fishing boost for pet food won't decrease anymore for the first 3 hours. Also some balance adjustments for the ponds.
- Fixed a few typos and small bugs.
- Changed the Exp and FP of some ponds for better balance. Now you won't be get negative FP/h anymore even if you don't use a seller pet.
- Added a warning to the ! button if your currently equipped baits would run out within less than 6 hours.
- Added info about exp/h and fp/h to the fishing page.
- Fixed a few more fishing issues, mostly with the offline progress and an issue with MCC, ghost scare, typos.
- Fixed some typos, wrong descriptions and scrollbar for the fishing game.
- Started with the pet village in a new tab. This is unlocked after you have at least 10 pets. For now there is only fishing, but there will be more. With fishing you can fish in 10 different ponds and sell the fish caught for fish power. Fish power will passively increase the growth your pets get from feeding. You can add 3 pets to fishing to automized and speed it up depending on their class level.
- Added a valentine event. From monday on, it will last for 2 weeks. While the event lasts, you can do an additional campaign to find cup cakes wich can be used to get a free token, chocolate and other things. The daily free draw will also give an extra 100 cup cakes. You need to be online to initialize the event.
- Added a Swan as a new pet which gives a fishing bonus after evo.
- Added a new pet, Vesuvius from Notfromearth. You can unlock it with a token and it additionally gives growth to your weakest pet from the growth it gains in dungeon events.
- Added element images to the crafting page.
- When upgrading equip, you can now sort by level.
- Made the buttons for UBV2 fights bigger so they are easier to hit on mobile.
- Fixed a few bugs (missing salamander evo image, old ava, some typos, many display errors, some issus witch reset the pet growth since timer)
- Added 3 new patreon pets:
- Salamander (from ElChorizo), this is an elemental pet, similar pet to Undine or Gnome. You can unlock it via crafting 30 Glowing Embers. This pet is a supporter for dungeons and has the special ability to regenerate hp to all pets at the beginning of a turn.
- Wolf (from Kentorax), this pet has an adventurer bonus and you can unlock it with doing 25 UBCs. It has a bonus to item campaigns at base 25% and it can be increased to up to 125% by doing some challenges over their normal limit.
- Cocoa (from Jenks), this pet has an alchemist bonus and can craft chocolate. You can unlock it with a token and it is relatively easy to evolve.
- fixed a few bugs (typos, taco revive, some small things)
- Happy new year! I hope it will become a nice year for you all. You can now input "Happy2022" in the settings page for a small new years gift.
- I changed the save compression to make the save files smaller. This allows a higher equip limit and also makes it easier to add new content. It probably should not cause any issues, but if there are any issues for you, please write me a bug report along with your id from the info, connect page. Just be careful with switching platforms and make sure all platforms are up to date. New game versions should still be able to read the old save compression, but older game versions won't be able to read the new saves.
- When you click on the pet icon on the inventory page, you will now go to the pet details page.
- Fixed a few bugs (DGC, DNRC reward, equip all, might spread, some typos, display errors).
- Fixed a few bugs (second candy cane was not obtainable if the first one was equipped, some issue with the DNRC reward, some issue with challenge recommendations and auto select for the event camps)/li>
- Added a christmas event! It will start tomorrow and lasts for 2 weeks. While the event is active, there will be a "Christmas fair" campaign. In this campaign you can find event items, chocolate and the pets who participate in this campaign get the same amount as class exp as free exp for the pool. The daily draw will also give 150 event currency every day (make sure you are online and the event campaign appears before claiming the free draw). The maximum total event currency you can get is ~10,000, but that requires good campaign pets. With the event currency you can get a pet token for 2000, an unique equip, Candy Stick also for 2000. The candy stick (weapon slot) will start at Quality S+10 and gives 40.74% bonus for campaigns. You can upgrade it ten times by 1 for 300 event currency and the quality twice by one grade for 1000 event currency. Maxed out at SSS+20, the stick will give 101% bonus for all campaigns. You will either be able to purchase a second candy stick in SSS+20 with the christmas special pack, or get another free one with S+10 with 5000 event currency. If someone can't max it out within this event, you will be able to upgrade it to max after the event is over with pet stones, but that will be expensive.
- Added 3 new challenges: Div Gen Challenge: Normal type, upgrade your divinity until it has a specified output in divinity /s. This challenge will increase the fill speed of worker clones, the overcapping bonus divinity and maxing them out at 25 will change the divinity you gain from UBs to the divinity /s, including all temporary bonuses like crystals or RTI. Max Crystal Challenge: Normal type, upgrade one crystal to the max, starting with physical crystal, ending with god crystal. Repeat this with 2,4,8 and 16 maxed crystals. It will increase the crystal power you get. Day No Rebirth Challenge: DRC type, just defeat as many gods as possible without rebirthing. It will slightly reduce the time campaigns need by 1 second per hour, per god beaten. Beating V10 in this challenge will unlock 24 hour campaigns.
- The chp upgrade to increase the max challenge dungeon tries will now also give out one extra try per day with 20 and 30 tries. So maxed out it gives 5 per day, which can be saved up to 30 tries.
- The tooltip for crafters shows now also the total time until the auto value from the textfield is reached.
- Fixed some typos, display error and other small bugs.
- Fixed some display errors for the dungeon suggestions and some orders on the challenge suggestions.
- Added a new tab to the challenges page. This tab shows challenges which are recommended to be done depending on the player progress. That should make it easier to choose the right challenge. UCCs and OCs have now their own tab, too.
- When you click the info page on a dungeon, it shows now a recommended team setup to give players a better idea how to build their dungeon teams.
- Fixed a few bugs (dungeon log, crafting, avatar issues).
- Thanks for the participation to the survey. Until now, there were more than 3500 players who filled out the survey. The two next bigger updates are already set in stone (a new tab: pet village and dark/light dungeons), but next year I will do some updates depending on what people wrote in the survey. Most people seem to want either a new tab with new things or new challenges. So next year I will add more new challenges than this year and at least one new tab (other than pet village). At average, people also seem to like ~1 day rebirths most (42.6% of players like rebirths shorter than 1 day and 57.4% of players like rebirths of at least one day), so I will aim for a way that the new tabs I add in the future are good for 1 day rebirths and I will think of a few challenges you can do with 1 day rebirths. Some people like better descriptions and quite a few players disliked things about micro managing things which can be automized or things they don't understand like dungeons and pets. So I guess that also needs better explanations. I will try to improve that a bit, but doing that is always a bit hard, either to fit in the UI or to write it so people can understand it and also find it. If anyone has good ideas about how to explain things better, feel free to write me in discord or an email to
- Fixed some Sloth issues, various small issues, OC cap and display bugs.
- Added a new patreon pet from Doobag, Sloth! You can unlock it with a token. Sloth is an adventurer specialist which is good in item, multiplier and food camps, especially in long campaigns.
- Added a dialog which asks you to do a survey. That is not needed but helps for future updates and is your chance as a player to influence future updates with good feedback! You also get 100 free avatar points if you do that survey.
- Fixed some issues with display errors in android, cap max for div gen > 2 billion.
- Fixed some more save/load issues. The previous version still crashed saves from people in Estonia and maybe some other countries. That should be fixed now.
- Fixed some issues with UCC 50+ and the overflow bonuses from UCC 55+.
- Fixed issues with the Mac-Version.
- Fixed some save/load issues.
- I had to update Unity to a newer version (I use 2020.3.21f1 now). That is an internal change, which hopefully does not affect gameplay. I had to do that mostly because the old Unity version had issues with the new android target version, which is enforced from google now.
- Improved the controls in the minigame for mobile. I removed the arrows now and the witch instead follows your touch. Ghosts at higher waves are now a bit slower and your hitbox is now really smaller. On pc the witch can now also follow your mouse, but the old controls still work (usually that makes it easier). Releasing the mouse or your finger will now open the upgrade menu.
- Some changes and fixes in Ghost defender: The exp you get is now 3 x enemy hp and the enemy hp is 1/3 (rounded up) as before but each hit now only counts as once instead of each tick, for both enemies and players. After getting hit, you are now invincible for 0.5 seconds. You can now only open the upgrade menu once a second to prevent exploiting the slowdown. You can now use the buttons 1-4 to upgrade your stats, shortcut to upen the upgrade menu is now c and shortcut to start / continue is space. The hp bars are a bit smaller now. Increased the amount of bullets a bit but the hitbox of your witch is smaller now. The enemy bullets are slower now.
- Fixed some issues with the minigame. Now it gives candies like it shows. Also added an option to change the placing of the move buttons. It is a bit harder at higher levels now, which is why the highscore is resetted. Added that highscore to the statistics page with some statistics multi and a steam highscore.
- Moved the !-Button to the right side if the discord button is gone and made it bigger.
- Fixed a few other issuse (purple long hair in low res, some text issues)
- To clear some confusion: While you can already play the minigame with the code in the settings, you can only get the free candies, after the event starts tomorrow.
- The discord button in the main ui will now disappear after you clicked it once.
- By popular demand, the dungeon starter pack is now purchaseable for everyone until the halloween event is over.
- Fixed a few issues on the halloween minigame and made the buttons a bit bigger so it is a bit easier to play.
- Added many new avatar parts: banchou, butler/maid, sentai, chicken, full plate, school and stone age outfits! Also more auras, wings, a few new accessories and 3 new hair styles. Added a halloween event. The event will start on thursday, 2021-10-28. For two weeks, there will be an event campaign where you can find candies. With enough candies you can get a free pet token. You need to be online to load the event but once you started the campaign you don't need to be online all the time. You can find at most 8000 candies from campaigns.
- While the halloween event lasts, there is also a small minigame where you can get up to 2000 extra candies. You can play the minigame if you click on "Play Ghost Defender" on the campaign page. You can also play this minigame if you input "halloween" in the settings input field (that will work even after the event).
- Added a new pet: Witch, a powerful water mage. She can increase the water element of your pets depending on her class level.
- Replaced the chat-Button in the Steam version with a button which links to discord and added that button to the android and kong version. Sorry for the few irc people who still use it, but the chat was not supported anymore since years and has no mods anymore. And a chat without mods can cause problems.
- Added a starter pack to buy for new players.
- Fixed a few bugs (some taco issues, display bugs and dungeon issues)
- Fixed a few bugs (chp reset no pet did also reset stone even thought it shouldn't, some issues with the USC where it didn't give enough points (you can now also click the USC text on the rebirth page so the points update), some issues with the taco pet)
- Added info about from where the points are in USCs in the tooltip.
- Added an option to reset CHP without reseting dungeon teams and stone.
- Fixed a crash with taco in dungeons, an issue with achievements and the missing card for taco.
- Added a new challenge: Ultimate Stats Challenge. This challenge is a normal rebirth and you get points depending on your universes created, powersurge levels, pet class exp gained, pet stats, black holes + upgrades, rti levels, unleash power, god power gained and pet growth gained. The statistic multi you get in this challenge is 2.5 million regulary. You finish it on a set point goal and only the points from the current rebirth count. Completing this challenge will give you an unique pet armor, 'Rune Patch'. If equipped to a blacksmith, it will increase the crafting quality and speed by 1% per challenge completed. Maxed at 25%. If the challenge is maxed, a blacksmith with this armor will give 25% more damage boost in dungeons and give a total damage boost of 50% to mages in the team. If you do this challenge in UCCs, the points are calculated differently and you get amount of points as statistic multi. While in UCCs, this challenge also can't be completed in less than 9 hours. After 12 hours, the points won't grow anymore. So while you can do rebirths longer than 12 hours, it won't help for the challenge.
- Added a new pet, Stale Tortillia. It is from Brad as a patreon reward. Its evo bonus is an alchemist with a special bonus for dungeons. It is also the only alchemist which gets class exp in dungeons. You can unlock it with a token.
- Added a new CHP purchase to have all SpaceDim elements unlocked after rebirthing, independend on the P.Baals killed. That does not work in GP-Reset Challenges and the V100 element does not unlock in LCCs before V100. That purchase is only available if your highest god defeated is V100 or higher.
- Increased the max might in DMC to 333k so you can reach the max chp. Decreased the statistics multi you get from DPC and DUC at high values because late game players got 99% of their statistic multi from them.
- Pet equip in the inventory shows now an icon of the pet where it is equipped.
- Pet details page shows now the same description tooltip on the name then on the pet list page.
- The robe of economy shows now the current cost reduction.
- Steam only: Added more achievements.
- Fixed a few typos, issues with high black hole levels.
- Added a token upgrade for Ape. If he has that upgrade, he will use his first action in dungeons to transform into super Ape. The transformation will last for class level / 5 actions and gives a class level% boost to all stats and the ape will hit twice. This means at class level 100 he would have a 100% boost to all stats for 20 actions. This works once per room.
- Added a button to auto equip all pets below the unequip button. This might not be the optimal choice for everything, but can make it easier to equip, especially non dungeon pets.
- Reduced the cost for the robe of economy a bit.
- I did some rewirting on dungeon code and the challenge dungeons. The changes are mostly internal to make adding future dungeon content easier. If it went well, you should notice no change, other than I lowered the reflect damage from the neutral challenge and Slime Queen summons now 3 x 2 slimes instead of 1x 5. If you notice something different or have any bugs, please report that to me.
- Fixed a few bugs (targeting issue in dungeons, some special boss issues, pet sort issues, tooltip and wrong text bugs)
- Added a way to simulated the infinity towers. With the sim-button left to the start button for starting a tower run you can see an instant result with the selected team. This is only for testing to make it easier to set up your team. No items are used, no experience or other reward is gained.
- Added a new runestone boss to improve Gram from Malfat. You can get the runestone drop from the new Patreon God for V32 and you can fight the boss in newbie dungeon if you take 4 runestones with you and have beaten the previous 3 bosses.
- Renamed the T4 Mountain equip into Jungle equip. People didn't like the name Mountain for T4 equip so much because it confused some players with the mountain dungeon.
- Evolved Aether has now an alternative art from nooby.
- Your CC will now be adjusted to the max once you buy more and the setting for that is on.
- Fixed a few bugs (offline v4s, typos, some wrong tooltips).
- Added a new runestone boss to improve Gram from Kentorax. You can get the runestone drop from the new Patreon God for V31 and you can fight the boss in newbie dungeon if you take 3 runestones with you and have beaten the previous 2 bosses.
- Runestones will now only drop if you have beaten at least one Mimic. The bosses are harder than Mimics and if someone didn't defeat a Mimic yet he has no chance.
- SpaceDim elements have now the name visible even if they are unlocked. The name is just red.
- Added a button to input the exp needed for the next level on the pet dungeon stats page.
- The action ini of ghost is now 9999 + speed, so he can outspeed even high level enemies.
- Fixed a few bugs (attack and def buff of enemies did nothing. Now it does something (this could make some enemies harder), archer double action with the T4 bow, the T3 bars showing even if not forgeable and the toggle was on, the bug with the changeable difficulty was not totally fixed, it should be now, some tooltip issues and missing info)
- Added a new challenge: Universes for Clones Challenge. In this challenge you will start with a set amount of clones, which will decrease after every completion. The challenge will end once you have a maximum clone count of 20 million. You can only increase your maximum clones with trading universes for them. Finishing the challenge will increase your building speed.
- Added some more info to the statistics export for the spreadsheet people.
- Added a 2% dungeon exp bonus from the T5 patreon DeltΔ.
- Bugfixes (difficulty is not changeable anymore while a team was in a dungeon, Cardboard evo, spread ratio from portal did reset after rb, repeat floor option loss after reset GP challenge, dungeon log issues)
- Added 3 new pets from patreons, Unicorn (from Red/Sim, Adventurer), Portal (from Rykkerbow, Adventurer), Cardboard (from risestorm, Rogue).
- Added a token upgrade for Robot. With that upgrade he will get a crafting bonus for speed and quality while crafting T4 equip of its growth^0.121 per class level.
- You can now exchange elemental tower points into other elements if you have the party slot.
- Some balance changes with T4 equip (element stats) and some fixes.
- Added T4 equip. It is very expensive to craft and not really something you should do before you can easily farm D3-10 and infinity tower 40+. You can get the needed T4 materials from infinity tower points (500 points for one T4 mat) or an alchemist can craft them with a mana cape (100 T3 mats for one T4 mat, with the Robe of Economy you can reduce it to 60). I also added the dark and light equip already but you need dark matter or angel wings for it, which is not obtainable yet.
- You can now convert maxed special T3 equip into bars. Most give still 10, alchemist capes give 8, magic sticks and pots give 15 and the magic hammer gives 5 of each inferno, forest and titanium bars.
- Added 2 new dungeon bosses. One boss is from Sonder, you can fight him if you take the second Runestone, you get from fighting him, to the newbie dungeon boss room. If you win the fight, your Gram will become stronger. The other boss is from Nooby, you can fight him if you take the Aether Ring into the newbie dungeon boss room. This boss will improve your Aether pet every time you win and will become stronger after every time you win.
- Monsters in the infinity tower have now a chance to drop T3 and T4 materials. The drop chance is floors% per enemy for T3 mats and (1/20 floors)% for T4 mats. Rogues or other dungeon drop increase effects have no influence on that drops. Like with other dungeons, the drops are lost if you die.
- Fixed a few bugs.
- Reduced the cost of the party slot from infinity points.
- The temp levels you get from RTI now also gives points for Overflow Challenges (same as SpaceDim).
- Added a dialog to confirm the divinity shield because people often did that by mistake.
- Added buttons to switch to party teams faster.
- The black hole and god crystal tooltips show now how much gp was earned this rebirth.
- The sort button shows now the current sorting.
- Bugfixes: Eartheater can now eat planets offline and the toggle is visible if it is on campaigns, added missing pet cards, pet sort by party.
- Fixed an issue with Aether and equipping pets.
- Added 4 new pets from patreons, Clam (from ElChorizo, Token, Rogue), Earth Eater (from notfromearth, Token, Adventurer), Gnome (from nonomo, secret unlock, Defender), Aether (from Nooby, secret unlock)
- The export / import in the settings can now also export and import pet equip.
- In the dungeon logs it shows now the total leeched exp from pets with a leech weapon instead of one at a time and the hp of pets every turn.
- Reduced the heal power of enemies in towers 25 and higher.
- A few bugfixes (adventurer exp, OCCC creating, dungeon settings, some wrong descriptions and logs).
- Fixed a few bugs (new ghost formula, failing a floor in the tower taking too long, people who started towers before the requirement was raised were stuck)
- Changed the formula for status effects to attacker elements/2/defender elements-0,3. This should make water tower a bit easier.
- Changed the Ghost scare formula a bit to have a chance to scare higher def enemies. It is now Ghost attack / enemy def * 0.6. So Ghost has a 30% chance to scare an enemy with twice as much def as Ghost has attack, compared to 0% before.
- Undines ability will now work for the infinity towers, but only if Hourglass is not in the same team.
- Requirement to unlock the infinity towers is now to have total dungeon levels of 4000. It doesn't make much sense to go for the towers sooner, you would only slow down your progress.
- Added an info descriptions for the new towers to the dungeon ? page.
- Fixed a few bugs (next at for trainings if ignore clonecount is off, some log issues in towers, some conflict with normal dungeons and towers, some tooltip issues)
- Added new dungeons: Infinity Tower. They work similar to normal dungeons, but the monsters give no drops. There are 6 different ones, each element and one multi element tower. It has floors, similar to dungeon rooms, but take one hour each to beat and your team will go one floor higher after they beat it. Each floor is stronger than the previous one and there is no limit in floors. The most you can do at once is 24, though, so 24 hours. As a reward you will receive Infinity Points of the element of the tower and the higher you are, the more points you get. Currently you can get at most 50 points per floor. This will change later after some player feedback and balancing. Currently you can buy one pet team slot with the points, soon you will be able to buy T4 materials to craft T4 equip.
- Reworked the chp upgrade page so it looks the same as the overflow points page.
- Added an all button to the easier rebirth page which will spend all available baal power for light clones.
- Added a pet stone increase to repeat the same floor of infinity towers for the whole duration.
- Added a gp purchase to add a customizable divinity purchase button to the div gen page.
- Changed the hp drain from succubus so she drains hp depending on her own hp now. It is 0.33% of her max hp * class level per action.
- Because some challenges are unlimited and you can gain unlimited challenge points, the chp upgrades for planet level are now uncapped, divinity gain cap is increased to 50 and crafting speed to 20.
- Fixed a few bugs (typos, some things in the offline calc, some chp bonuses which counted twice, doughnut bonus, some dungeon issues).
- Added a small summer event which starts tomorrow. The event will last for two weeks and you can farm rain drops (yes rain drops. Where I live it rained the last months probably more than ever, it is either too hot or too rainy) in the garden event campaign. With enough rain drops you can get a free token.
- Added a token upgrade for Doughnut. If it has the token upgrade, you will gain 10% more mighty food on food buys with baal power. It will now also find mighty food in all campaigns.
- Blacksmiths can now also make nothing.
- Some rebalancing for RTI. Removed the multiplier decrease after 7 days for all stats but god crystal and space dim speed. God crystal and space dim speed have now a slower increase after 1000%. The calculation for pet class level multi is now a bit different. The new formula means mostly a buff for low class levels for pets with class bonus and a nerf for high class levels. You can see the new formulas ingame in the FAQ page.
- The class experience your pets get from crafting and campaigns increases now slower after 30k per hour (30k + (exp before - 30k) ^ 0.85) (15k for adventurers without the pet stone upgrade).
- The balrog horns now give less hp bonus after 900.
- Fixed a few bugs (typos, some more gray stuff).
- Fixed another bug with Gray.
- Fixed a few bugs with Gray and some exploits.
- Added two new patreon pets. Succubus (token) from Kentorax and Grey (V100) from Feythe!
- Changed the statistic multiplier you get from challenges for UCCs 50+ to make it a bit more balanced. It doesn't affect earlier UCCs (most challenges got a buff).
- For UCCs 50+ there is now an extra reward that you get 3 * 67 growth per unlocked pet, 500 rebirth bacons and 10,000 god power after you finish it.
- Fixed a few bugs and exploits.
- UCCs now won't get harder after 100 million statistics multi to make them truly uncapped.
- To make them more worthwile, finishing 30, 40 and 50 UCCs will now unlock a new OC purchase each (Creation Count (outside from occc and gp reset challenges), Might training speed and Multiplier to the 4 main stats) and starting from 55, every 5 UCCs you do will additionally add 1 level to each OC without cost increase (if a OC purchase has a cap like V 2 Auto Kill, it can't go over the cap).
- Fixed some issues (focus issue for the pet search, tooltips, typos, an exploit)
- UCCs now won't get harder after 100 million statistics multi to make them truly uncapped.
- To make them more worthwile, finishing 30, 40 and 50 UCCs will now unlock a new OC purchase each (Creation Count (outside from occc and gp reset challenges), Might training speed and Multiplier to the 4 main stats) and starting from 55, every 5 UCCs you do will additionally add 1 level to each OC without cost increase (if a OC purchase has a cap like V 2 Auto Kill, it can't go over the cap).
- Fixed some issues (focus issue for the pet search, typos)
- Uncapped UCCs. For UCC 21 and more you get a retroactively multiplier for overflow points. It starts at 1% per UCC from 21 to 30, increases by 1% per UCC for every 10 more. So for example having done 51 UCCs would mean 64% bonus. They also increase the cap of the points you can get from OCs by twice as much. Currently the cap is 500, so with 51 UCCs the new cap would be 1140. Because uncapping UCCs, you lose the 50% chps from capping it, the chps you get from UCCs is now increased from 30 to 45.
- You can now reset your spent overflow points if you have spent more than 1000. It is costly and costs 10% of your spent overflow points. So it is only reasonable to do if you made quite a few mistakes by spending them.
- Added a pet sort option for weapon, armor and acc.
- Added an input field on the pet page to search for a pet with name.
- The god power page is now tab based where you have one tab for god power, overflow points and challenge points.
- For creation speed and building speed, the base 100% was not multiplied with many things, that is changed now. This will make especially UBCs and CBCs easier if you have bonus from pet equip. The tooltip on the god power page is now also a bit more accurate.
- Fixed a few bugs (AAC multi, wrong tooltips)
- Added the story chapter for Luna!
- Added an input for the Finger Flick to input where it stops instead of the V61 default.
- You can now trade higher tier creations for lower tier creations 1 vs 1. Usually not worth it but it might help if you created too many higher tier creations.
- You can now trade V1 pills and liquids into V2 pills and liquids at a ratio of 10 to 1.
- Sacrifice Crystals gives now CP which counts for CPCs.
- Fixed a few bugs (Crystal sacrifice did not reset on chp reset and didn't count for CPCs, some typos and exploits, some PGC related bugs, cs and bs on the gp page shows now the value with the base 100% included).
- Added a pity counter for PGC25 to reduce the rng needed to trigger a specific event required to finish the PGC.
- Addec a chp upgrade which adds the ability to sacrifice crystals for CP. This will convert level 1 crystals to CP at a rate of crystals^0.3 and is doable once a day at most.
- Fixed an issue which could cause your dungeon team being stuck and made it uncompletable on the new boss fight and some TBS double rebirth issue.
- Fixed a few exploits and small bugs.
- Added a new dungeon boss, 'Wolf of Nobina'. This boss was designed by Nonomo, a T5 Patreon. Defeating Goddess Nobina will drop an item which lets you challenge this boss in the newbie dungeon. But be careful, this boss is very powerful and only players who can easily beat D3-10 dungeons have a chance to win. Winning this fight will give you a powerful weapon, which grows even more powerful the more Patreon dungeon bosses you defeat in the future. But so far this is the only Patreon dungeon boss.
- Some people told me they want a higher frame rate because their monitor has a higher framerate so you can set it higher now in the settings. But be aware that it increases the cpu usage a lot if you set it higher than 60.
- Fixed an issue with the stat of Monster Queen in MQC.
- The Light Clone bonus from LCCs is now not rounded anymore to prevent getting too few or too many LCs after LCCs done.
- Fixed a few bugs (next at for monsters not reaching the demon lord, an issue with PGC22).
- Added the last 4 PGCs, (Alphagemo, AngryFarmerPhil, Risestorm and Rykker Bow), thanks for your support! With this, the PGCs are maxed out at 25. Future T5 patreons for 2 months and longer get a different reward, which is shown on the patreon page. The named gods can still continue.
- The tooltip on the rebirth page while in LCCs shows now your also how many rebirths you did and finishing all 50 LCCs gives you an extra reward of 50 resets.
- Fixed some issues with MQC, LCC and some smaller issues.
- The tooltip on the rebirth page while in LCCs shows now your current average LCs per rebirth.
- You can now cancel OCs even before the 1 hour mark.
- Fixed an exploit and some issue with MQC and some typos.
- Added 3 new challenges. Monster Queen Challenge, RTI Temp Level Challenge and Light Clone Challenge.
- Because RTI made some stats of very long runs with high stats a bit op, there is now a penalty to rebirths longer than 7 days for RTI of 2% per day. This means after 57 days into a rebirth, RTI would give no bonus anymore.
- Fixed a few bugs (chp upgrade for pet dungeon exp, some typos and initialization errors).
- Added an easter event. For the next 2 weeks, starting in 1.5 days, there is a new campaign, the easter garden, available (requires internet). In this campaign you will be able to find easter eggs. You can get one pet token from the easter eggs. While the event is active, the daily free draw will also give you 100 eggs and 10 chocolate.
- Added a token upgrade for the rabbit pet. If the rabbit gets this upgrade, earth equip will get a multiplier to attack of 50% (including gems) and 5% base speed bonus per tier.
- The pet details page shows now a star on pets which were upgraded with a token.
- Made the pet image a bit bigger on the pet details page and moved the hp bars a bit down.
- Added a chp upgrade to give adventurers more class exp.
- If someone converts a maxed T3 equip with a gem into an elemtal bar, the gem will be put back into your gem storage instead of being destroyed.
- Fixed an issue with crafting multiple bars at once and an issue when one pet used an ego sword and one pet a weaker leeching sword, missing elf crafting speed bonus, some issue with the forgable toggle, some issue with the might timer and some small things.
- With the last version I had a typo and ingame it was shown as version 2121 instead of 1221. I fixed that and have now version 1222. This means you might get a warning that the new version is lower. You can just ignore that warning.
- Added a rebirth timer for afky. Minimum time to rebirth afky is 15 minutes.
- Added a new fan art for valkyrie evo from Alcoria.
- Fixed a bug which reduced multi for afky after rebirthing.
- Added the ability to craft T3 bars for blacksmiths. The T3 bars will be used to forge T4 equip later on. Blacksmiths can do endless crafting with them like alchemists. The time and cost for one bar is about 10% of what a T3 equip SSS+20 (with reforging from S to SSS) costs. You can also convert maxed T3 equips into 10 bars each. Special equips like magic sticks or magic hammers can't be converted into bars yet, a solution for that will be added at a later time because the cost to create them is different. Alchemist capes won't ever be convertable into bars.
- The god page has now a timer until might is unlocked if you have one capped all skills and improved next at.
- Added the info for the time until next at is reached for RTI and div gen upgrades.
- Fixed a few bugs with afky god and some exploits.
- Added the PGC for ElChorizo.
- Added sort options when equipping pets, similar to the inventory.
- Afky god gained independence! This means normal rebirths won't reset afky anymore and it has its own rebirth button.
- You can see now an X on a pet equip slot if a crafter is currently upgrading this equip.
- If an alchemist can craft T3 mats, there are shown at the top now.
- Added a toggle to hide adventurers when selecting dungeon pets.
- Some tooltip improvements.
- Fixed a bug with the bag growth distribution and some dungeon calculations.
- Added the patreon pet for chicken god, mysterious egg. The pet for Amel, Bottle and the pet for Doobag, Bag.
- Added a new PGC for Mew.
- Added some more stats to the stats export.
- Added the time until next at for SpaceDim elements and monuments/upgrades.
- Increased the initial growth for most pets to make the start for newbies a bit easier.
- Fixed some bugs (Up low from crystal factory, some PGCs, Defenders in dungeons, avatar issues, powersurge cap if planet lv smaller than 5, some exploits and tooltips)
- The autofight after unleash now starts to fight a god with 1% of max hp and doubles that every time you lose up to 100%.
- The free exp you get from dungeons is now twice as high.
- Added class levels to the pet overview.
- Improved the preview of the avatar a bit.
- Added a time which counts until the next at is reached for the Might trainings.
- The alert button is now automatically available for free, so no need to purchase it anymore. That should help newer players a bit.
- The tooltip for pets on the campaign page shows now class exp / hour.
- Added X buttons to close the page for event, gp, purchase and challenge pages.
- Reworked the FAQ page a bit. Now it is less of a wall of text and with categories to find the info faster.
- Fixed the targeting issue for single target hits in dungeons, balrog hp calculation, some display issues and small things.
- Added a valentine event. The event will start on thursday, february 11th. For 2 weeks you will get event currency from the daily draw and from the ultimate beings you defeat. You can trade this for a pet token and other things.
- Added a new Pet, Rose. It has a bonus for alchemist and a speed boost for enchanting equip.
- Added new Patreon God Challenges with perk: notfromearth, Pakal, Kentorax, Robin, Brad and Seeress Salina.
- Added 3 as a next at option for creations. It creates one, then moves to the next. Basically to unlock the buy options without changing the next ats.
- Bugfix potion usage in dungeons. Someone pointed me towards that basically after every phoenix feather usage you got free usage of your potions and potions which didn't heal to max hp weren't used up and didn't appear in the log. This means you used up a lot less feathers and potion than you should. That is fixed now, but because older players had a long advantage with this and it makes it a bit harder for newer players, I also increased the exp from depth 1 by about 60% and from depth 2 by about 20% compared to before. I also added more phoenix feather drops to make up for the higher usage now.
- Added a new patreon pet from Rykker Bow! His name is Archer, a specialist assassin which has a change to shoot two arrows at once. You can unlock it with a token.
- Added auto fight with might unleash. If this is turned on, you will automatically fight gods as long as the unleash lasts.
- Added some more info for stat export and dungeon exports.
- Fixed an exploit and a few bugs and reduced memory usage a bit.
- Fixed a few bugs (mostly ui issues with equip, some typos and small issues, also much wanted the stickman bug!).
- Sometimes I make too many bugs, so now I added a new pet: "Bug". You can get it for free if you click the feedback button. You can also click there to report bugs, but please not the bug pet. Also sometimes I get bug-reports which just say: xyz, does not work and then nothing more. Something like that often doesn't help at all and if I don't know what the issue is, I can't help or fix it. If you report bugs, please describe it exactly, at best how to reproduce it, and better give me a save to reproduce it, otherwise I might not be able to fix it.
- You can now switch for all evolved pets to the pre-evo art. For hourglass there is also a special art option from nonomo.
- It is now possible to sort equipment in the inventory by clicking on hp, atk, def or speed.
- You get now a multiplier for rebirths > 30 minutes to monument points for DNDCs to make longer rebirths less bad.
- Fixed some things (display bugs, exploit, ego swords again, hope they work now like intended...).
- Added a toggle to exclude RTI pets from leveling.
- Fixed a few issues with the new PGCs, negative clones and the fix for the ego swords caused another issue which is fixed now, also a few typos.
- Added the patreon god challenges for Ultima and Furak.
- All item craftings have now elements and the elements are shown in the ui.
- Converting food into better food costs now 2 pet stones instead of 3.
- Added a setting for light clone purchases will auto reset depending on how expensive it is if you have the easier rebirth chp upgrade.
- It is now possible to level pets who are in RTI with clones. They just don't give bonuses for RTI elements as long as they fight clones.
- Fixed a few bugs (a few hourglass issues and multiple Egoswords in dungeons and a few typos and smaller issues).
- Happy new year!
- Fixed an issue which broke older saves of some people. They should work again now.
- Added a new pet, Hourglass. This pet was designed by nonomo as a T5 patreon reward! It is a wind supporter which doesn't give the usual damage reduction like other supporters, but instead a boost to the speed of all pets in the team and it can debuff the speed of all enemies.
- One-capping the training skills outside of UAC is now 3 times as fast so newbies have an easier time.
- The newbie boost for new players lasts now until baal is defeated for the first time instead of 24 hours of ingame time.
- The rebirth tab will now give a warning if you are in a challenge which would fail if you rebirth now.
- Fixed the restart button for the christmas campaign, the OC toggle overwriting starting a challenge and the spread button if capacity reached the next at. Also the description on the event page was wrong. You don't get cookies from dungeons, dungeons have a double drop rate instead and extra cookies from the daily free draw.
- (Android) Because the last version still caused crashes for some people, I added now a lower resolution for the avatars. This should prevent crashes. The avatar loads 5 seconds after starting the game, so within this time you can see a toggle to switch to the high res images if you have no issues with crashes.
- (Android) For some other people, google play services might have caused crashes. If that is the issue for you, clearing the cache of google play games might help.
- (Android) Because some people on android have crash issues since the new avatar, the game will now wait 10 seconds to auto load the new avatar. You can either force it to load faster, or if it still crashes after loading the avatar, please go to the settings and switch to the old avatar for now. In this case it would be good to report it me through email or discord so I can find out more about the issue.
- Avatar points are now purchasesable on the purchase page.
- Fixed a few bugs (some avatar issues, removed clones, other ui issues)
- Added a christmas event. If you still had some skulls from the last event left, they were auto traded for pet stones. While this event is active, you will receive twice as much drops from all dungeon enemies and there is a christmas campaign added where you will find cookies. You will also receive some cookies every day after taking the daily free draw. You can trade cookies for a pet token and other materials.
- Added a new pet, Elf, which has a bonus for blacksmithing. It is more for mid/endgame players but also gives a good boost for item campaigns even unevolved.
- Added a new style for the avatars. The new style is now set as default. For the new avatars, everyone has the causual style as a default set and unlocking new parts costs avatar points. Everyone received 500 avatar points for free and everyone who purchased the unlimited gender change gets an extra 100. This is enough to unlock a few new sets and you can purchase avatar points if you want to unlock more parts.
- People who want to keep the old avatar can use it instead of the new one and activate it in the settings. The old avatar is not affected by avatar points and the parts you have and the unlock conditions for them stay the same as they were.
- Added a spread and remove button for the div gen.
- Added a data export for pets.
- SpaceDim was a bit too powerful for endgame players. The bonus for levels > 10000 is now smaller than before.
- Fixed a few bugs.
- Added the perks for PGC God 11 (Nooby).
- Afky buttons can now show scientific numbers.
- The Baal Power bonus from patreons and challenges now also works for SpaceDim.
- Added a button to reset all timers at once.
- Fixed a few bugs (offline calculation issues, hp after loading a save, monument multis after p.baals, some clone issues, santa choco, pet owner after fail to continue crafting, display bugs and typos, some exploits).
- Added a new Challenge: UBV4 Challenge, maxed at 5. Each completion will reduce the timer for UBV4 fights by 1 minute. To complete it you need to defeat ITRTGV4 and the nerf it gets from normal UBs is reduced by (1 + challenges completed) * 20%. This means for the final one you need to defeat ITRTGV4 with full stats.
- The max and equip all button is now available on the Crystal Factory even without having the easier rebirth CHP upgrade. Because this de-values the easier rebirth option, the price is reduced to 500.
- Timed stats on the statistics page have now their own tab.
- You can now get a 5th dungeon party slot with 1500 CHP.
- Becaus RTI made the TBS purchase from Overflow Points kinda useless and added need for more hp regen, I replaced that option with hp regen now.
- The statistic multi on the rebirth page has now a red color if less than the god multi.
- The unleash timer on the god page is now a progress bar.
- The vaccina tooltip shows now how many pets were vaccinated.
- The challenge page shows now the info for the different PGCs after you finished them.
- Added more info to the UBV4 battle log.
- One Click UB fights now use the Powersurge boost.
- Improved some tooltips and info texts.
- Fixed a few bugs (canceling a CBC, offline progress monuments next at, some tooltips and typos, an exploit and small issues).
- Added the perks for PGC God 8 (kentouni),9 (Doobag) and 10 (Calcnerd).
- The gp gain from black holes and god crystals is now twice as high within OCCCs.
- Added more info on the RTI page.
- Fixed a few bugs (confuse in dungeons, pet growth multi, rebirth screen, remove clones in crystal factory, some exploits).
- Fixed a bug with P.Baals being unkillable if you never rebirthed, godly liquid and chakra for purchases didn't show the right amount, and undine was tokenable by mistake. A tokened undine was unevolvable and didn't have the dungeon skill so I reverted the unlock and gave the token back for people who used a token for her.
- For the event: you find skulls from the event campagin and from dungeons. The total amount you can get from the event is up to 8000. New players who have at most 10 pets find twice as many from the event campaign.
- Fixed stats gain from growth multi (PGC) for pets, some typos about the event, pet equip not counting for hp.
- Fixed a bug with CBC Clone reward and OCCC reward.
- Fixed the offset for the tab icons, some missing challenge bonuses for the reduced challenges, crafting page if forgeable is on, some typos and small issues.
- Added the story chapter for Nyx. Sorry for the long wait!
- Added a small halloween event. The event will start on october 24th and will last for 14 days. It needs internet connection to load and after it is loaded an "Graveyard" campaign is added. Here you can find skulls and trade them on the event page for one pet token, pet stones, chocolate or T3 dungeon materials.
- Added a Token upgrade for Pumpkin. This will give it 2% * class level extra chance to find chocolate on food camps and doubles its chance to find mighty food.
- The patreon boost for T4 patreons is increased a bit depending on the number of patreons. The base reward for a T4 patreon is 2% for divinity, crafting speed and baal power, 3% for pet exp, 10% for free dungeon exp. If there are at least a total of 10 T4 patreons, the reward for each T4 patreon increases by 50%, if there are at least 20 T4 patreons, it increases by another 50% and if there are at least 30 T4 patreons, it increases by another 50%.
- If a T5 patreon stays for 6 months, he can now choose a new pet along with its name and ability (has to be reasonable, the pet is free for the patreon and token unlock for others). If a T5 patreon stays for longer than 6 months, the cycle starts from the beginning (second named P.Baal after 7, second challenge perk after 8, second pet after 12).
- Added a setting on the premium items page to auto use godly liquids and chakra pills.
- Added 4 new challenges: God Power Challenge (easy, normal rebirth, earn a set amount of god power, reward is a new pet), Ultimate Gods Challenge (drc type, gods are much stronger than normal, defeat V11- V30 to finish, reward is more baal power from p.baals), Patreon Gods Challenge (ubc type, defeat gods from patreon, patreons might have added some perks or penalties, reward is more pet growth) and One Creation Count Challenge(drc type, also resets gp to 0 and cc to 1, max out your clones, reward is more cc for clones).
- Added a toggle for equip forging to show only equip you can forge.
- The inventory list shows now the number of equip of the same type you have.
- Redrew the god power icon.
- Added a god power pet. It gives god power when you feed it and you can unlock it with one of the new challenges.
- Added a slight passive bonus for the growing purchase and an additional bonus for every time you buy it.
- Water Dungeon Challenge gives now points depending on total damage done instead of summons killed. Seiryuu gives more points, Genbu less than before.
- Reduced the cap for CBC, DRC and NDC from 50 to 25. The unique reward for 25 is the same as 50 before to make it a bit easier for newer players. People who completed more of them than the new cap got a time which is fastest time of the challenge * challenges over the new cap on the statistics page. Currently that time does nothing but maybe it gives something in the future. From now on if you do any challenge which is already capped, the time here will also increase.
- Beachball bonus is now capped at 200%. That is reached with around 57 million pet stones. The image also gets a cap if someone reaches that.
- Bugfixes (offline div gen unlock, alert button for rti pets, item camp drops, an exploit, some typos, display bugs and small things)
- Added some failsafe for the new pet from lucky draws which starts to count after you have 6 crystal slots. At average you need 576 draws to get the pet but now if you have really bad luck and don't get it after 2000 draws, the new pet will drop after the next opened draw (the chance to not get it within 2000 draws is ~3%).
- Bugfixes (gp/h since rebirth, multi camp in CBC, missing new card in card game, permanent level loss of RTI, an exploit)
- Added a new pet: Living Draw (Adventurer, 80% bonus for item camps). You can obtain it after you have all 6 crystal slots, or if the crystal factory is not unlocked yet from a lucky draw with the same chance. It changes the redraw into a chance for the new pet. After you have obtained the pet, it will boost the item campaign bonus of this pet by 5% (capped at 200%) if you get the same chance again.
- Increased the limit of opening 50 draws per day to 100.
- It is now possible to see, and change your pets for UBV4 battles even if it is not unlocked yet.
- The clones tooltip shows now an estimated time to create the clones you have set as clones to add.
- Removed the cap for SpaceDim elements after SDCs are maxed. Instead it grows slower after level 2500 for most elements.
- Purchasing Lucky Draws gives now twice as many for the same price.
- Added more accurate descriptions to pet campaigns, improved some other descriptions.
- Chocolate trade from Santa is now capped at 6 per nothing.
- Fixed some bugs (dungeon events, mimic points undine, auto select pets, exploits) and some small optimations.
- Optimized some code to reduce lag on the inventory pages with lots of equip, creation and the pets page.
- Some people prefered the old crystal upgrade all so I added it again. Now you have both buttons. Same as the divinity shield toggle. It is now on both tabs.
- Fixed a few smaller bugs and typos.
- Moved the toggle for the divinity shield to the divinity generator page so people see it more easily if it is on. Divinity each convert and converts / s are now shown only at the tooltip for divinity/s. It is not the most important info, took up space and confused newer players.
- Increased the drop rate of T2 material in Depth 2 dungeons to make it a bit easier to reach Depth 3.
- Sorting pets by class will now also put the ones with the same class and higher bonus for RTI first.
- The monument page, div gen and creation page shows now a timer when chakra pill or godly liquid is active.
- Fixed a few bugs (P.Baal V148+, wrong chance info for some dungeon events, Up All Crystal Factory if levels != max, Crystal Factory unlock with UUC)
- The crystal factory is now also unlocked after doing your first UUC. That should make it a bit easier for new players and doesn't require an early UBC anymore.
- Reworked item crafting a bit. Now if you craft only one item, it will auto continue to craft the same item until canceled, or you don't have enough prerequisites. If you craft more than one or quest items, the behaviour stays the same as before.
- Added named gods after Baal for T5 Patreons.
- Increased chp reward from DUC and DPC to make it more possible to reach the max chp there.
- Added a purchase which lets you keep TBS gp purchases in GP-reset challenges.
- Upgrade All for crystal factory modules will now upgrade lowest levels first.
- Fixed a few bugs (auto vaccination, shortcuts, an exploit, 1kbhc reward initialization, roman numbers, some tooltips and small issues).
- You can now name your dungeon teams.
- Added a setting to have turned the defender clones for crystal on after rebirthing.
- Dungeon logs show now items leftover for both the party items and the inventory items.
- There are some weird people who want to do more than 2 UACs and asked me to add some reward for it. Well now from your 3rd UAC onward you will receive a Class Change Token as a reward.
- Fixed a few small bugs (P.Baal > V147, some info on the statistics page, food used in dungeon logs), typos and exploits.
- Export for the next at settings now also works for RTI and SpaceDim.
- Dungeon logs show now how many items you have left of the used ones.
- Fix with Seal evo condition, RTI page, some typos and small things.
- With the last update, some people gained more adventurer exp than they had before and others less, or were not affected. I tried to set it so that it is about the same as before, but sadly getting the exact value was not possible. Anyway because that was my fault, I added a 2 week long event where all adventurers get twice as much experience. Additionally, all pets doing campaigns gain an extra 20% bonus for all campaigns while this event is active. The event will start tomorrow evening, you can see the timer on top left.
- Added a toggle to the crafting page to hide non crafters.
- Tooltip for black hole and upgrade shows now total GP gained.
- The purchase icon shows now the daily pack icon and moves to the special page on click if one is available to claim.
- The evo bonus for pets is now shown the same way after unlock than before.
- Fixed a few bugs (no mimic points on burn, thunder ball penalty, RTI exploit, evolved balrog healing, android patreon button, some typos).
- Sorry, the last version had a serious bug with campaigns. Only people who had version 1156 and finished campaigns were affected. For people who used this version and got this bug I had to reset and average some class levels. I made this depending on their growth, so it should be in overal similar to before, but it might be different depending on the player. There was no way to get the exact levels he had before.
- After RTI was added people complained that there are not enough pets, so I added 6 new pets. Armadillo (Earth, Defender, newer players, unlocked after defeating Odin), Balrog (Fire, Mage, unlocked after defeating V88), Treasure (Neutral, Assassin, unlocked via Dungeon D3 new mimic enemies (harder than bosses)), Seal (Water, Alchemist, Token), Raven (Wind, Rogue, Token), Raiju (Wind, Adventurer, Token).
- Added the defense stat on the mystic tooltip.
- Power level doesn't really say if you can defeat a god and is not that accurate, but some people seem to want it on the main ui. Now there is setting to replace the god title with your power level. On the top left, there is no space anymore. Even with removing the logo, there would be still the crown for patreons.
- Ego swords will now give class experience instead of normal experience to pets on the RTI tab.
- Tooltips on the RTI boosts show now which class will provide this boost.
- Added a setting to not show tooltips on tab buttons.
- Added a setting to use 2 letter abbreviation for tab buttons instead of the icons.
- Added some more statistics to the statistics other page.
- Added a pet stone buy to increase class exp gained from campaigns.
- Added roman number format, just for a change. It is cooler than the E-numbers.
- Added a setting which will cause the game to do automatically an autosave before you rebirth.
- Halved the perm level cost for getting pet slots for RTI from 50k to 25k.
- Added highscores for Shadow Clones, Building Speed and Creating speed (Steam and Kong).
- Added an again button for challenge dungeons so you can do the same challenge dungeon again without needing to go back.
- Removed the setting for stop at in trainings. Nobody used that anyway.
- The clone overview page has now visit buttons.
- Bugfixes (missing worker clones on pets overview, book RTI, offline calc spacedim, typos, small things)
- Added a "Spread" and "Remove" button to the might and SpaceDim page. It spreads idle clones among all mights which have not reached next at.
- Added a new challenge, Road to Infinity. This challenge is unlocked after you killed at least P.Baal V10 in a Day Baal Challenge and will unlock a new tab. It is basically the same as a DBC, but you have one week to finish it instead of a day (you can manually finish it sooner, with a minium time of 48 hours, but reaching a higher P.Baal is likely better). The higher you go, the better the boosts from the new tab. If you have all UBC bonuses and manage to reach further than P.Baal V138 within the RTI challenge, the limit will increase to highest P.Baal reached +10. This means if you reach V147, which is currently the max P.Baal, you can reach V157 after that and do another RTI to V157 to reach V167 and so on. Because the game is limited to numbers until E+308, after you beat V147, the game will divide your stats through 100 and the P.Baal increases to V148, if you beat it again, it will divide your stats through 100 again, this continues until you reached your new max P.Baal.
- Added Seed (Yggdrasil) as a new pet which can be unlocked with RTI and Tanuki as a new token pet.
- Reworked the tiers for pet campaigns a bit. Now the gain from all but gp and item campaign (they stay unchanged) is better for pets than before.
- Overflow challenges give now 1 chp each.
- Pets will now auto vaccinate after you unlock it as long as you have a vaccine.
- Added highscores for fastest time to defeat ITRTGV4 and highest god in RTI (Steam and Kong).
- Added a unequp all button to the inventory.
- Added 3 new chp buys. One to lower the timers for UBV4s, one to increase the leveling speed of Spacedim, one to save up more tries for challenge dungeons.
- Added a new tab, ∞. This tab is unlocked after you finished at least one RTI challenge and you will be able get temporary and permanent boosts to a lot of the stats ingame. You can increase the boosts by letting pets work on this tap depending on their class and class level. At the beginning you have 2 slots for pets, which can be upgraded up to 8 (1 for each class) with either pet stones and levels from this tab or purchases (~5 USD per slot). The boost you get from this tab has a startup time after rebirthing. It starts at 0%, increases by 1% every minute up to 100%. After rebirthing, the levels you got will be converted to permanent levels (0 - 300%) depending on your rebirth time.
- Reworked the purchase page a bit. It is now split in normal, permanent, special and usable purchases so there is less scrolling needed. Purchases for Godly Liquid and Chakra Pill now receive bonus depending on your % from the purchase page. You can now also purchase chocolate.
- Added a growing purchase for ~10 USD. The reward you get from it starts out low but grows the more you play the game. Each campaign, each dungeon, each UBV2, UBV4 you do will increase the output until it will be by far the best purchase, but it grows slower after a month and when you purchase it, it starts again from the beginning. It is unlocked after you finished your first UBC and you can get it once a month at most (not purchaseable from within gp reset challenges).
- The dungeon result shows now how much items you gained from events (including gp, growth and pet stones) and from the base dungeon separate.
- Fixed some bugs (offline might with preset might, equip > SSS quality was possible with the auto reforge but not intended so reverted to SSS, sometimes wrong pets got an equip after crafting, which is hopefully fixed now).
- Fixed a bug with offline might and some typos.
- Added a summer event. The event will start at june 23rd and lasts for 14 days. While the event is active, there is a new beach campaign where you will find sand. You can trade sand for a pet token, pet stones and some other things.
- The easier rebirth page has now also the option to buy pet stones with baal power.
- Unlocking the div gen will now auto add the clones used for ToG to build the div gen.
- The manual save timer is now synced with the daily free draw timer. This means the button will now turn yellow after you get the daily free draw.
- Added a new pet: Beach Ball. The ball has bonus for all campaigns depending on the amount of pet stones you have.
- You can now auto reforge up to SSS if you have enough materials. For SSS input the number 9, each lower grade is one number lower.
- The progressbar for enchanting equip shows now the number of enchants the item has.
- Fixed a few bugs (creating stat if CC is above max int in NDCs, offline calc monuments, some dungeon events, some tooltips and exploits)
- (Android) Added a save to clipboard button will copy the save to your clipboard. This means you can back it up additionally locally. The export button for the dungeon logs and the stats will now also copy it to your clipboard instead of an email (which didn't work in some cases). In the settings, there is now also an export option to export and import your next at settings to and from your clipboard.
- Clicking on a pet on the crafting page will now go to its details.
- You can now sort equipment by type (weapon, armor, accessory) in the inventory.
- The tooltip for prerequisite creations shows now additionally to the CC also what you need for the current next at value.
- When you start a gp reset challenge, the keep minumum god power is set to 0 now and reverted to the previous value after finishing it.
- Added timers for pet growth, pet stones and might in the statistics page, similar to the gp and cp.
- Added the kill count of UBsV4 and the points from UBsV4 to the statistics page.
- Added a button with the discord link to the FAQ page.
- You can now change equip for crafters while they are crafting, just not equip anything which gives a crafting related boost.
- Fixed a few bugs (issues after killing ITRTGV4, creation speed bonus from OFPs, evo bonus from book, some initialization and display issues).
- Made the delay for the card battle framerate independend. This means a lower delay for everyone who uses a lower framerate than 30 for the card battle. For people who have > 50 cards, the delay is further reduced by half.
- Added a button to the afk page to turn the whole screen black. This further reduces cpu usage, especially for android users and prevents screen burn.
- Added an button to upgrade all modules for the crystal factory by 1 level at once. Added an button to equip all and an button to max all. People who have the easier rebirth CHP upgrade also get an button which does unequip, max all and equip all at once.
- Added a yellow warning if you have Shadow Clones added to V4 fights but no fight is starting.
- Added an extra reward for completing all 50 No Divinity Challenges: Worker clones can carry 50% more stones.
- You can now click a pet on the campaign page to go to its detail view.
- You can now see the duration of a might unleash on the god page without the need to look at the tooltip.
- Removed the full screen info after rebirthing about how many god power you got from Black Hole upgrades. Instead the rebirth page will show it before rebirthing.
- Tooltips for time left until level up have how commas for higher clone numbers.
- Fixed an issue where a card battle counted as more than one battle and some elements which didn't update the text correctly.
- Added a checkbox for editing the cards to see it easier which card are in the deck, added a slight delay before a combo happens, cards are now ordered by combined stats in the edit deck page.
- Fixed a few issues (auto add clones for fights, sorry last fix made it worse but now it should work better, Level button for crystal factory, a few tooltips and info texts which werent't updating right)
- Fixed an exploit and a few issues with the card game. The combo is now limited to one tier. This means a card which was won after a combo doesn't combo again.
- Added a card game for the afky page. In this game you use pet cards, they have each 4 numbers, one for left, top, right and bottom. You put a card into a 3 x 3 field, then an opponent (one of the gods which each uses different cards) and if it is placed to an opponent card with a lower number on the same side it will turn into a card of his color. When all 9 spots in the field are placed the one with the most cards in his color wins. It is basically Triple Triad from FF8 with pet cards. This is mostly a mini game for bored people and doesn't depend on the main game. But you can earn some extra pet food with it.
- Food campagins now get a boost of 1% each pet you own. So if someone owns all 58 pets, food campaigns will yield 58% more pet food.
- Added buttons on the crystal factory page to max the level of all modules and to add clones to all modules at once.
- Overflow points per challenge is now capped at 500. Mostly to prevent a very high amount of points for people who use divinity doublers for weeks and then get a massive amount of universes. This change is retroactive. So if anyone got more than 500 per challenge at average will have it reduced.
- It is now possible to buy the ad point purchases for stats 20 times at once so people who want to max them in long challenges need less clicks.
- Improved the elemental stats for neutral equip a bit.
- The premium page shows now how many ads you have watched this day.
- SpaceDim tab is now always visible as long as your strongest god defeated is > V4.
- The tooltip for the stop unleash button on the god page shows now the shortest duration left. The unleash might button shows how long the longest cooldown is.
- The tooltip for powersurge+ and clones on divinity shows now the clones needed for the cap.
- Fixed a few bugs (auto add clones for fights, pet changing for the avatar after unlocking a new one (I had to rewrite the code here so you might have a wrong pet just after this update one time only), freeze and sleep for dungeons, pets showing they are in a campaign if they are not, some typos, outdated descriptions and other small issues)
- Removed the Easter Garden name and description from the food campagin. That was still a leftover from last year and didn't give any eggs.
- Fixed an initialization bug for people with maxed SpaceDim Challenges.
- Fixed bugs (bh gp gain, lost food from trading, chp reset)
- The last update where you could buy mighty food with pet stones made the refrigerator almost irrelevant. So now you can only buy it if you have a refrigerator.
- Fixed a bug with trading food.
- Added the story chapter for Zeus.
- Added an easter event. While the event is active, there is a new Egg hunt campaign where your pets can find easter eggs, chocolate and pet stones. You can trade easter eggs for one pet token and the usual event things. The event won't start as soon as you update as usual, instead it will start automatically in about 3 days so players who get the update later won't have a disadvantage. You can see a timer when it will start and it will last for 14 days after that. If you still had some toilet paper left over it was auto converted to pet stones.
- Added a new pet, Fire Fox. It is fire element and can become a good blacksmith.
- You can now buy Mighty Food for 10 petstones each.
- The cap button for powersurge shows now how many clones you need.
- Fixed some bugs (vaccinate button showing up on vaccinated pets, Black Hole ugprades from OFPs)
- The until boss button is now also available when you start a dungeon.
- Showed a bit more info about how overflow points are calculated when you click finish in the challenge and they show now a more accurate number rather than the rounded one.
- The tooltip on the div gen page for 'Cap' and 'Cap Max' shows not the number of clones needed.
- The offline blackhole gp gain is now capped at 12 hours of offline time and not a set value anymore.
- The tooltip timer for Lucky Draws will now continue after the first day if you don't claim it.
- Fixed a few bugs (OC in UCC, Gem Cap, hidden vaccinate button, some typos, tooltips, some exploits).
- Fixed a bug with the corona evo and vaccination.
- Fixed a bug with clones not adjustable and Vaccina not being evolvable.
- The change for the crystals was too powerful for shorter rebirths and basically doubled the crystal power you gained in rebirths smaller than 2 hours. To balance that, upgrading will now will give you at best 1 crystal less then you had before.
- Some people said that the Overflow Challenge is not limited and has a cap of 9999 ingame. Well I don't expect anyone to really reach 9999 completions of that challenge and even if someone does, you could still do more for more overflow points, it is mostly for display space reasons. But if there is really someone patient enough and actually caps this challenge to 9999, I will add a special reward for him and add an Overflow Challenge V2.
- Crystals in the crystal can now decimal values. This means if you upgrade 2 crystals with 95% chance, you will have 1.9 crystals of the next tier and there is no leftover, so no loss from upgrading anymore. That also removed the need of the upgrade opt and upgrade keep buttons, so I removed them.
- Fixed a bug which let you lose Overflow Point upgrades after rebirthing. I also made them a bit cheaper.
- Added a new event: For the next 2 weeks you can find toilet paper in Item Campaigns (1 per hour per pet in the campaign, people with less than 10 total pets will find more). You can trade toilet paper for one Pet Token, chocolate, T3 materials or Pet Stones.
- Some people are out of Challenges again so I added an Overflow Challenge. This challenge has no cap and you can do it as often as you want. It is like a normal rebirth and you get points depending on how good you have at the end (minimum time 6 hours). With the points you can buy things, similar to challenge points but not limited. It is unlocked after you have defeated your first Planet Eater V4.
- Added 2 new pets. They have to do with the current virus around the world and not everyone wants that, so they are hidden by default. You can manually make them visible by typing the right word in the settings page.
- Next at for SpaceDim elements should go to the top now if you reach a non unlocked element.
- Added a button to set the time for restarting a dungeon to the boss room. D3 dungeons now need only 30 rooms for the boss.
- Fixed a few bugs.
- The dungeon page shows now the overview data on the progress bar instead of the name after it is started.
- The setting for creations to update your CC after equipping a crystal now also works for Matter Compiler from SpaceDim.
- Fixed bugs (Autokill PEV2 Ghost might, import next at for shadow clones (for exports previously you need to manually add the one for shadow clones), crystal check if starting a challenge, achievements for creations, damage calculation for UBV4 fights (damage reduction only affected pierce), keeping title after UBV2 fights, BHChan was evolvable with a token (people who evolved it with a token got it back and BHChan is unevolved), some typos, tooltip descriptions, exploits and other small issues).
- Fixed an issue for people with negative clones from UBV4 fights in version 1104, the speed influence on piercing for UBV4 fights has now a minimum of 0, which prevents assassins to do negative damage with low speed, Light Clones not going back to level up SpaceDim after beating ITRTGV4, Crystal warning on rebirth, Crystal Power bonus from UCCs.
- Removed the tooltip on Chocobear which still showed the unlock condition from last year. That was wrong, you can unlock it with 3000 choco berries this year. That should be easy to get even with almost no campaigns, but people with less than 10 pets also get more choco berries from the chocolate factory.
- Fixed some UBV4 bugs and exploits.
- Added a valentines event. In this event, people who don't have the Chocobear can get it for free. People who have it already can improve it for better campaign bonuses. To do that, you will receive choco strawberries from the daily draw and from food campaigns. Food campaigns are renamed to choco factory for that event and also let your pets get chocolate from it with the same rate as mighty food.
- Added a new challenge: No Divinity Monument Challenge. A challenge that embraces the DNDC creation overflow mechanics. Goal is to have a specific monument with a given level and upgrade level while only using creations you manually make. The reward will reduce the divinity cost of creations and the 21st challenge will reduce the time needed for leveling monuments.
- For UBV4 fights, your pets will now also use Speed, HP and Elements into the calculation. Combined total speed ^0.4-30 is added to the defense penetration for assasins, the hp of your clones is multiplied with (70 + total combined hp^0.4) / 100 and the mage attack is multiplied with (70 + total combined elements^0.4) / 100. This basically means if the combined hp, speed and elements of your pets in UBV4 each have a value > 5000 you are better than before.
- Added an alchemist cape. This is not forgeable but you can get it from spending 2000 level 1 gems of each element. An alchemist who has it equipped can forge T3 materials.
- Reduced the points needed to evolve Black Hole Chan from 1500 to 1000. It also now has an additional evo bonus depending on your fastest time to defeat ITRTGV4 of (1.3 million seconds - time in seconds needed)^0.3-30 as campaign bonus and twice as much as bonus for all elements.
- Added a button: 'Show stats' to the UBV4 page. This will calculate the current stats of your light clones with pets and the V4 target and show them without the need to start the fight.
- Fixed bugs (check for crystals, green text for required pets for UBs V4, possibility of losing an equip with a certain behaviour, offline might unlock, small things)
- Added a valentines event. In this event, people who don't have the choco bear can get it for free. People who have it already can improve it for better campaign bonuses. To do that, you will receive choco strawberries from the daily draw and from food campaigns. Food campaigns are renamed to choco factory for that event and also let your pets get chocolate from it with the same rate as mighty food.
- Added a new challenge: No Divinity Monument Challenge. A challenge that embraces the DNDC creation overflow mechanics. Goal is to have a specific monument with a given level and upgrade level while only using creations you manually make. The reward will reduce the divinity cost of creations and the 21st challenge will reduce the time needed for leveling monuments.
- For UBV4 fights, your pets will now also use Speed, HP and Elements into the calculation. Combined total speed ^0.4-30 is added to the defense penetration for assasins, the hp of your clones is multiplied with (70 + total combined hp^0.4) / 100 and the mage attack is multiplied with (70 + total combined elements^0.4) / 100. This basically means if the combined hp, speed and elements of your pets in UBV4 each have a value > 5000 you are better than before.
- Added an alchemist cape. This is not forgeable but you can get it from spending 2000 level 1 gems of each element. An alchemist who has it equipped can forge T3 materials.
- Reduced the points needed to evolve Black Hole Chan from 1500 to 1000. It also now has an additional evo bonus depending on your fastest time to defeat ITRTGV4 of (1.3 million seconds - time in seconds needed)^0.3-30 as campaign bonus and twice as much as bonus for all elements.
- Added a button: 'Show stats' to the UBV4 page. This will calculate the current stats of your light clones with pets and the V4 target and show them without the need to start the fight.
- Fixed bugs (check for crystals, green text for required pets for UBs V4, possibility of losing an equip with a certain behaviour, offline might unlock, small things)
- Not everyone liked the change for the Light Clones on UBV4s so you can now switch between manual mode to set them manually and auto to use the maximum you have.
- The alert for idle pets is now yellow with a lower priority.
- Rebirthing will now only show a single yes / no dialog instead of asking for every thing you might need to check. Instead it shows an overview of things which might be missing. It only shows a second yes / no dialog for reset challenges.
- Added a chp buy to be able to buy food, light clones, feed pets and max crystals on the new rebirth page.
- The chp reward of all the day challenges is now capped at 333.
- Also a few small fixes.
- Dimension Beamer now also increases the damage your mages do against shields.
- UBV4 battles now use all Light Clones you have but Spacedim won't progress if an UBV4 fight is started.
- Tooltips on pets on the UBV4 page show now only stats which are relevant for UBV4 fights.
- Added a next at for Shadow clones. Only works of 'Create Clones if not max' is turned off.
- The Alert button gives now an alert if you have at least one pet which is doing nothing.
- Fixed a few bugs (text issues, UAC reward issue, small things).
- Fixed a few mostly UBV4 related bugs.
- Leveling Mystic Regen+ on might will now increase the healpower of your supporters in UBV4 fights.
- Added color coding for the UBV4 unlock conditions and improved some tooltips and infos about it.
- Added Ultimate Beings V4. They are more for endgame players who can easily reach P.Baal V50 and have good pets and many clones.
- Added a new Pet, Black Hole Chan. You can unlock this pet if you defeat the first Ultimate Being V4. It becomes stronger the more you defeat.
- Added a timer for Light Clones / hour. All X / hour timers now count both offline and online time.
- Added a highscore for Light Clones.
- The calculations for pet leveling is now done only twice a second instead of 33 times to reduce lag. Improved the calculation here that multiple shadow clones can be killed in the new one half second tick. This means people with overflow might level their pets a bit faster now, people without it, and higher growth pets, slower. And the heavy lag on rebirth with many pets should be gone.
- Zaratans in D3 water dungeons have now lower def.
- A few bugfixes (event failure used up items, offline calc, Avatar, God power page and similar stayed open when a shortcud was used, a few small things) and typo fixes.
- Newer people often have trouble to understand the divinity generator so I added an info page for the divinity generator which explains it a bit more.
- When I added the Fill2 button for the divinity generator, I forgot to double the cost and now everyone is already accustomized to the Fill2 button with the normal cost and the Fill button is never used, so I removed the Fill button and renamed the Fill2 button to Fill.
- The Patreon T4 bonus for pet free exp was considered a bit too weak so I increased it from 5% to 10%. The Baal Power reward is now rounded up for values above x.5.
- Reset button for light clones is now hidden if the cost is less than 2.
- Bugfixes (Powersurge offline, title after rebirth, some dungeon logs, some typos, crafting selected prerequesite and some small issues)
- Fixed a bug on the offline calculation and an issue which resetted the game on the very first rebirth if you didn't restart it at least once.
- Added a cancel button for change title and a toggle which lets you automatically get the title from the god you defeat like before.
- Added an exit button for the character select, shortcuts/menu, and patreon pages because some people were confused about how to close them.
- You can now manually select the required equipment for forging.
- You can now see which boost a T4 patreon gives you.
- Rebirth bacon was a bit exploitable, so now you will only keep the current hunger if the rebirth takes longer than might unlock. For pandora the hunger will always reset to full.
- Some bugfixes (Afky page, dungeon summary for food, empty title selection).
- Added boosts from patreons and a link to my new patreon. I never used patreon before and wanted to test it because once in a while I get asked about it from some players. It is by no means required but a patreon supporter helps me to develop this and future games, and also can influence it a bit.
- The afky campaign multi uses now the max afky power instead of the current for people who didn't use the token.
- The afky page shows now the exp multiplier on the page.
- Pets who are in dungeons with rebirth bacon will now keep their current hunger bar.
- The game gives you now a hint if you load a save from a newer version (can happen if you switch platforms) because it is possible to lose things if you do that.
- It is now possible to manually change the title of your god.
- Added 'Activity', who lists pet in the order of Dungeon, Crafting, Campaign, Idle as a new sorting order.
- The dungeon summary shows now how many items were used.
- Fixed a few bugs (another bug for UBV2Cs, autokill after 10 UBV2Cs, refill rebirth bacon, crafting setting for hours, tooltip issues).
- Tooltip on unleash on the god page and usable skills in the might page shows now the combined attack power, mystic and regen.
- Tooltip for UBs show now how much divinity you gain after defeating it.
- The alert button gives now a warning if you have 8 or more dungeon challenges unused for people with more than 100 total dungeon levels.
- Added higher god power purchases for people with lots of god power.
- Fixed a bug with the damage calculations in UBV2 Challenges and a bug with class changing without token, some typos and tooltip issues.
- Fixed might tab unlock for the new ui, a wrong timer for time till clones maxed in some cases.
- Fixed an exploit for UBV2Cs 11 and higher. People who finished more than 10 on version 1084 have them removed.
- Fixed an offline issue for monuments.
- Added 2 new challenges, both are more for endgame players.
- Ultimate Beings V2 Challenge: Normal rebirth, maxed at 10, goal is to defeat ITRTGV2. In this challenge, the UBV2s are harder after each challenge finished and they will always get 2 actions per turn. Reward is more multiplier from defeating UBVs2 (after might unlock) and with a high enough attack+ might you will auto kill them with no need to do them manually anymore. This challenge is unlocked after you have at least 5 million clones. But you might also want a good CS and at best maxed out our 1KCs first. You can do that challenge more than 10 times for even harder UBV2s and extra god power, but the other reward is capped at 10.
- SpaceDim Challenge: Normal rebirth, maxed at 20, goal is to level up one relevant spacedim element to level 100 x (1 + challenges finished). The relevant element starts at the V5 one and ends at the V100 one. Reward is faster leveling of spacedim elements and a higher cap of them. This challenge is unlocked after you have at least 10k light clones.
- Changed otter feeding rewards a bit so it is less rng to get nothing. The average amount is still the same as before.
- Improved equip forging a bit to make it less confusing for newer players.
- Rebirthing will now automatically click max power for afky. It is now possible to use one pet token for the afky pet to max out his campaign bonuses independend of the afky game. This means you can have his max campaign bonuses without the need to play the afky game.
- Supporters in dungeons can now heal in the same turn even after all enemies are killed.
- Lucky draws use now also the gp bonus from the purchase page for gp drops.
- Fixed a few bugs (offline calc div gen unlock, training next at, rounding issue for UBV2 damage calculation, 1 BP buy for spacedim, other small issues) and typos like usual.
- Fixed an exploit, some tooltip errors and -1 on locked spacedim elements.
- Moved the reset button to the settings page because some people misclicked on it.
- Added option to buy 1 Light Clone.
- Fixed lots of small bugs and issues (typos, wrong descriptions, healing in dungeons, party dungeon issues, Spacedim issues, missing stickman).
- Added a christmas event. For the next 2 weeks you will receive from the daily free draw 2 draws, 5 chocolate, and 250 snowflakes. You can also receive snowflakes from challenge dungeons (capped at a total of 12000). You can trade your snowflakes for 1 pet token, pet stones, chocolate or dungeon T3 materials.
- Added Santa as a new pet. You can trade her nothing for chocolate.
- Added a new Tab: SpaceDim (for advanced players). It unlocks after you defeat P.Baal V 5. There you can buy Light Clones with Baal Power and use them to level up different things to improve your stats and rewards for various things ingame. Every new 5 P.Baals you defeat a new element to level up appears. This and their levels will reset on rebirth but you keep the light clones so it becomes easier the more often you unlock it.
- Pets which can be unlocked via gods are now unlocked automatically with an unlock info to make it easier to notice for newer players.
- You can now select an upgrade target for gems.
- Added an option to auto move to the next monument after one is built until the div gen is unlocked.
- Tooltips for monuments show now how much stats they give compared to all other monuments.
- The tooltip above your clones shows now how long it takes until maxed (if you create clones).
- Supporters in dungeons will now also heal if it heals over the max hp of the target, if the target has less than 60% hp. The % based part of the heal is now capped at 20%.
- It is now possible to have up to 8 dungeon item slots.
- Crafting time for embedding gems is now independend on tier of the equip.
- The afk page shows now the powerlevel of the next god.
- Fixed a few bugs, typos, cap for powersurge, gem images, some rounding issues.
- Fixed an exploit with gems, some missing/wrong gem icons and food refill with auto refill.
- Please make sure to spend your candies before the Christmas event because they will be removed with that event.
- Added upgrading of gems. You can now upgrade your gems up to a max level of 15.
- Added embeding of gems into equipment. Your blacksmiths can now embed a gem into equipment. Neutral gems increase elemental stats, fire increases attack, water increases hp, earth increases defense and wind increases speed of an equipment. The increase can be between 1% (lv 1 gem on T1 equip) and 45% (lv 15 gem on T3 equip). You can remove gems from an equipment but then they will lose 1 level. If you forge a higher tier of an equipment and the lower tier has a gem embedded, the higher tier equip will keep the gem with the same level.
- Added a Challenge points upgrade to auto refill dungeon items if you have them available.
- Added a Challenge points upgrade to remove the level loss of gems after you remove it from equipments.
- You can now unlock a fourth dungeon party slot. It costs 2000 level 1 gems of each element.
- Forging a higher tier equipment will now keep half of the enchantments if the lower tier equipment had some.
- Bugfixes: some typos, auto select for gp campaigns with nightmare, shift r opens to dungeon page.
- Fixed a few issues with the new tabs being locked and a few tooltip issues.
- Made the game a bit easier for new players. Added a short info text for most things when something new unlocks and new players will now get 4 times as much stats within the first 24 hours the game is open.
- Added new Tab-Buttons. They are icons now and you can see all pages at once. This means you need less clicks overall but might need to get acustomized to the icons instead of text. If you don't like that, you can also still use the old button tabs if you disable the new buttons in the settings. The shortcuts are now changed to reflect the new ui buttons.
- The game asks you now if you want to do an offline calculation while you are in a day challenge because some people don't want that and forget to disable it before they start the game.
- Fixed a few bugs (import dungeon teams, reaching the last baal didn't give the avatar icon, speed/damage calculation depending if a pet is in front or back, canceling crafting didn't return the item to their owner, defender hp/damage mitigation for high class levels, max value for editing clone buttons, bh+ might initialization)
- Fixed a bug that loading a local save didn't give offline progress and a bug which didn't reduce defense from ghost and def break weapons as much as it should.
- To make the halloween event a bit easier for new players, players who have 10 or less unlocked pets will now receive twice, and players with 5 or less pets unlocked thrice as much candies from food campaigns.
- Increased the gems you gain from dungeon challenges by a lot.
- Fixed a bug with afky god animations.
- Fixed a few bugs: challenge dungeons tries resetted back to 10 after rebirthing. Because of this I had to reset your gems and gave back the 10 challenge tries; forging for higher tier equip was bugged; some ui typos.
- Added a Halloween event. For the next 14 days you can find candies in dungeons and in food campaigns. You can trade your candies for 1 pet token and additionally dungeon materials.
- Added 4 new pets: Valkyrie (P.Baal V45, Defender), Lucky Coin (P.Baal V 77, Assassin, does extra damage in dungeons and finds extra loot after evolving), Nightmare (Token, Adventurer, uncaps God Power campaigns, has a huge campaign bonus but decreases the bonus of other pets in the same campaign), Otter (Token, Adventurer, gives you dungeon materials after feeding).
- Added the story chapter for Susano O.
- Added Dungeon challenges. They are currently in beta and can still change depending on player feedback. You get 3 entries every day from gtting your free lucky draw. You can save up to 10 entries in case you don't have time to do them in one day. You will use a separate pet party for them and they are completed instantly when you start them. From completing a dungeon challenge you will receive gems and get points to compare your score, see your improvements and so on.
- Added gems. Currently they have no use yet, but on a future update you will be able to socket them into pet equip for improved stats. The amount you get is also still in beta and subject to change.
- Some people wanted more afky fire options, others not at all so I added 21 new options of what he shoots and the option to hide it all.
- Improved the Daily Packs a bit. They give now additionally 3 x 3 growth for each pet you own and highest god defeated / 10 more god power.
- Added dungeon materials to the drop list of Lucky Draws. They have now a chance of giving 20 of each dungeon T1 materials, 5 of each T2 materials, or 2 of each T3 material. They can only drop if you have at least one blacksmith.
- Rearanged the info for the offline calculation so you see the god power earned first.
- You can now disable shortcuts on the "?" page in case the platform you play at has issues with them.
- Fixed some bugs (leeching swords, evo bonus book, clone count settings in 1KC, some typos, crafting evo bonus, supporter damage reduction also reduced your own damage)
- Fixed the green color bug on selecting pets for campaigns.
- Added a way to customize the clone buttons. You can do so on the train physical page.
- Changed the way hate all for campaings work. Now it will still be auto selected for the favourite campaign.
- You can now input how many hours you want the crafting to take for the alchemist and the game calculates how many you can craft in that time.
- The buttons for afky god are now green if you can afford the upgrade.
- Fixed a few exploits and some dungeon d3 bugs. Also reduced the power of heal all of enemies.
- MMCs were exploitable and instantly finished after you finished 40 of them. People who finished more than 40 have their MMCs reset to 40 now and the extra gp gained from them is removed.
- Alchemits have now a speed bonus of 10% if they craft an item of their own element.
- Some slight ui improvements.
- Some bugfixes (an item was randomly equipped to more than one pet, CBC finish condition, PBC reward before UCC).
- Added a rebirth bacon. You can either create it with alchemists or buy it with pet stones. If a dungeon party has it equipped it it won't leave the dungeon when you rebirth.
- Added a new challenge: Monument Multi Challenge. This is like a normal rebirth and you need to get a set multiplier from monuments. This is mostly a challenge for newer players and quite easy to do. The difficulty increases after each one finished and the last one is a bit harder than a black hole challenge.
- Added sort order for class level.
- Planet is now available in CBCs, it should be possible to finish CPCs now without rebirthing.
- A few small ui improvements.
- Fixed some small bugs (chakra pill offline, last might offline, undine attacks, new weapon with ghost in the same team, changing class of a crafter, one exploit).
- Added a new wind weapon you can forge. This weapon can decrease the defense of enemies you hit it with. This should make especially bosses a bit easier. Also reduced the healing power of bosses a bit more.
- Made it easier to see elemental values and enchantments of equip.
- Equips which are currently in crafting are now shown in the inventory.
- The tooltip for crafters shows now how much exp they get per hour instead of a percent value from a base value which was not shown. Total Growth of a pet increases exp they get from crafting / adventure. How exactly is now written in the dungeon FAQ page.
- Added a setting which will automatically save your dungeon logs (Kartridge and Steam only).
- Fixed a few bugs (Anteater smithing boost, Offline calc for Might, a few typos, a few exploits, loading a manual save (Kartridge)).
- Sorry there were problems with my hoster which caused online saving / loading to fail. The hoster just blocked access to the database without warning and so players or me are unable to get the saves now, which means they are lost.
- I moved to a new (hopefully better) hoster now and online saving / loading should work again on database from the new hoster.
- Because the online saves are mostly only a backup and the game usually uses local save, players shouldn't have lost their saves and be able to play as usual. If you somehow lost your save now, I still have backups which are ~1 day old. Luckly I saved them on a different hoster, so they are still available. I added a button to the info page "Load Backup". This loads the still available online backup in case you lost your save.
- Changed the Unity version to 2018.3.14f1 now.
- You can now cancel might unleash.
- Tooltips for pets and dungeon enemies show now average number of actions per turn. Enemies also show their skill name.
- Changed to order of dungeons so Mountain is second to last and Forest last. Mostly to fit into elemental advantages so upper element is good against lower element. Also added element icons and the tooltips shows what is good against each element.
- Fixed some typos, descriptions and bugs (missing scrollbar for equip, chakra pills, godly liquid v1, heal power of supporter specialists, restart room number after NRDCs, not finishable dungeon in some cases).
- Reverted to an older Unity version for WebGl because the new version seemed to cause a lot of lag.
- Added 4 more pets: Frog (Supporter, unlocked by defeating Suijin), Bee (Alchemist, unlocked by defeating Diana), Anteater (Blacksmith, unlocked by farming ants in dungeons, ants are a new drop), Elephant (Defender, unlockable with a Token).
- Because speed was still an underwhelming stat in dungeons, it can now give your pets (and monsters) multiple actions per turn. Each speed gives 0.2% chance for an extra action. If a pet has more than 500 speed, it gives 2 actions and 0.1% for each speed above 500 chance for a third action. That should make wind gear a bit more interesting.
- Added a new challenge: No Rebirth Dungeon Challenge. It is like a double rebirth and similar to an Ultimate Pet Challenge, but instead of pet pills from campaigns, your pets grow stronger when defeating dungeon bosses.
- It is now possible to drain experience from your pets and add to a free experience pool. You can give this to other pet. It is not something you want to do often, but might be useful if you have a dungeon pet and decide to use a new pet instead. It will cost 25 god power and half of the drained experience is lost. Dungeon enemies will now give 5% exp to the exp pool additionaly to the normally gained experience.
- Also a few bugfixes and slight improvements.
- Added the story chapter for Athena.
- It was possible that you never fought a boss in the dungeons if the traps appeared badly and you didn't counter them. Now the bosses will always appear in room 6 (d1), 16 (d2) and 32 (d3) independent on how many total rooms you have.
- When creating a higher tier equip, it will now start with half of the upgrades of the used equipment.
- Increased the crafting speed of upgrades by 20%.
- Changed the balancing of defenders. Now the class skills doesn't give a bonus to defense anymore, instead a defender will take damage for other pets if they are attacked. The base for that is 10% + Class level. This means if a mage is attacked and you have a class level 10 defender, then the mage would only take 80% of the actual damage and the defender the other 20%. If the party has 2 defenders, the first one takes 20%, the other one 20% of the remaining 80% and the mage only 64%. After reaching class level 25, this won't increase anymore, instead the defender gets 1% more max hp. For example a class level 30 defender would have 35% damage absorb and 105% hp.
- Potions and supporters will now only heal half as much as a base, but additionally a percentage of the pets health. Example, the normal potion used to heal 100 hp. Now it will heal 50 + 5% of max hp.
- Finishing all UCCs will increase the cap of P.Baal Challenges to 50 and the cap of NRCs to 25 from now on. For NRCs after 20 you need to defeat P.Baals.
- Highscores for Afky power, multi and clones killed are now log2(value) * 10,000.
- Fixed a few bugs (offline monument cost, ape evo, feed pets if favourite is not available, lucky draws after ubc not openable, TMC bonus worked in UAC and shoudn't, typos, dungeon log and small things I forgot about)
- Fixed a few bugs (connecting saves, alert button, creation tooltip, evo bonus donut, bugs in the dungeon calculation, typos).
- Added input fields for dungeon duration and difficulty.
- Saved difficulty settings for each dungeon team.
- Fixed a bug which could stop your game ticks from the offline progress and some clicks which led into emptiness.
- For the next 2 weeks your pets can find easter eggs in food campaigns. The chance is the same as finding mighty food. Make sure that the campaign is renamed to Easter Garden before you finish it (requires internet). You can trade either every 10 eggs for 3 chocolate or each egg for 300 pet stones.
- Pets have now their own main tab.
- The jump from dungeon depth 1 to 2 and then 3 is really high, so I added difficulties for each depth. You can adjust the difficulty for stronger monsters and more exp and drops.
- Summoned monsters in dungeons now have only half hp to make dungeons with summoners a bit easier.
- Because 2 mages with fire equip could pretty much solo most dungeons without defender or supporter, the enemies in depth 2 have now a 50% (depth 3 will be 100%, but it is not really implemented yet) chance to ambush you. This means they attack first in the first turn. For balanced teams this shouldn't make it harder, only for teams which didn't use a supporter and/or defender.
- Improved the RNG a bit because in some cases it didn't reset and you got the same results over and over.
- Crafters will receive now an 50% exp bonus of their crafting speed.
- Blacksmiths will receive now a 10% bonus to speed and quality when they forge a weapon with the same element.
- Added depth 3 for all elemental dungeons.
- It is now not possible anymore to change equip of pets in dungeons. Your crafters can still upgrade it, though.
- Also a few bugfixes like usual.
- Some bugfixes, mostly that upgraded equip without an owner was equipped to a wrong pet, even if it was locked.
- If you upgrade something, it will now auto-equip the pet who had it equipped before.
- When you upgrade or enchant an equipment, there is now an onputfield where you can set a number. If your materials are enough, your Blacksmith or Alchemist will automatically start a new upgrade until the number is reached.
- Fixed a few bugs.
- Happy April Fools day, but don't worry, the game won't fool you.
- Added a new Pet "Undine". She is a bit special and really powerful. Have fun!
- Added buttons to clear a dungeon party and to auto add the pets with the highest dungeon levels.
- Added a speed multiplier for dungeon damage. If an attacker has more speed than the target, it will deal half of the difference as defense ignoring extra damage.
- Supporters will now always heal.
- Added a new Steam achievement: Do more than 100% damage to ITRTGV2 without killing it. You can repeat this every rebirth and ITRTGV2 will drop an extra 20 God Power if you achieve that.
- Added a new challenge: Total Might Challenge. It is like a normal rebirth and you end it once you obtain 5k - 30k amount of total might. This challenge will reduce your total might to 0 after you start it, but you will get it back after you finish it. Maxed at 25 challenges. Each challenge completed increases the power of your total might by 2%. This doubles once you complete all 25.
- Added a new highscore: Total Multiplier (without GP doublers) as log2(value) * 100.
- Fixed a few bugs.
- You can now set the number of rooms for dungeons instead of hours. Each room is 15 minutes. This means you can do shorter runs, or go exactly until the the boss room.
- Added a cap button for the Autofill on the Crystal page. This sets the autofill to the number you need for offline killing the highest unlocked ultimate being. For online fighting them you might need a different number (usually less if you have crystals equipped).
- Updated to a newer Unity version (2018.3.7f1). You shouldn't notice anything different because of that.
- Added new pet sorting options for Hunger and Party, removed the ones for single growths.
- You can now get 500 extra pet stones a day if you manually save the game. The online backups usually work, but once in a while it doesn't work for someone and they lost their save. If you manually save every day, you have an extra backup.
- If you feed a pet who has a set favourite food and don't have it, it will now default to the selected one.
- Fixed a few bugs.
- Did a few changes to the kong api so it works even with the current kong issue of the redirection of https. (Kongregate only)
- Changed the way you set the bonus from free god power. Now you can set the percent of your free god power and it calculates the boost depending of your free god power automatically.
- You can now set a favourite food for each pet. All feeding options will feed it with its favourite food independent of other choices if it is set.
- It is now possible to defeat Ultimate Beings offline. To be able to do that, you need 150k * UB tier * 100 / (100 + Clones on Planet + level) set as defender clones. This is limited to 3 days of offline time.
- Because there were some offline calculation problems for some people, I increased the event duration by a bit more than 1 day.
- Added 3 new weapons (tier 1-3) with the ability to leech experience even not in a dungeon.
- An alchemist can now enchant equip to reduce, and remove the negative elemental stats. Up to 20 enchantments are possible and each one decreases the penalty by 5. Neutral equip will receive some elemental boosts instead.
- Made dungeons a bit easier. All pets will gain 20% more stats after level up (retroactive), so depth 2 should be quite a bit easier to do.
- The upgrade cost for tier 3 equip is now a bit cheaper before upgrade 10, but more expensive after 10.
- Improved the reward of some dungeon events, especially cursed chest.
- Some bugfixes, especially on the offline calculation.
- I wrote this before, but please be careful if you switch platforms. Always make sure to have the same version on each platform or you can lose data, especially when an update adds an event or new things.
Changes for Version 3.05.973 (2019-02-12)
- Added a valentines event. For the next 2 weeks, the food campaigns is renamed to chocolate factory and all pets can find chocolate there. If you do this campaign a total of 200 hours, you can get a new pet, the chocobear. Make sure you are online and the campaign is renamed or else it won't work.
- Added a new pet, the chameleon. You can get it if you beat the bosses of all 5 depth 2 dungeons with the right conditions. I don't think there is anyone who has good enough dungeon teams yet, but there will be soon.
- Please use up all your clovers now because they will be removed soon.
- The pet overview page (with images), and the dungeon party page shows now some small icons if they have something equipped.
- Modified the elemental icons a bit so it is easier for color blind people.
- Also fixed and added a few bugs like usual.
Changes for Version 3.03.969 (2019-01-24)
- some bugfixes, a few small bugs and 2 game breaking bugs. One of them caused your pets to be stuck in a dungeon without being able to use them again for this rebirth. The other bug gave you a huge amount of might levels in DMC which also broke the game in some other parts. Both are fixed now.
Changes for Version 3.01.968 (2019-01-21)
- The improved campaign chancel now also works for dungeons.
- It should be possible to evolve pets which require pet multiplier in UAC now.
- Fixed a few bugs.
- Added 'Class Change Tokens'. You will receive one for free after every 10 evolved pets. You can also buy more with pet stones. With a class change token, you can change classes of evolved pets without extra cost or class level loss.
- Added a restart for dungeon option which also gives you the option to feed pets at the same time, just like for campaigns.
- Moved the inputs for the improved half stats to the pet main page so you can change it easier.
- Added depth 2 dungeons for the fire, earth and wind dungeons. This means you can now also evolve the ghost, which was impossible before. I also did quite a few balance changes for dungeons and added more tooltip infos.
- Increased the crafting speed for most alchemist items.
- Added highscore for total pet dungeon levels.
- Fixed a few bugs and added small improvements.
- Added pet dungeons. You can now form teams of 6 pets and send them into dungeons. In the dungeons your pets can find items and gain experience for dungeon stats. Dungeon stats are new and independend to the normal pet stats. They get a slight boost from the pet growth. Dungeons have enemies of 4 elements and neutral enemies. Your pets also have one of the elements. So select your party for different dungeons depending on the element to make the best progress. Fire > Wind > Earth > Water > Fire ...
- Added pet evolutions. With dungeon materials you can evolve pets and give them a class to make dungeoneering easier or give it boosts for campaigns. It will also change their image. Some pets are easy to evolve, other pets are harder. It is possible to change the class of a pet after evolving, but that can be expensive in the beginning.
- Added forging, reforging and upgrading of pet equipment. If you evolve a pet into a blacksmith it can forge equipment for your pets with dungeon materials. The equipment gives boost to dungeon stats and also boosts to your god. Equipment can range from Quality F (bad) to SSS (very good) and can be upgraded up to 20 times. With maxed equipment for all your pets the boost can compare to the boost from crystals.
- Added a small event. For the next ~21 days you will receive 100 clovers from the daily free draw. You only need to get it and not use it. This means you can also get the clovers in reset challenges. You can trade 1000 clovers for Rudolph and 1000 clovers for the new question pet if you don't have them already. You can also give 1000 clovers to a pet of your choice for 500 growth to all stats or trade it for chocolate. For the duration of the event, daily packs will also give 3 lucky draws instead of 2.
- You can now get the refrigerator and Next at for Challenges with pet stones. There are also more dungeon related pet stone buys now, and it is possible to buy pet stones now for the more impatient people who want to support the game.
- Added the story chapter for Laima.
- Added a halloween event. For each hour and each pet in food campaign, you will receive 1 candy, maxed at 2000. You can trade 1000 candies for the pumpkin if you don't have it yet. If you have the pumpkin, you can unlock a new Ghost pet for 1000 candies. You can also trade 1000 candies to increase 500 growth for each stat on one pet. This event will last until you either have reached the 2000 candies, or until christmas.
- The candy canes from last chrismas can't be used for this event, but the converting cost to chocolate is now 1:3 instead of 1:10 from before in case people still have some.
- The food campaign will drop additional chocolate for the next 2 weeks.
- The cost for upgrading food to the next tier and the ad point cost is now cheaper to adjust for the recent feeding change.
- There was a bug and it was impossible to unlock the cloud pet. This is fixed now.
- Also fixed a bug where adding clones to things sometimes didn't work.
- If you do an UCC, you can update your fastest time for other challenges now.
- Added a challenge points buy which will automatically the half stats setting for pets after they level up. It is really expensive but for some people it is worth it and you can currently get more challenge points than you can spend.
- For some reason there are people who like the stickman pets. So I also added stickman versions for the new pets.
- Buying food has now a Buy Max button for Baal Power.
- The tooltip in Statistics -> Other for Might Unleash Power shows now how high the attack power is when the might is unleashed.
- The sortings of your pets is now saved after rebirthing or restarting the game.
- Each pet can now have a favourite campaign and a hate campaign. The auto select will give pets with favourite priority above other pets and will never select a pet which has the campagin as hate.
- Total Might, fastest 1kBHC, highest DNDC score, most might in DMC are now in the highscores available. (Kongregate, Steam)
- Bugfixes...
- Added 11 new pets so you can prepare a bit better for the pet dungeon and evo patch. You can get 4 pets from gods, 3 have a secret unlock condition (currently unavailable with tokens) and 4 pets can only be unlocked with tokens. The pet description hints to what you need to do for the unlocks but you can also work together with other players if you can't think about what you need to do.
- A few bugfixes.
- Pet food is now much cheaper to buy. Each time you feed a pet will now add exactly 3 hours to the hunger bar and it empties out in 24 hours. The growth values are also slightly increased. This means you will now need 8 pet food for each pet every day to the 2-8 before this update. It also means it is a bit easier now, you won't loose feeding time in 12 hour campaigns anymore and grwoth doesn't have tiers anymore depending on the time left. The pumpkin can now find up to 4 chocolate from a 12 hours campaign.
- Removed the rounding to 0.25 values for pets. It made it complicated and not really needed.
- The golden dragon will now just give the 25% of the growth it receives to other pets after feeding it.
- All the food you had before this update is multiplied by 3 one time only and all food you gain from various sources are now 3 times as much.
- Added Divinity Shield as a toggle for the crystal factory. If it is on, UBs won't attack you anymore, but it halves your divinity generation.
- A few bugfixes.
- The growth you get from feeding the golden dragon isn't random anymore. Instead every feeding adds to a internal value (for a free 25% feeding it is 0.25 * 0.25, for a 11 hour chocolate feeding 1.25 * 1). If this value is lower than 1, nothing will be done, and if it is higher than 1, all your pets will receive it as growth.
- Added the ratio of your rebirth values, current / new values.
- Reworked the Pet Ui a bit so you can see more pets at once.
- Added a setting to hide the pet images from the pet overview page so it is possible to see all pets without the need to scroll down.
- Added the possibility to sort your pets.
- The daily draw and daily packs have now a time bank of up to 48 hours. This means if you get your free draw and you drew the last one 30 hours ago, it will remove 24 hours and so you could get the next one in 18 hours.
- A few bugfixes.
- Auto adjust clones is now disabled if you don't have the Goat pet yet because you can't unlock the goat with it.
- Added a new tab for statistics. This contains info about boosts you have, mostly from challenges. It the game points you can export for ICE which is not on the planet tab anymore.
- Added a new statistic for crystal power / hour.
- Added an input field to input the minimum god power you want to keep. So you can prevent to accidentally spend more than you wanted.
- A few bugfixes, mostly fixes for challenges and UCC and offline progress.
- [Kongregate] Added a new Pet, the Golden Dragon. The Golden Dragon can be unlocked if load the file you get from my new game after Area 30, Idle Cooking Emperor. You can input the code in the statistics page in a new tab. This pet increases the growth of your other pets when you feed it. You can also unlock the Dragon with a Token if you don't want to play my new game.
- When you load a game it will now show the online time of the current save and the save you load before you load it. So you can see how old the save was.
- Bugfix Cap max for div gen.
- The afky god multiplier is now listed in the statistics page.
- Added a challenge points upgrade to auto adjust 28 clones to trainings and 34 to monsters once every rebirth.
- Added a setting to chose if autobuy creations should be turned on or of by default after beating Nephthys as people constantly complain that they want it the other way it is in the game.
- Added total daily draws opened to the statistics page. The game didn't count this until now, so everyone starts at 0 even if they have opened many of them already.
- Increased the cap on offline gp earnings from the God Crystal to 20 and Black Holes to 25.
- Increased the pet pills gain on UPCs a bit for longer campaigns.
- Fixed an issue which didn't recalculate the monument multis after leveling up Black Hole+.
- Some slight balancing. 1KCs give now 10 challenge points and PBCs give 20.
- Updated to Unity 2018.1.7.
- Bugfixes offline progress (Android)
- Reworked the challenges page. The challenges are now listed on the bigger, right area. They are also in different tabs, Day, Normal, Reset Multi and Reset GP to find the challenges depending on the type more easily.
- Reworked the statistics page. It shows now general stats in a different tab than the challenge stats and it is a bit more organized.
- Added a new Day Challenge: Day No Divinity Challenge. Defeat a god as high as possible, create a creation as high as possible and create as many monuments as possible within a day and without the possibility to spend divinity.
- Added a new Day Challenge: Day Might Challenge. Get as much might levels within a day as possible. Levels from DRC and CBC will also count. This increases the attack power of your unleash mights depending on how much might levels you got.
- Added a new Challenge: P.Baal Challenge. Defeat P.Baal * challenge finished within 5 rebirths after a double rebirth. It increases the rebirth caps of monuments and if maxed the multiplier of Black Hole upgrades.
- Added a new Challenge: 1K Black Hole Challenge. Defeat Tyrant Overlord Baal and build one Black Hole with one Upgrade with only 1000 clones. It will unlock a new Might which increases the power of your black holes and increases the passive gp gain of black holes. This challenge is quite late game and you need at least 100k% build speed to start it.
- Added a new Challenge: Ultimate Challenge Challenge. During this challenge you can freely start other challenges but you won't get the normal rewards for completing them. You will finish it if you get enough statistics multiplier from the challenges you do. It will increase the reward caps of a few other challenges. This challenge is quite endgame so you need to have maxed a few other challenges to be able to even start it.
- Added a few higher buttons for afky god.
- Fixed a few bugs, mostly in the offline calculation.
- Added the story chapter for Poseidon.
- Added a few new avatar parts, red skin, horns and a tail.
- Some bugfixes, mostly a problem which could cause negative divinity in the offline progress.
- Added the option for growth campaigns "Balance". It will balance stats just like mayo if they are uneven.
- Made it a bit easier to feed pets at an optimal value. The hunger bar won't increase to 100 anymore after feeding, but it depends on how much growth you get from the feeding. Example: The hunger is at 35%, so a feeding would give 50% > the hunger bar increases to 85%.
- Fixed some bugs (mostly tooltips which provided false info), added other bugs like usual.
- A few bugfixes, most importantly the PMC-Bug.
- Added a setting to disable the confirmation dialog for GP buys.
- Added a setting 'One click UB fight'. If this is on, the game will not ask if you want to use BP or Powersurge for UB fights anymore.
- The game saves now your afky settings.
- Added a few more tooltip infos for the afky exp multi and UBs.
- Added a CAP button for afky power.
- Added a new pet, Afky Clone. You can unlock it if you reach 1 billion afky god power. It has -30% at all campaigns other than food, which is at +20%. This increases by 1% every log2(current afky god power), capped at 80% for +50% at all campaigns, 100% at food campaign.
- Added improved graphics for all pets to match the afky clone better.
- Afky God can now shoot easter eggs.
- It was possible to start the Crystal Power Challenge without having the Crystal Factory. This made it impossible to finish it. This is not possible anymore. People who did this, and were stuck in the CPC, are now out of the challenge.
- Fixed offline progress of Powersurge.
- Black Holes can now produce god power offline if you are offline for at least an hour (maxed at 10).
- If you have preselect might, it will now also level the might offline if it wasn't unlocked before going offline and is unlocked while you are offline.
- Added an "Add2"-button for the divinity generator. It auto fills the capacity but costs more divinity than manually doing so. Added a "Drain"-button which empties the stone storage and gives you the stone back.
- When you finish a CPC, there is now an additional dialog which asks you if you want to start another CPC.
- Bugfixes.
- CAP or CAP max for the divinity generator won't fill the stone storage anymore. I added a button 'Fill' which does that instead. I also added a 'Fill2' button which buys enough stone if you don't have enough.
- Bugfixes.
- I updated the unity engine to version 2017.3.1.f.1. I think this improves the stability of the game, but it also can cause some issues for some people. If you experience any issues, please inform me about that.
- Added a new challenge: 'Crystal Power Challenge'. It is like a normal rebirth, and finished when you gained 100 + 20* finished challenges Crystal Power after the challenge was started. You can rebirth as often as you want. Each challenge finished will reduce the clones needed to level up crystal modules by 2%. It will also reduce the time needed by 1%. Maxed at 25 challenges finished.
- Added a stone storage for the divinity generator. You can dump stones in there which won't be used for anything else. The capacity of the storage depends on the capacity upgrade of the divinity generator. If the stone storage is empty, worker clones will still use stones from your normal creations, but the speed bonus of additional worker clones will only work if there are stones left on the storage.
- You can now buy ad points as a new daily pack. Get 20 ad points a day for 15 or 30 days for a small price. You can't watch ads as long as you have one of the new daily packs left.
- Lucky draws will now drop chocolate instead of mighty food.
- You will now receive 2 daily lucky draws from the normal daily pack instead of only one.
- The divinity gain from Challenge Points works now for the GP purchase / UB fights.
- Added higher buttons for afky hp and count.
- Bugfixes
- Added a small valentine event. For the next 2 weeks, the food campaign is renamed into Chocolate Factory and all your pets can find Chocolate with the same chance as Mighty Food.
- Added extra rewards for completing challenges. If you have at least 50 Challenge Points, you can spend them for some additional boosts on the God Power page. Most of them are quite expensive, but well they are extra rewards on top of what challenges already give you.
- Maxed challenges will now give 50% additional Challenge Points. The exception are the day challenges. UBCs and UACs are a combined max of 1250 points.
- Increased the reward for the Clone Buildup Challenges. Now you will receive 20k Clones instead of 10k and 10 Chocolate on top of that. Players who already did CBCs before the change will receive the additional rewards retroactively.
- Some Bugfixes.
- Bugfix online saving / loading. It should work again now.
- Fixed a display bug for level campaigns.
- 'Auto Move Might' is now renamed to 'Pre Select Might'. Instead of auto moving to the first might after it is unlocked, you can now adjust clones to all different Might trainings before it is unlocked. It will still only gain progress after all your other trainings are unlocked.
- The Might unlock-condition is reverted to how it was before the last update.
- Bugfix high cpu-usage for afky god.
- Added a gp-purchase for clones from trainings to automatically move to might after it unlocks.
- Bugfixes mayo, CBC tooltip in god power page, afky values, CAP button of powersurge, offline progression of monuments.
- The tooltip for clones needed for 1% more div gain will now show the updated value depending on your might instead of a static 5000.
- Added the story chapter for Freya.
- Itrtg has now a discord channel. You can join here: Discord
- Fixed the cost for afky upgrades. It also shows now how many levels it will upgrade with the right cost.
- Scores for afky power is now divided to 1 million because it reached the integer limit.
- Added an option to buy improved campaign cancel. If you have this, canceling a campaign will also give some reward after running it for at least 2 hours.
- Now it should be easier to balance pet growth with mayo.
- Fixed a few other, small bugs.
- Bugfix random resets of TBS-levels when loading a save.
- The power buttons other than max for afky god will now round up to an even value and there be shown only 4 buttons in a row at all times.
- Fixed a bug where you got negative GP when finishing DUCs with 0 universes or DPCs with 0 pet multi, and a few other, smaller bugs.
- Improved auto-select for pet campaigns a bit. Now it should select the pets who give the highest reward.
- Bugfix CBC reward.
- Added 10M and 100M buttons for Afky.
- Bugfix DUC reward for DRC challenges. It only added the TBS-Levels for the first rebirth.
- Bugfix Challenge Points and a few display errors.
- Changed the timer for the 24 hour challenges so it will count down and show how much time is left.
- For the Christmas event, the daily packs will now also drop an additional lucky draw and 50 candy canes. The God Power from daily packs is now also boosted with the same percentage as normal God Power Purchases (rounded down).
- Added a new statistic: divinity gained since rebirth.
- The Powerlevel from TBS won't increase the difficulty of special fights anymore.
- Increased the time for the event for half a day.
- Added a small Christmas event: For the next ~15 days, you will receive 2 instead of one daily free draw with additional 50 candy canes. If you had candies before this, they will be converted to candy canes. You can trade 500 candy canes for Rudolph, the new pet.
- Added Day Baal Challenge: This is similar to a Double Rebirth Challenge, but it is finished after 24 hours, instead of defeating Baal. The higher the P.Baal you can beat within 24 hours, the better. Each P.Baal increases your planet level by 1 on top on what you can get from UUCs. With 45 UUCs and a highest P.Baal of 20 in this challenge, you would have planet level 70.
- Added Day Universe Challenge: This is like a normal rebirth, and is finished after 24 hours. The more universes you can create within one day, the better. You will receive log2(universes) after every rebirth in all TBS levels. Example: If you have all TBS-upgrades, created 1024 universes in this challenge, all your TBS levels won't go lower than 50 anymore.
- Added Day Pet Challenge: This is like a normal rebirth, and is finished after 24 hours. The higher the multiplier of all your pets, the better. Increases the growth your pets will receive from food by log2(combined pet multiplier * 100). Example: If your highest pet multiplier is 1.1 million %, all your pet food would give an additional growth of 20%.
- Added Clone Buildup Challenge: This is similar to an Ultimate Baal Challenge It will reset all your GP stats, and multiplier. The challenge is finished when you reach 99.999 clones. While the challenge is active, you can't buy clones, or use options to summon clones faster. The planet tab is also disabled in this challenge. Each challenge finished will give you 1 level to each Might after it is unlocked. This will not count towards your total Might nor increase the level up time. Additionally you will receive 10,000 Clones added to your maximum. (Maxed at 50)
- Added an Halo as an avatar part.
- Added an option to show a confirm dialog for the buy max option because some people seemed to have miss-clicked it.
- Added an export button to the statistics page for your most important stats, so you can easily compare them to your friends or post them to a forum.
- The NA Off-setting will now ignore the -1 for next at creations.
- The info for the divinity generator updates now for time left until empty, divinity each convert, and converts / sec correctly depending on crystals equipped and additional worker clones. The time until empty will now also take your available stones into consideration, if the worker clones are at least capped.
- Gods who unlock something like Monuments have now a yellow text and what they will unlock is in the description.
- Might, Monuments, and Divinity Generator can now also skip with -1.
- Some Bugfixes.
- Added a cap button for powersurge.
- Added 2 new number display types. Engineering and Fun.
- Added a highscore for challenges completed. Depending on the average difficulty, completed challenges give points which you can see on the statistics page.
- Added a highscore for Crystal Power.
- Added a buy max button for buying creations. So you can buy the max amount with less clicks.
- You can now add -1 to next at for creations to skip them.
- Clicking on the mini achievements for creations will now set the next at to the value you need for that.
- Decreased the cost to upgrade food with pet stones from 50 to 10.
- Bugfix offline calc for afky, and crash if you clicked max at high values.
- A few UI-Optimations.
- Some other, small fixes.
- Offline progress didn't work for some people, it should work better now. Sorry for the issue. Because of that, I increased the timer for the pumpkin-event by 1 day.
- Kong will use ssl for everything after November 13th. This means local saves for people might be lost and online saves for itrtg wouldn't work anymore with older versions of ItRtG. I had to move the database with your online saves to a different server with a ssl certificate to make them work with https. This also means that the game will save to the old, incompatible databases for people who use an older version of ItRtG. Please update the game for all plattforms you play the game to Version, or you might lose progress.
- When you start a challenge, the tooltip on the Rebirth Page will show now the full name and a description on what you need to do to make it easier for newer players.
- Autoselect for the food campaign will now always select the pumpkin, if available.
- Re-arranged the Pet page a bit so you can see the amount of chocolate you have.
- Added HP and Defense value to the tooltip for monsters.
- Some Bugfixes.
- Added a max button for upgrading crystals. With this you can upgrade all crystals of one kind with one click.
- For growth campaigns, the pets are now sorted by growth after you start it. This means the first pet is always the one who receives the growth.
- If you restart a campaign, it will give you now the option to feed your pets.
- Added a small halloween event where the food campaign is renamed into "trick or treat". This will last for about 2 weeks. You can see a timer on the God Power page. While this lasts, pets can find chocolate on top of the other pet food in the food campaign. The timer for the event is gotten from an online-server. So make sure you are online or the event won't work.
- Added a pumpkin pet. It can find chocolate at the food campaign at a low chance even after the event. While the event is active, the food campaign will also drop candies. 1 candy for every pet for every hour. You can trade 1000 candies for the pumpkin pet. After the event, if you don't have enough candies, you can still get it with a pet token.
- Added an info for average God Power / hour since you started the game and a timer you can reset. You can see this on the rebirth page, and on the statistics page. The rebirth page will now also show the time since rebirth.
- Changed the "Stop At" for the Divinity Generator to "Next At" so it works the same as for monuments.
- The warning for unspent Baal Power is now always there when you try to rebirth even if you don't have the refrigerator.
- Item campaings have now a low chance to drop V2 items.
- Android: When you press the back button, it will now show a confirm dialog because some players seem to press it by mistake quite often.
- Added an 1M button for clones.
- Added 100k and 1M buttons for afky god power.
- Added Highscores for afky god exp multi.
- Added a CAP Max button for worker clones on the divinity generator. It caps the maximum worker clones you need for the divinity boost.
- You can now trade Baal Power for Pet Stones. This option is unlocked after you have unlocked might and at least 1 BP on the Gods Page. They first 100 every rebirth will cost 1 each and the cost increases by 1 for every 100 bought.
- Added a GP purchase option for 5 CC at once for 250 GP, removed the option to buy 15% build and creation speed and added an option to buy 1000% for 285 gp.
- Added a few more Steam achievements for newer challenges. You are now allowed to get Steam achievements even if you get your save from other plattforms as long as your total time (offline and online) is less than the time since the Steam release (currently about 480 days).
- Fixed some bugs.
- Bugfix challenge-reward with maxed God Skip Challenges.
- Added a sign "Suwesh was here" (The first player who reached the last baal) for the avatar if you have beaten last baal (when its stat reach the max value of double).
- You can now defeat UBs even if your HP reaches the max value of double.
- Removed Finger Flick from UPCs because it didn't make sense there and it has it's own button now after might is unlocked.
- The Afk-page has now its own framerate-setting. From my own experience, a framerate of 5 only uses up about 25% as much cpu as a framerate of 60. Of course, the afky god fireballs will be really lazy with a framerate of 5.
- After a pet campaign is finished, you will now have the option to restart the same campaign.
- Added a way to configure the half stats button for the pet overview page. Because that reduces the micromanaging for pets by a lot and you can still have maximum efficiency, it is not cheap. This option costs either 250k pet stones or you can buy it for the same price as a crystal slot.
- Added new avatar parts: Coat, Leather Shoes and Matrix Bg.
- Removed statistics for fastest PMC because they will get slower after each one.
- Bugfix Finger Snap, the tooltip didn't show the right amount of god power earned, and renamed it to Finger Flick. If you unleash might now, it will automatically finger flick instead of it being unavailable.
- Other small fixes.
- Added the story chapter for Eros.
- Added a menu-button to the left side of the avatar for easier navigation.
- Added a button to kill all weak gods at once.
- Added the "No Divinity Challenge". In this challenge, your multipliers will reset like in a DRC, and you can't buy anything with divinity. The challenge is finished after you defeat baal. The reward is like 1 additional god defeated to the base divinity gain of your divinity generator, and the autobuy cost will decrease by 0.3%. The reward is capped at 50 challenges.
- Added the "Planet Multi Challenge". It is like a normal rebirth and it is finished when you have a planet multiplier of 20 billion + 20 billion for each challenge finished. For each challenge finished, an Ultimate Being will drop 2% more energy and you will get 5 God Power * Challenges finished. Capped at 50 challenges.
- Added the "God Skip Challenge". It is like a DRC, but 1 god will be missing. The missing god starts at Chronos, moves to Coatlicue after you finished one, and so on until Itztli (have fun with defeating Baal without stones) for a total of 26 challenges. Each challenge finished will increase the effect of your Crystal Power by 2%. If you finish all 26, this will double (2% * 25 * 2 for a total of 100%).
- Increased the growth boost you gain from Pet Tokens if you have some leftover ones. It is now 10% current pet growth (maxed at 500).
- Removed the cap for the exp multi for afky god on rebirth.
- Fixed some typos and bugs.
- The recent change to God Speed made it really powerful and trivial to kill UBV2s. So I upped the mana-cost by 100 and you can't decrease the damage reduction of UBVs to below 67% anymore.
- The sync for trainings works now both ways.
- Fixed progressbars for resolutions higher than full hd.
- Fixed God Speed for UBV2 fights.
- Fixed GP rewards for pet campaigns with stats higher than 100 million.
- Added a few new avatar parts.
- Bugfix offline calc and other small fixes.
- The tooltip for evil creations shows now how many of the normal ones you have.
- In the god power page it will now show your creation count without crystals.
- Fix to prevent crash on startup.
- The game now checks for the online save on every startup and compares it to the local save, then loads the newer one. This should make switching plattforms easier and prevents to forget loading online if your local save is somehow lost.
- UUC, AAC and 1KC are now cancelable.
- Added a toggle which lets you hide maxed challenges.
- On the Info-Page is now a Feeback-Button which opens your mail client with my email. For urgent matters please use this email instead of posting it to some forum, because I check this more often.
- Fixed a few small bugs.
- Balanced some values for the statistics multi. You get slightly more at average now.
- In the crystal page you can now see the upgrade percent without the tooltip.
- UBs will now wait 10 minutes after they attack after the offline progress.
- Fixed a few bugs.
- Another balancing for the UPC. Now you will get a 4x multiplier instead of 1.5 if you defeat a god, but only once and without time limit. The multiplier you get from the item campaign is now only 10% of what you got before but it multiplies with itself. This means before this update if you did the campaign three times and you got a multiplier of 100 every time, it was a total multiplier of 300 (100+100+100) before the update and now it is 1000 (10*10*10). In total this means the challenge is easier for weaker players and you can do it in only one rebirth compared to the ~20-50 rebirths you needed before.
- Because some people wanted the max-buttons (hp and count) for the afky god back, I added them again but they now have a confirmation dialog now to prevent mis-clicks.
- Some small optimations and fixes.
- Some balancing on the UPC. It is a bit harder now.
- Added a scrollbar for the challenges page for people who have unlocked all challenges.
- The monument next at will now go to the next monument if the upgrade has a 0 in the input.
- Added the story chapter for Artemis.
- Added the "Black Hole Challenge". This is like a normal rebirth and is finished after you have built 1 black hole and 1 upgrade. It will make black holes cheaper and increases the passive GP gain. This challenge is unlocked if you have finished at least one AAC.
- Added the "Ultimate Pet Challenge". Instead of yourself, let your pets defeat the gods! This is finished after your pets have defeated baal and increases the rewards from campaigns. This challenge is unlocked if your total pet growth is higher than 10,000.
- Replaced the "Stop at" for monuments with a "Next at". Clones will now move down if the number is reached and the upgrade, or the monument below have neither 0 in the input nor their level has the number reached. Of course, the clone will be removed if you don't hav enough resources.
- Some bugfixes.
- If the autobuy for a single creation is off, it will now create your creation count instead of what you need as prerequisite.
- In the crystal factory, the weakest UBs will now attack first instead of the strongest. - Added an 'Upgrade Keep' button which replaces the 'Update Opt' button for crystal upgrades if it isn't available. The new button upgrades all possible crystals but keeps the left over instead of throwing it away like the 'Upgrade All' button.
- Removed the popup which says how many crystals you did upgrade because it is shown already before you upgrade and blocks the tooltip for 3 seconds.
- Fixed some bugs, autoselect for campaigns, buying mighty food with pet stones, spelling errors.
- The dialog for the offline progress won't show up anymore. Instead there is a toggle left to the start game button now. It is on by default and if you turn it off, it won't do offline calculations.
- Bugfix autobuy for crystals. The autobuy bought more than 1000 times as much as it needed.
- Bugfix offline calculation.
- Bugfix monuments in the offline calculation.
- Bugfix Crystal Upgrades.
- The offline calculation won't start automatically anymore because it caused crashes for some people. You can choose now if you want it or not.
- Everyone who plays the game within the next two weeks will receive 100 chocolate as an easter present!
- Updated the Unity Engine. This resulted in a minimum Android-Version of 4.1 and quite a lot of the WebGL-Structure changed...
- Added advanced settings for autobuy for creations.
- Fixed some bugs and some exploits.
- some small bugfixes (sync-button, evil creations, NRC did show that no UB attacks, but this should only be in the 1KC instead where they don't attack, stats of pets and growth didn't update in the tooltip for campaigns)
- Added additional descriptions for pet campaigns and the crystal factory to make it more clearly.
- When you select a campaign, the tooltip of each pet shows now what the expected result after the campaign is finished is.
- You can now trade 250,000 pet stones for a crystal slot or 300,000 for the improved crystal upgrade.
- The autobuy for the divinity generator and its upgrades have now achieved independence and it also has a stop at now.
- Added an additional reminder if you want to rebirth and have campaigns started and not finished.
- Added a "Sync"-button for the physical-tab. If this is on, the game will automatically add/remove clones to the same tier of skills if it is possible.
- Added an option to hide all but the highest grade of crystals for the crystal factory.
- The last duration and growth you have selected for a campaign will now be the default for the next time you start one.
- Some bugfixes.
- (Kong/Steam)Offline-progress for pet campaigns is now always 100%. Offline-progress for everything for most other things is now 100% if the time offline is less than 8 hours.
- (Android)Some improvements on the offline creations.
- Added an unlockable "Auto"-button for pet campaings. It can be purchased with 5000 pet stones and will select up to 10 available pets and start a campaign if clicked.
- Increased the drop rate of pet stones and levels gained from level campaigns.
- The descriptions for pets show now exactly in how they influence a campaign.
- The alert-button works now together with campaigns.
- You can now choose which growth will be increased for your lowest growth pet in growth campaigns.
- Added a slider for pet campaigns. You can now choose a time from 1-12 hours with one hour steps.
- Added a toggle to autoset your creation count to the max if you equip a crystal with cc boost.
- The progress won't reset anymore if you change the level for crystal modules. It adjusts the progress to the new level instead.
- Bugfix, you could have negative creations if your divinity generator produced less than your crystal modules needed and autobuy was on.
- Bugfix unequipping crystals. You could lose the equipped crystal if you unequipped it and didn't have anyone of the same grade.
- Added 11 new pets. You can unlock 4 from defeating higher versions of baal, 4 are pet token only, and 3 have secret conditions to unlock. The first two of them should be relatively easy to get, but the third one is hard to unlock. Read the pet description for hints!
- Added pet campaigns. In pet campaigns you can send your pets to find items for you, increase your multipliers or their growth.
- Added the crystal factory. It can be found on the planet tab and is unlocked after you have the planet, and completed at least one UBC (just like unlocking UBs V2). Ultimate beings will attack your factory 10 minutes after they appear and you can set up defender clones for the crystal factory. Each UB you defeat will give some energy. You can use this energy to upgrade factory modules. With a factory module you can produce crystals. You can equip crystals for stat boosts or to even generate god power over time. You can upgrade crystals for greater boosts. If you rebirth, the ones you have equipped will be consumed for crystal power, which is a permanent boost, and you will lose all your crystals.
- The old font was the default font which was not available for everyone so it was not good readable for them. Especially the bold one. Now I added some free fonts and you can choose one out of 5 in the settings.
- The clones in Might will now go back to the first might if the last one has reached the 'Next At' value.
- Added a half stats button to the pet overview page if the half stat button was purchased.
- Added the story chapter for Cybele. Sorry for the long wait.
- The 10 button for power on the afky page is now replaced with a 10k button if your exp is high enough.
- The game will now check for a new version and show a message if there is a new version out so it will be easier to notice.
- Because a lot of people asked: The Cupid is permanent, you won't lose it. The same goes for the chocolate. You won't lose it unless you feed it to your pets, but it is not optainable anymore after the event ends.
- Bugfix clones on powersurge.
- Added Cupid as a new pet as a valentine gift. Everyone who has defeated Eros can get it.
- For the next three days, you will receive every 20 minutes you play the game one chocolate. You can feed pets with chocolate and it is better than mighty food. You won't lose chocolate after rebirthing, but you can't buy it. If you play the game on multiple plattforms, make sure you have the same game version before you load online or you will lose the chocolate!
- Afky god will shoot hearts for the next three days.
- Bugfix where clones were randomly removed and some bugfixes in the offline calculation.
- I wanted to add a new story chapter, but it is not finished yet, so it will be out a few days later.
- Afky-God will now start with 30 * rebirths * multiplier experience after rebirthing.
- Added a GP-purchase to unlock a button to set the clone stats for pet fights to half of their stat.
- Some bugfixes in the offline calculation.
- Delayed the loading of the avatar to reduce crashes on startup. (android)
- Bugfix offline calculation.
- Bugfix, sometimes it removed clones from your fights/trainings.
- The tooltip in statistics -> strongest god defeated shows now the last god you defeated before your rebirth. You need to rebirth at least once after the updte for that.
- Afky God can now get experience offline.
- Added an input field below the distribute button for pets. If you input a number, the button will only distribute up to that number of clones.
- The Pet overview will now show how many clones the pet is currently fighting.
- Added a second feed all button for the pet feeding. This won't feed free food, if you don't have enough of the selected one.
- Various small bug fixes and some performance improvements.
- Bugfix notify button. It didn't show the right info if you didn't own all pets.
- Added the missing hair glow for the new hair style.
- Every one who plays the game within the next 7 days will receive 25 god power and 10 lucky draws as a christmas present! Be careful, you need to be online for this and you only get it once. You will lose it, if you load a previous game (online or offline).
- Added the story chapter for Nephthys.
- Added a new hair style: "Spiky" for the male and "Twin Tails" for the female.
- Added a new challenge: "No Rebirth Challenge". It is like a "Double Rebirth Challenge", but you can't rebirth after starting this challenge. It is unlocked, if you have finished at least one 1k Challenge. Beating it will speed up the appearance of Ultimate Beings by 1% (Maxed at 20%).
- Added a gp purchase to enable an button which appears, if your pets are hungry or your divinity generator is empty.
- Afky god has now an exp multiplier which increases by 1% for every 100k power after rebirthing (capped at 100% for one rebirth). Because this is not limited and you can level the afky god much faster with this after enough rebirths, the statistic multi you can gain from afk clones killed and afky god power is now capped at 25 million.
- If you view an ad and it gets cancelled, or if fails to show, it won't decrease the daily limit anymore.
- You will now receive more God Power from purchases depending on how much you played and how much you bought.
- Increased the cap of 10 gp you can get get from black holes upgrades after rebirthing to 50 and decreased the base building cost of black holes from 33 galaxies to 25.
- Speedrunning < 12 minutes is harder now.
- Bugfix for UBV2-Fights. When you are out of energy and use a skill, the UBV2's will now attack you. God Speed is now cheaper and lasts a turn longer, Mystic Mode lasts now a turn longer and Aura Ball / Big Bang will do more damage.
- Some settings which weren't saved after restarting the game are saved now.
- Some bugfixes in the offline calculation.
- Bugfix for creating clones while offline. It didn't affect the clones you created, when the toggle "Create Clones if not max" was on.
- (Android) Added support for scrolling with Pens. If you have a device with a pen, you can now scroll the scrollbars.
- (Android) Next at for creations will now work offline.
- Fixed a bug with the offline calculation. Clones were not created, if the toggle "Create Clones if not max" was on and a different creation was selected.
- Fixed a bug with the offline calculation where skills/trainings didn't move to the next one, when improved next at was owned.
- Fixed a bug with the offline calculation. Creation count didn't affect the creations created offline.
- Added a 3-way toggle for the creation next at, so you can turn it off.
- (Android) Moved the tooltips from the left side a bit more to right, so it is not below the finger.
- Added a fallback for the offline calculation. It will work now without internet connection, because some people complained about that and on android not everyone is always connected to the internet. The fallback calculation will kick in, if after 10 seconds it still was not possible to get the online time or if the last save didn't have an online time. Obviously it won't work the first time after the update, because the time when the game was closed was not saved yet. It also has some protection in case you manually change the time on your device, so it is better not to try that (It could look you out from future offline progress).
- Fixed a bug where newly unlocked avatar parts couldn't be used until the game was restarted.
- Added spoken numbers from unquadragintillion up to centillion for people who are above E+123.
- Found a way to reduce the cpu usage by a lot. The game should be less laggy now and use less cpu, especially with higher numbers.
- (Android) Changed the initialization of the game to prevent some crashes.
- (Android) Fixed the crash which could happen if you pressed load online too fast after opening the game.
- Fixed an issue with transfering saves from Linux to other plattforms.
- Fixed a crash which might have occured when clicking max for afky god.
- (Android) You can now get creations in the offline calculations. But autobuy and next at are ignored. So you can now get a reasonable progress from the earlier creations but not so much for expensive ones.
- Fixed a bug where some values did reset after rebirth, which shouldn't.
- Fixed a bug with the offline calculation for trainings.
- Fixed a bug with autobuy of creating prerequisites.
- (Android) Bugfix: the ads which can be watched didn't reset every day.
- (Android) Offline Progress for Android-Devices is now 100%, if it was less than 8 hours.
- (Kong + Steam) Added Highscores for Akfy clones defeated and the highest Afky God power.
- Fixed another issue with the creation next at.
- Fixed a Display and calculating error for Afky-God.
- Fixed a bug with connecting the android online save.
- Added a "Max" - Button for the Afky-God.
- Added the highest power for Afky-God to the Statistics.
- Added "Stop after finish" to the Divinity Generator.
- Bugfix for the creation next at.
- Fixed the crash that appeared on afky god, if the game was running for a few hours and then afky god was shown.
- Removed the +5 and +25 buttons for afky god and added a +1k button instead and balanced the exp gain a bit more. Higher Hp gives now more exp while higher clone count gives less.
- The values for might next at won't reset after rebirthing anymore.
- The Android-Version is now available! You can get it in Google Play and you can also connect your online saves and load your Kong or Steam-Save to your Android-Device. Go to Info, then click connect -> Connect Now and input the id and name it shows on the other plattforms.
- Added the story chapter for Izanagi.
- Added Afky-God.
- Added Next at for Might with input fields for each might.
- Added Black Hole as an ultimate monument. It's power boost is higher than all other monuments together and it can give you God Power every hour you are online.
- If you input a number for creation's 'Next At', it will now only create the number, even if you have a higher creation count.
- Improved the offline calculation a bit. The calculation is now asynchron which means it won't freeze the game anymore (doesn't work in webgl) and you can now create shadow clones offline. Might Next at should now also work offline.
- Reduced the cap of the minimum time for finishing an UAC to 2000000 seconds.
- A few small bug fixes.
- Added the story chapter for Diana.
- Added an additional reward for the All Achievement Challenge. Each finished challenge will now reduce the time needed to unlock achievements. If 50 are finished, you will now only need half as much time to unlock all achievements.
- Added shortcuts for the special fights. You can now use the keyboard to fight. Reduced the divinity rewards a bit, because they were a bit high and the previous update made them much easier.
- You now need to have finished at least one Ultimate Universe Challenge, before you can start an All Achievement Challenge.
- Increased the multiplier for Pyramids of Power (400 to 600) and for the Temple of God (750 to 1500).
- You can now remove the connection from Steam to Kong.
- Bugfix offline calculation next at.
- Bugfix, AACs and 1kCs were not added to the statistic multi.
- The stat gain from ad points is now capped at 100 billion. (Only Kongregate)
- Added a toggle to the creation page. If it is on, the next at will work with created creations instead of the total you currently have.
- The input for next at creations will now stay, if you rebirth.
- If the next creation is not available, it will now default to the first creation where a 0 is in the input field instead of shadow clones.
- Added the much wanted next at for creations. You can now input numbers and when you have at least as much, it moves to the next one.
- Added input fields on the god power page, so it is easier to adjust the bonuses.
- Added two player suggested microtransations to make Challenges a bit less of a hassle. One can be bought, if you have improved next at and if bought, it will also works for all challenges. The other one is to enable saving of pet food through rebirths.
- Added opt-in ads for people who want to support the game for some small rewards, but don't have kreds to spend.
- Bugfix offline calculation for might cooldown.
- Bugfix power of your skills in special fights.
- Bugfix offline calculation for trainings, if improved next at is bought.
- Bugfix, in the offline calculation the gained skill levels are not added to the physical statistics anymore.
- Added a 15 day version of the daily pack.
- Changed the behaviour of the avatar parts. When you unlock something, it will become permanent and it won't reset after rebirthing anymore. Now some parts are unlocked after defeating a specific god and others with GP only. Because of this change, all Avatars are reseted after this update and players who bought parts with GP will get them back.
- Because TBS and Godly Shot had some problems depending on the plattform and pc, I changed the timings of TBS and Godly Shot a bit. Now it should be completely independend of your framerate.
- Added a weak slime as a boss fight to Godly Shot. It is a pretty annoying one, so I don't reccommend playing it. I also added a highscore for that.
- Added a new purchase to get one additional Lucky Token and 2 GP every day for 30 days. It is probably the best value out of all purchases.
- Fixed some bugs. Mostly the reward for AAC, the chat doesn't select all text anymore if someone joins. but you still might need to refocus the the inputarea.
- Bugfixes for offline calculation if Next at is off, might unleash and rewards for completing AACs.
- Bugfix Mayo. It should be a bit easier to balance stats now.
- Added some skill usage count in the offline calculation. So you can reduce the cap of skills now offline. Although the rate quite a bit slower than online.
- Some Bugfixes after finishing challenges. The ignore Clonecount is not added to save clones for fight anymore.
- If you disconnect from the Chat or can't enter it, it shouldn't break the game anymore, it shows the button to connect again instead. The random bug to change your name also shouldn't happen anymore. On the browser version, entering the chat still fails quite often. I'm not sure why and if I can find the issue. On the Steam version, however, it should work without issues.
- Added a button to feed all pets at once. It will use the chosen food or free food, if you don't have enough.
- Renamed the 'Clones for all' button into 'Stats for all'. Now it doesn't add clones to the selected pet anymore.
- The next chapter for Pontus is live! Sorry for the long wait.
- The Steam version is now also out. It is almost identical with the Kongregate version, you just don't need a browser to play it and you can adjust the size of the game easier.
- You can now see what your last lucky draw was (it only works for draws after this update) and the mouseover above your physical, mystic battle and creating shows now the multipliers you gained from lucky draws.
- Added an ingame Chat. This chat also connects Kongregate with Steam players. So Steam players can chat with Kong players. Sadly, the chat doesn't work for the chrome version.
- Added a new Challenge: "The Achievement Challenge". It is an easy challenge where you just rebirth and get all achievements. Finishing it will increase the multipliers provided by achievements by 1% permanently for each challenge finished (maxed at 50%, that is like 50% more Gods beaten). This one doesn't have a timer, because the time would be more or less the same everytime.
- Added a new Challenge: "1K Challenge". This is just like a Double Rebirth Challenge, but you can only use 1000 Clones until you defeat Baal. It gives 750k statistic multi, 20 GP and clones will level up Might 5% faster permanently for each challenge finished (maxed at 40 for a Might level speed of 300%). They are unlocked, if you have beaten at least one DRC.
- Added a few new Avatar options and changed a few images.
- Added a button to reclaim clones from pets.
- Added a new GUI-Skin. You can use it in the Settings menu. The new Skin uses black font as base compared to the white font the other skins use. The default of this skin is white and quite bright, but you can adjust the custom colors in this skin better than at the other skins.
- Added sliders to set the color of the lines between the content. After this update, it is probably black for everyone, but to get back the default, the black skin had, just set all sliders to 25%.
- Because the color picker didn't work on some browsers, I changed it to sliders where you can mix the red, green and blue color to the skin.
- I changed the progressbars slightly (so it scales better for higher resolutions) and added a second option for the progress bars. The second one is kinda plain but works better with the white skin than the first one.
- Bugfix: Next at works now how it should in the offline calculation.
- Some other small bugfixes and I made a lot of internal code changes to prepare for the Android / Steam versions. I hope I didn't break something and you probably won't notice much about that. If I broke something, just write me a pm.
- Added a Button: "Create for all" in the "Create Clone" screen when adding clones to a pet. This will copy the current clone stats (not the count) to all other pets.
- Pet Growth stats are now rounded to the nearest 0.25 to remove the uneven numbers.
- Balanced the mayo a bit better. Now it should be possible to balance out all stats a bit better.
- Added an additional dialog as a warnung, when you try to rebirth and there are still pets you can feed.
- Bugfix: Out of Memory Error on chrome, when clicking the CAP-Button with no clones.
- When a free lucky draw is ready, the K-Button now changes its icon. The mouseover also shows now how much time is left until the next free draw.
- The mayo will now add growth to the pets a bit differently. The less growth a stat has, the more growth it gives until the stats are balanced.
- Added inputfields for the stats of your custom clones.
- Added an experience bar for pets to make it easier to see when they will level up.
- Some bugfixes.
- Added Lucky Draws as daily rewards. You will receive one every 24 hours (online + offline time) you play the game. A lucky draw can contain premium items and even a pet token (with a low chance)! You can also purchase lucky draws with kreds, if your daily free draw is not enough. Lucky Draws can't be used in the Ultimate Baal and Arty Challenges! But you can collect your daily free draw and then use it after the challenge is over.
- If you have all pets unlocked and a pet token left, you can now use it to increase the growth of a pet by 100 for each stat.
- Added a button to auto-distribute shadow clones to your pets.
- The tooltip for creations shows now how long you need to create it, but it doesn't take the prerequesites into consideration, if you don't have enough.
- Growth stats are now shown on the pet page instead on a tooltip.
- Fixed some tooltips with the setting 'Tooltips on Top'
- Added sauces you can add when feeding a pet for more customized growth.
- Added two new hair colors.
- The Ultimate Arty Challenge will reward a turtle as a real pet now if you beat it once. If you beat it a second time, you will receive a pet token instead. Because it is very unlikely to beat an UCA faster than in 32 days (all times faster than that were cheated), the turtle / token are not rewarded, if you beat it faster. People who have beaten it already, should be able to unlock the turtle now. The Token for the second UAC is one time only. Beating it a third time, won't give an extra token.
- Added the penguin as an additional premium pet and a one time offer for a Pet Token for 49 Kreds.
- Some Bugfixes in the Pet screen.
- Rewrote the FAQ-Page a bit, added new stuff and the starting guide is now a bit shorter. For new players it will now default to the FAQ-Page after starting the game.
- Removed the Calculate-Button and the multiplier row in the Create Clones Screen for Pets because it confused most people. I added a second row with higher normal values instead.
- It's now possible to see the pet multiplier for DRCs.
- You can now see in the mouseover from the main pet-screen the clones and % for feed bar.
- You can now feed pets below 75% of the hunger-bar for half the gain of a feed at 50%.
- The Mouse is now unlockable after beating Hyperion instead after Baal to give newer players the first pet sooner.
- Added new Pet "Squirrel". You can get it after beating Baal.
- Added the missing Setting for Sqientific Numbers again and some missing decimals.
- Bugfix: Rebirtmultis. They decreased and didn't increase the first 30 minutes.
- Some people didn't like the change that clones are sticky to monuments now. So I added a toggle-Button to the settings for people who don't want it.
- Added Pets. You can find pets in the fourth fight-tab and unlock six of them in the late game (between Baal and P.Baal V25). There are also three additional ones which can only be optained with Pet Tokens, purchaseable with Kreds. Pets will persist between rebirths, so you only have to unlock them once. They have a growth stat which will also persist between rebirths and levels which will be reset after rebirthing. After leveling up, they gain stats which increase your power depending on their growth. Because Pets would probably speed up UBCs and UACs quite a bit, they are locked in them (else it would be unfair to people who did the challenges already).
- Pets also have a new highscore: total growth which is the added value of the growth of all the pets you own.
- If you load an online save, you will now get offline progress depending on when the save was.
- Added a setting "Save Clones for Fight" where you can input a number and the clones will be left over when adding clones to anyting but fights / pets.
- Added backgroundmusic. You can toggle it on in Settings.
- Made it a bit harder to really fast speedruns and scripted runs.
- Now Clones won't be removed from monuments / upgrades / div gen anymore if you don't have enough creations. Instead it shows on the tooltip what is missing.
Sorry for the long wait!
- Added a WebGL-Version of the game. It is now possible to play the game on chrome again. Import / Export and custom GUI-colors won't work in the WebGL-Version and in some cases it lags a bit more when scrolling. Other than that it should work the same as the webplayer-version.
- Added new options for the Avatar and reworked some parts. Beating the Arty challenge now also has an unique Avatar part.
- Added the story chapter for Hathor.
- Added a FAQ-Tab in Other for frequently asked questions. If you feel like something there is missing, please pm me.
- Added a new Kred purchase. If you buy it, you can change your name and gender as often as you want without the need to spend GP.
- Bugfix: Display error in prerequisite creations
- Fixed the Multiplier gotten from UBs / UBV2s. It was too low for most of the time. Now it will recalculate itself after each UB fight.
- Fixed the double creating of normal and evil ones if you fought a god.
- fixed the line-break if your Planet is at max level.
- The creation buffer when you create something is now only the duration of the creation at most.
- Fixed the Power up from an Ultimate being. It will last now for 1 turn instead of the whole fight.
- Fixed Clairvoyance in UBV2 fights. It will last now one turn only instead of the whole fight.
- The stop at on the monuments page will now appear as soon as monuments are unlocked.
- When a UUC was started before an universe was created, ITRTG was never unlocked. That is fixed now. Improvements:
- The tooltip on the Online-Save button shows now, how long ago the last online save was and when the next will be.
- Auto fight is not on as default, when you start a new game.
- Added Stop at for evil creations.
- Added a percent of the remaining HP for UBV2s to the tooltip if you damaged one.
- Added an option to spend 100 GP for building / creation speed.
- No story part, sorry the next bigger update will have a new story chapter.
- Added the story chapter for Gefion.
- Added Ultimate Beings V2. They are unlocked if you finish an "Ultimate Baal Challenge or Ultimate Arty Challenge". They are a much harder version of the normal UBs. You can only defeat them once every rebirth, but they will also reward much more planet multi and god power. I tested it a bit and it should be possible to beat them but there still might be some changes in future updates.
- Added two new challenges: "Ultimate Universe Challenge" where you have to create one Universe which will upgrade your planet level by 1 (capped at level 50) (and increases powersurge speed) and "Ultimate Arty Challenge" which is a harder version of the "Ultimate Baal Challenge".
- Added an additional reward for UBCs. The multiplier for the power of P.Baals was last defeated P.Baal * 100. Now it is * (100 - UBCs finished - * UAC) with a minimum of 50.
- Added an additional reward for DRCs. Each DRC will now instantly add 1 level for each might as soon as it is unlocked (capped at 50, after that you will receive an additional 10 gp instead).
- Replaced the settings "Hide all tooltips" with "Tooltips on right click" which hides all tooltips until you press the right mouse button.
- Info for time needed shows now milliseconds, if the time is less than 10 seconds.
- Achievement info will now disappear if you click left on them. There is also a new setting to show the achievements on top.
- Creating will now save progress between ticks. Meaning if you need 1.5 ticks for one creation, you will now create 2 creations in 3 ticks instead of 4 ticks (it still can't go higher than 1 creation each tick).
- Bugfixes: scientific notation for achievements after rebirth, timer for UBC if you need longer than 24 days, if are fighting monsters with next at if one cloned is on, it won't move clones anymore while might is unleashed.
- Leaderboard-Scores for the new Challenges were posted in ms instead of seconds. I changed it to seconds now. If you beat the challenge already, your score will update to seconds after you read this news.
- Added the bigger Rebirth-Button again and added one 'Challenge Button' which opens another page to show the available challenges (currently 2, but I will add more with the next bigger update), instead of the 2 other buttons on the rebirth page. The challenge button is visible now after you have defeated Baal at least once and if you are currently not in a challenge.
- Added the story chapter for Suijin.
- Added a 2x Rebirth
- Option for an extra challenge. If rebirth like this, it counts as 2 rebirths and your current multipliers will become the default values. If you beat Baal again after using this option, you will be awarded with extra 10 God Power and you will gain 500,000 statistic multi for that. You can rebirth normally after using this option until you beat Baal again to get this reward. The time you need for that is also recorded on the statistic page and as a Kongregate highscore (time in seconds while a lower value is better and offline time is also added).
- Added an Ultimate Baal Challenge. That is just like the 2x Rebirth Challenge, but you will also lose all your God Power + gp purchases until you defeat Baal again. When you defeat Baal again after this challenge, you will get back all your God Power, the purchases you had before the challenge and an additional 100 God Power and 5 million statistic multi as bonus. The time you need for this is also recorded. If you purchased God Power Upgrades while you did the challenge, they will be removed and you will get the God Power you spent back.
- Added an additional online save. The game will save online once every 30 minutes, but you can also manually save. If you somehow lose your offline save from now on, you will have 30 minutes of time to load the online save (if there is any) before it will overwrite itself.
- Bugfix in offline calculation.
- Changed the Power level calculation to (Mystic + Attack + Max Health / 10) multiplied with critical bonus from TBS, so it is more accurate and the might upgrades are taken into consideration. I also added the critical bonus from Gods to their Power level calculation, their tooltips show now also HP and a more accurate info.
- Added the story chapter for Shu. It was too long for unity to display everything in one page, so I split it up into 2 parts. Thanks again to Quizer for proofreading the story.
- Added a button to unleash all might if it is unlocked. The secret code doesn't do that anymore.
- Added statistic multi for powersurge.
- Shift A will now set your clones to add / remove to max.
- Right click to the of a training / skill will now add 28 clones.
- Some bugfixes.
- Big performance-improvement. I changed all the BigIntegers I used to double-values.
- The bad news is that with this change, the game has to end at P.Baal 126 because that is where the double-value ends.
- The good news is that the cpu-usage went down to about 40% of the cpu-usage before this change.(For my own PC the cpu usage went down from 28% to 9% in active mode and from 9% to 5% in afkmode)
- Because most values were a BigInteger before, I had to change a lot. I hope I didn't mess up much but if there are any problems, please message me.
- Added new story chapter.
- Added stop/next at for Might.
- Added shortcuts and a list of shortcuts to make navigating between tabs faster.
- Added Total Might and God Power spent to the statistics page.
- Added the possibility to spend Baal Power in TBS.
- When fighting UBs, now the Clones from Powersurge are used so they don't have to be inputted every time.
- Some small bugfixes and UI improvements.
- Added offline-calculation for the worker clones and the might-trainings.
- Balancing of the overflow from worker clones. On the last update the divinity increase was static and too powerful when you just unlocked the divinity generator but useless later on. Now each 5000 clones above the cap will increase the divinity output by 1%. That is Not much but that is not the main reason they are here.
- Added a CAPButton for the worker-clones.
- The 300% boost works now even after rebirthing.
- Some small bugfixes.
- Because this version has mostly bugfixes, there is no new storypart.
- Started with a story. You can find it in the other tab. Defeating gods and unlocking some things will add a short chapter. At the moment there are only a few chapters but I will add more with each update until each god has one chapter. Feel free to write me if you notice some mistakes or problems with it.
- Now your creation speed and the auto training speed for special fights is tripled for up to 3 hours after being offline. (each 6 mins of offline time adds 1 min of speed bonus)
- The multi from Powersurge multiplies now with the multi from Ultimate Beings.
- Mouseovers adjust now a bit better to the textsize if it is not shown on top.
- Defeat-count of an Ultimate Being is now shown on the Mouseover.
- HP Recover / s is now shown in the tooltip above the HP.
- Added an option for Clones to autofill the divinity generator
- Added a 100kButton.
- Added a new Tab 'Might' which is unlocked after unlocking all trainings. There you can boost your stats,clones and get some temporary but powerful abilities.
- Added GP-Option to rename your character.
- Fixed the bug of disappearing BP when using export / import and some other small issues.
- UBs are now less random and the first one is a bit weaker so you can defeat it with 2 fights of 100k clones each.
- The export of clear data works now and it creates data which my next game can import.
- Powersurge can now also be used to increase the power of your clones when you fight UBs for 1% every 2 progresses up to a maximum of 100% (it will reset after used for a fight).
- Added an inputfield for creation count to make it easier to input the wanted number if your creation count is high.
- When you create Shadow Clones, you will now always create the max count independent from the number you set for creations to create.
- Added GP-Option to increase the white area for TBS.
- Added GP-Option for a chance to get double points for a hit in TBS.
- Added GP-Option to double your statistic multi.
- Added GP-Option for improved 'Next at'. After buying it, the clones won't be removed unless there is a next skill available.
- Powersurge and the timer for Ultimate Beings will now also progress when offline.
- Added Baal Power (BP) to make it easier for people with less clones to defeat UBs.
- You will receive 1 * V of Baal BP when you defeat Baals. You can adjust them before fighting UBs to increase the attack and defense of your clones. After rebirthing, you will lose all unused BP, so be sure to use them up!
- Added new statistic for defeated Ultimate Beings.
- Added a new Tab: Planet which is unlocked after spending one planet and it can be upgraded with higher tier creations after that. There you can adjust clones to increase an additional stat multiplier and fight ultimate beings. Ultimate beings are the strongest enemies in this game and you fight them together with your shadow clones. They are very rewarding and add a lot of current stats, give a lot of divinity and can even drop God Power if you can defeat them!
- Added new achievements for trainings, skills and fights for longer playtime after rebirthing.
- Fixed bug with offline calculation for monument upgrades.
- Fixed white area for TBS after rebirthing, so it starts with the correct width.
- The white area will move now to a different position if you fail to hit it 5 times in a row.
- Because the mirror TBS game was disliked by some people I added an option to play it normal but with less score gain and less critical gain.
- The not mirrored one is the default now and starts at lv 0 but you keep the progress of your mirrored one before this update if you toggle it on.
- Because people could just use an autoclicker if the the GPoptions for the TBS game were maxed and the power gain was too big compared to other options, I limited it to 80% chance to not lose a level and a maximum of 80% can be kept after rebirthing now.
- Everyone who has spent GP on one of the two new options got their GP back and they were reseted to zero so people can evaluate it anew with the new limits in mind.
- Added GP Options to reduce Point losses on misses and to keep some progress after rebirthing for TBS.
- Every part TBS is now a bit different to not have 5 times the same game.
- Added Statistic and Highscore for TBS.
- Added a new training tab: 'The Baal Slayer' where you can increase the critical chance and damage you do when fighting gods. This is unlocked after defeating Baal.
- The female avatar has now female titles.
- Added option for auto creating shadow clones if they are not maxed.
- Added timer for the divinity generator.
- Monument upgrades are now more even. Now with an even upgrade count you have the same stats as before but with odd upgrades the stats are higher.
- Fix: Changing the exponent settings will now also update the tooltip for gods.
- The tooltip above the HP-Bar shows now the max hp.
- Battle logs for special fights are now default invisible and can be shown with a button.
- The 'Stop At' number for monuments is now saved after rebirthing.
- Fix: The 'Stop At' feature doesn't prepay for the next monument after it stops anymore.
- Fix: The Number for Next/Stop at in skill doesn't overwrite the Number for physical anymore when loading the game.
- Added an option to stop the bulding of monument and monument upgrades at a specific number.
- Some optimations for the stats page. It should now use around 20% less cpu.
- Fixed infotext for creation/s gain in the tooltip for creations.
- Fixed cost of monument upgrades if auto buy is on and the cost is reduced.
- Reverted the recursion for creations because it had some weird side effects.
- Fixed the text showing on top for total power gain / s for trainings.
- Recursion for creations is now faster if creations have prerequisites.
- Added a possibility to reduce the cost for autobuy.
- Tooltips for trainings and fights show now always the power gain for 1 clone.
- Fixed offline calculation if the setting stop after finish is on.
- Fixed tooltip for creation prerequisites if you can create only one.
- Fixed statistic for creating shadow clones if you can create more than one.
- Red avatar items can now be seen on the left avatar before unlocking it.
- Added two more clothing extras.
- The rebirth cap for monument upgrades will now increase by 1 for every P.Baal defeated.
- Fixed lag of capping high lv monsters.
- Fixed number of creations in tooltip if there are more than one.
- Reworked the Avatar. Now you can choose between female and male and modify your avatar with some different clothing parts after defeating gods or creating things.
- Fixed some issue which might have been the cause for the data loss after refreshing for some people.
- Instead of the 1 clone setting there is now an ignore clone count setting where you can input a number of clones which will be ignored. This will also ignore the current cap! Calculating the cap up to 1680 times a second would lag the game quite badly.
- In the rebirth screen now only the base values are shown and the total multi is shown in the mouse over because it caused quite some confusion the other way around.
- Achievements will be checked on evey refresh / import now. So if somehow an achievement isn't reached even if it should. Export Import or a refresh should fix this from now on.
- Added 6 more monsters to defeat and optimized calculations when fighting so even though there are 6 more monsters the lag should be slightly less on the fighting page now.
- Added new 500k Achievements for trainings and thousand separators.
- Added an afk-mode to reduce the needed cpu power when you are afk.
- The godpower icon is now shining more brightly when not everything is adjusted to stat bonus.
- Fix: Skillcount won't reduced anymore when a fight was won or lost.
- Fix: When fighting a P.Baal
- Version the creation you did before will be restarted now.
- Fix: 1 clone setting when offline should now add training levels
- Fix: 1 clone will now stay at a training if the setting is on and the 'Next at' is reached
- The time played since rebirth statistic now influences the total rebirth multiplier. You need to play 1 hour until it reaches 100% and after that it will be increased 1% every 30 minues.
- Special offer: Until 2014-11-30 (GMT) 1 you will receive 50% extra god power for Kred purchases!
- You can now adjust unused god power for higher multipliers.
- The state of 'Auto' on special fight is now saved between game starts.
- Added a new setting to turn of the tooltips.
- Added a new setting to still train one cloned trainings if 'next at' is on.
- Reduced the updating interval of some stats to reduce the needed cpu power.
- Added new statistic for time played since last rebirth. (Only works after your next rebirth after this update)
- Fixed cooldown for special fights and sorted skills.
- Fixed offline calculation for upgrading monuments.
- Divinity reward for special fights is now twice as much.
- When you can create more than one creation, now all needed items will be created until the chosen count can be created.
- The creations you need are now also shown depending on how much you want to create.
- Fixed auto mode for special fights. It should work now when the tab is not open.
- Added slider to adjust the creations you want to create if at least one is purchased with gp.
- Added lower cost / more creation gain if more than one is created.
- Added 'Flee' button to flee from a special fight.
- Cooldown for all skills is now always at least 0.5 sec after a skill is used.
- Added option to sort skills for special fights.
- Added auto mode to use skills for special fights.
- Added setting to show tooltips on top instead of the mouse position.
- Fixed achievement gained if you get more than one at a time.
- Fixed cost of creations if more than one is created at once.
- Autobuy is now also used for the divinity generator.
- Added option to auto-stop after a building is finished.
- Added new 'Special' as a fight where you can use your skills and improve your trainings.
- Added new Highscore and statistic for the most defeated shadow clones in the special fight.
- Added new god power option to increase the number of creations you can create each progress.
- Baal is now only half as strong and P.Baals have 1/10 of their old power.
- Cost for buildings is now paid up-front when you start it.
- Divinity generator is now being built offline.
- Fixed scientific notation for achievement mouseovers.
- Reduced lag for the god-fight page.
- Duration for chakra pill and godly liquid is increased by 50%.
- Added offers which will last until rebirthing.
- Added color picker for changing the ui-color to the settings.
- Added max button for buying creations.
- Added highscore for highest god defeated. (Hyperion = 1, Baal = 28, P.Baal = 29...)
- Offline calculations use now the auto buy if it is turned on.
- Fixed bug with offline calculations for monument / upgrade levels.
- Changed buttonstyle, cause it confused some people.
- Added light blue and red styles in the settings. They are not very good but now you can choose between 3 gui styles and don't have to look on gray all day.
- Fixed the timers, they were off on some pcs.
- Added Settings to use scientific notation instead of spoken names.
- Added 25 and 75 buttons for buying creations.
- Added attack stat to the monster tooltip
- Player attack stat is now shown on the left stats page.
- Sync scrollbars now only synces trainigs.
- Fixed divinity statistic from auto buy.
- Reworked statistics multiplier (you will now receive much higher multipliers from statistics) and calculations are shown now on the statistic page.
- Added a setting to switch between 'stop at' and 'next at' for trainings
- Added a 10000 button and some more options for the buy screen.
- Added offline calculations for divinity generation and upgrades.
- Some balancing of stats. Achievement multis for creating are weaker at the beginning but stronger at higher tiers.
- Achievement multis for physical and mystic are now 2 times as strong at tier 11-20 and 3 times as strong at tier 21-28
- Gods now have a piercing attack depending on their tier starting with 1/28 of their attacks, ending with 100% of their attacks for Baal and higher.
- Added 'Stop' button when fighting a god.
- Added tooltip info for creations in change-mode.
- Tooltips are now above the achivement popup.
- Gods now have their own tab.
- Creation has now its own tab and the layout is totally different. It should use way less cpu-power this way.
- Added auto buy option for missing creations.
- The buy option from god powers to increase your maximum clones can now go over 99999 (which will also last after rebirthing).
- Tabs are now sorted into categories to have more space.
- Stop At is changed to 'Next at'. Now it will automatically go to the next training or skill if the value is reached and the next one is unlocked.
- Achievements for creations give now 100x higher multiplier to make it more worthwile
- Fixed some typos
- Fix: Display error after using Chakra Pill.
- Fix: Missing upgrades after building the divinity generator.
- Fix: Divinity generator went to zero after Athena. Now it stays the same and goes up after defeating Zeus.
- The divinity generator now has a lower base converting speed / capacity but it will increase after defeating gods stronger than Athena.
- The time needed for upgrades is also almost halved.
- Fix: clones after building the divinity generator.
- Added new boss after the last god is defeated for people who have already defeated it.
- Added divinity generator. Now you can recycle your creations for divinity! This is unlocked after building the first temple of god.
- Fix: buy is now always unlocked after creating one creation.
- Fix: multiplier for upgrades and highest god are calculated right now.
- Reduced the powerlevel of the first god by 50% and the second god by 25%.
- Added a settings button (top right) where you can do following:
- Set framerate. Lower framerate means you need less cpu-power and less lags.
- Sync scrollbars. With this all scrollbars are synched together.
- Disable achievement popups.
- Rebalanced upgrades because they were way too strong.
- A creation remembers now what the player has started and will create the missing items and then go back.
- Bigger tooltips for creations, cause later ones were too small.
- Fix for offline time.
- When fighting a god, now won't be able to damage it if you don't survive the first hit
- Fix for scrollbars, now they are for each tab seperate again
- Some changes for offline calculations, but I'm not sure if it has been totally fixed though. For this update, nobody receives offline-bonuses.
- Added the much wanted 'CAP' button. This button will adjust the clones to the cap or an optimal clone count if the cap can't be reached.
- Added visual feedback when fighting a god to show the damage/s done.
- Reseting the game will now give you a starting amount of 10 god power.
- Every god will drop a god power now after the first time he is defeated.
- Auto add saves now the last user changed value and will always try auto-refil until this value is reached.
- After rebirthing the scrollbars are now set to the top.
- There ways an exploit for god power.
- The Exploit is removed and everyone who used it has their multiplier resetted.
- Fixed display bug for creation time on the tooltip
- Added 'God Power'. After each god you defeat, you gain 1 of it, if the god is stronger than Izanagi.
- With god powers, you can buy permanent bonus like increased creation speed, faster building speed or increase the shadow clone limit
- Everyone gains 10 god powers as starting bonus and god powers are also purchaseable with kreds.
- Added your total attack power to the statistic page
- When you attack a god and are defeated, you will auto create shadow clones now
- Fixed display bug for offline time
- Removed an exploit
- Short fix. It was possible to input negative numbers when buying items with divinity. Everyone who cheated divinity like this has their divinity reduced to 0
- Added buttons for 1
- 1000, they will now put their numbers in the text field That way you can play the same as before but with an additional option for input
- If a creation is activated and is missing some items, the first missing item is now activated automatically.
- Added info how many creations you have created by yourself to the tooltip
- Moved the reset button to the info page, cause some people pressed it instead of rebirth
- Replaced '.' with ',' for numbers < 1 million
- Added power level to god tooltip
- Made it easer to see, if it's save to rebirth
- Fixed the way microtransactions reduce the time needed for creations / monuments
- Added option to stop skills / training at a specific value
- Removed toggle for clones and added textbox where you can input the value you need
- Added power gain in seconds for all trainings, skills and fights at top of the page
- Some minor fixes
- Fixed a lot of typos. Thanks for your input!
- Made some adjustments to hopefully prevent some issues when starting the game.
- Renamed 'Money' to 'Divinity' with some better explanation.
- The tooltip above the gods shows now the attack and defense instead of power level.
- The tooltip above Creating shows creation speed in % instead of formula.
- Added info how max clones are calculated on the rebirth page.
- Added info for max clones to the top left tooltip
- Added info for training and skills when it is capped to the tooltip
- Added total upgrades and highest god beaten to statistics.
- Added new Highscore: Monuments for you total monuments created.
- Added info to the tooltip above creations and your title 'Received from [Godname]'.
- Fixed offline-calculations for power gain.
- Fixed some typos.
- Fixed tooltips for powergain / s for training, skills and fights.
- Halved time needed for most creations but shadow clones.
- The 'Create'
- Tab is now on first position and when starting a new game or rebirthing, creating shadow clones is auto started.
- Added more specific descriptions for Physical, Mystic, Battle and Creating.
- Added a description to hyperion how powerful you need be to damage gods.
- Improved autosave. Now a gamesave should not be lost, when the browser crashes.
- Added an option to auto add clones when fighting and they are defeated.